《Turning Larissa (GirlxGirl)》Chapter Twenty Six


"We're back," Alice said to Rob, as we got back into my apartment. "Feel free to bring all the heavy stuff up, out of the car."

Rob smiled, then looked at me, and frowned.

"What's up with you?" He asked bluntly.

"I'll let Alice fill you in, I need a beer."

I walked to the kitchen, and pulled a cold beer out of the fridge, then walked back into the living room.

"What the fuck have you done to your hand?" My best friend asked.

I could understand why he was firing all of these questions at me, to be honest. I went furniture shopping with his girlfriend, and came back crying with a busted hand.

I sat down on the sofa. Alice and Rob joined me, and I told Rob what had happened.

"So he was cheating on her? And she just agreed to marry him?" He asked, and I nodded in response.

"I think I had better call her," Alice said awkwardly.

"Yeah, she's probably gonna want to talk to you anyway. She knew you were with me when I hit him," I replied.

"I'll go check on her," she said, standing up, and kissing Rob quickly. "See you in a bit."

"See you later," I said, as she walked out of the apartment.

Rob stood up, and walked in the kitchen. He returned seconds later with a beer, and joined me on the sofa again.

"That's rough," he sighed.

"Yeah, he's a dick. I hope she's alright."

"I didn't mean for her," he said. "I meant for you. I mean, what she said to you... are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess, at least now I know she doesn't feel the same, I can try to move on."

"Well, drinking beer at two o'clock, and playing call of duty with your best friend is a good way to start moving on," he joked, and turned on the xbox.

I smiled. Somehow, Rob always managed to make everything alright. I was gonna miss living with him.

We played call of duty for a few hours, and I anxiously awaited Alice's return. I wanted to know what was happening with Larissa and Brandon, even if I had just told Rob I wanted to move on.

As Rob and I came face to face on the game, my phone rang, allowing Rob's character to kill mine. I dropped my controller on the sofa, and picked up my phone, without checking the caller ID.


"Hello?" I said, when the phone was against my ear.

"Hey Ivy, it's Jade."

"Jade, hi," I replied. "How are you?"

"I'm alright, thank you. I've been wanting to call you since you gave me your number, but I didn't want to seem desperate," she laughed. "I was just wondering if you weren't doing anything tonight, if you'd like to come watch a movie at my place."

I thought about turning her down for a moment, then I realised how stupid that would be.

"Yeah, that sounds great," I replied. "What time should I be there?"

"Around eight?"

"Perfect," I answered. "Text me your address, and I'll see you at eight."

"See you later," she said happily, before putting the phone down.

I put my phone on the arm of the sofa, and went to pick up the xbox controller, and saw Rob smirking at me.

"Moving on?" He grinned.

"It's definitely a step in the right direction," I laughed.

We got back to the game, while I thought about seeing Jade later. She was a nice girl, and if nothing was going to happen with Larissa, I had nothing to lose by giving it a go with Jade.

"Hey," Alice said, walking through the door.

I immediately paused the game, and turned to face her. Rob looked annoyed about me pausing the game.

"What's happening?" I asked.

Alice sat on the chair opposite where Rob and I were sitting.

"She went home from work, after you left the gym," she said. "I went to her house, and she was crying. She didn't really speak too much, she just wanted to know what we saw. And then he came home, and there was a lot of shouting, so I left. She said she would call me later."

"I'm gonna text her, to make sure she's alright," I said, taking out my phone.

"No, you're not," Rob said, taking my phone. "You need to get ready for your date."


"Ivy, she told you that she didn't feel the same way. If you start texting and calling, it's only gonna drag you back in and make you think there's a chance again. Just go and see how it goes with Jade."

"She's still my friend, Rob, and she's upset. I just want to see if she's okay," I argued.

"Maybe you should call her tomorrow," Alice intervened. "She probably won't want to speak to anybody tonight."


I sighed. Alice seemed to be the voice of reason, and I knew that she was right.

I nodded, and stood up.

"I'll go get ready then."

I went to my bedroom and pulled some clothes from my wardrobe. I was only going to watch a movie with Jade, so I chose skinny jeans and a white top. I went to shower quickly, before drying my hair and getting dressed.

"We're going home now," Alice said, as I entered the living room. "Have a good night."

"Yeah, have sex, Ivy. It'll probably do you some good," Rob laughed. Alice slapped his arm and frowned at him.

"Thanks for the advice," I laughed. "See you later."

I waited for another ten minutes or so, before I left my apartment to go to Jade's. It only took five minutes by car, and I was a little early, but I figured she wouldn't mind.

I knocked on the door to the house, and waited for Jade to answer.

"Hey," she grinned, when she opened the door. She was wearing red checked pyjama trousers, and a grey vest top.

"I wish I had known it was a pyjama party," I laughed, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Are you laughing at my pyjamas?" She asked, blushing.

"Not at all, it's cute," I smiled.

Her cheeks turned a darker shade of red, and I could see that she was nervous. She stepped aside to let me into her house, and led me to the living room.

There were two empty glasses, and a bottle of rosè wine on the coffee table, and she poured us both a glass, before sitting next to me on the sofa.

"So, what do you want to watch?" She asked.

She flicked through Netflix, until she found a movie that she liked, and we started to watch. We slowly got closer on the sofa, and Jade put her hand as close as possible to mine, waiting for me to hold it.

I turned to look at her, and smiled. I didn't care for the cheesy moves that people use in old films, they were too subtle for me. I put my index finger under her chin, and gently pulled her face to look at mine, and put my lips on hers.

She seemed surprised at first, but soon got into the kiss, allowing her tongue to glide against mine. I let one of my hands travel slowly up her thigh, while the other ran through her hair.

She moaned quietly, as I moved my mouth down to her neck, kissing softly. I was startled slightly when Jade suddenly sat up. She placed her knees either side of my legs, and moved my hair out of the way of my neck.

I was usually the one in control, but it felt good to let someone else take the lead. Gentle kisses quickly turned into rough bites, and I was the one moaning now.

I opened my eyes, to make sure that the curtains were closed, before I pulled Jade's vest over her head to reveal her bare breasts. I put my hands behind her back, as I put my mouth to one of her boobs.

She let out a loud groan, as I gently put my teeth to her nipple, while my tongue flicked over it. She pulled at the hem of my shirt, and I allowed her to pull it over my head, before she reached behind my back to unfasten my bra.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" She asked, panting.

"No," I replied, then lay her down on the sofa, and lay on top of her.

I slowly kissed down her stomach, and pulled her pyjama trousers off, as I got closer to her pussy.

"Wait," Jade said, and sat up. "I never- I mean, I want to..."

Although she couldn't get the words out, I knew what she wanted to do, and I was surprised. However, I didn't argue, and I let her push me down to the sofa so that she could take over.

I lay still while Jade's tongue slid down my stomach, and to my pussy. I was turned on, but something didn't feel right. I knew it was because of Larissa, but I refused to admit it. I closed my eyes, and tried to focus on Jade. Her tongue finally reached my clit, causing me to moan slightly.

I felt guilty that the beautiful girl who was pleasuring me wasn't enough. As much as I tried to fight it, I kept imagining that it was Larissa going down on me. Imagining that it was Larissa who was sucking on my clit. I climaxed within minutes, and was left dripping, as I tasted myself on her lips.

I was disappointed when I was pulled back to reality, and realised that it was Jade's lips against mine, and not Larissa's. I tried to hide my disappointment with a fake smile, and found it difficult to look her in the eyes.

Unfortunately, my forced smile wasn't good enough, and Jade gave me an upset look.

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