《Turning Larissa (GirlxGirl)》Chapter Twenty


The next morning, I had to force my eyes open, and they stung when the light hit them. I didn't sleep much, as I was too busy running through all the possible outcomes of leaving Larissa to dwell on her feelings for a while.

I finally pulled myself out of bed, and took a shower. I only had thirty minutes until I needed to open the coffee shop. It was Rob's day off, so I would be working with Tom.

By the time I got the shop, Tom was already serving customers.

"Sorry I'm late, Tom," I said.

"It's alright," he said. "Can you load the dishwasher for me, please? Then I'll make us some breakfast."

I nodded, and went to the kitchen to do what he asked. After a few minutes, Tom joined me, and started to make some food for us.

"Is Rob with Alice today?" He asked.

"Yeah, he stayed there last night," I answered.

"I'm so glad he found a girlfriend. I was starting to wonder if he was gay."

We both laughed, and I made us some drinks. We talked about Rob for a little while, before Tom decided to move the conversation on to me.

"And how's your love life going?"

"It's... complicated," I sighed.

"What's her name?" He asked.


As soon as I said her name, I regretted it. I forgot that Tom knew Larissa before I did. His eyes widened.

"Larissa Aske?"

"I- I didn't... I mean, I-"

"Is she gay?" He asked, frowning.

"Oh fuck," I breathed. "Tom, I shouldn't have said anything."

"But you did," he replied. "Are you two a thing?"

I couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"Umm... not really, no. I just kinda like her."

"You know she's got a boyfriend, right?" He asked, and I nodded. "I've known her dad for a very long time. She's such a lovely girl, I can understand why you like her."

I smiled slightly, not knowing what to say.

"So, why is it complicated? Does she know you like her?"

"Yeah, I told her."

"And does she like you?" He asked. I felt like I was being interrogated.

"I don't know, Tom. She's trying to work out what she wants. But her boyfriend's a dick."


"I know he is. Jack told me all about him, he's wanted her to dump him since they got together. Maybe you could help with that," he laughed.

"Tom, please don't say anything to her dad," I begged.

"I won't say anything, Ivy. But don't hurt her, please."

My eyes met his, and I could see he looked concerned.

"Why would I-"

"You're not the type to settle down... just don't lead her on, okay?" He looked uncomfortable. "I know you've got a certain way with girls. If this is just for fun, find somebody else, please."

I was sad that he had said that. Although, I could see why he would think that I would use her, as my track record wasn't great.

"It's not like that with Larissa. She's different," I told him.

He still looked unsure whether I was being sincere or not, and he just smiled and nodded in response, before getting back to cooking.

I wasn't happy with ending the conversation there, so I started to tell Tom everything. I told him everything up to last night, leaving out any unnecessary intimate details. We served a few customers while we spoke, then sat down at the cash register.

"So what happens when she comes in for her morning coffee today?" He asked. "Are you just gonna ignore her?"

"Shit. I forgot about that," I laughed. "I don't know, I guess I'll just say hi, and make her coffee."

"And stare at her ass when she walks away?" He suggested, raising one eyebrow.


As the time passed, I grew nervous about seeing Larissa. She usually came in for her coffee with Alice, around ten o'clock, which was only ten minutes away. Tom kept looking at me, as I paced around the coffee shop, cleaning the same tables repeatedly.

My heart pounded as I heard Alice's voice.

"Hi Tom, can I get the usual, to go, please?" She asked, and I spun around to see that she was alone.

"Hey, Alice," I smiled politely, while staring past her to see if Larissa would follow.

"She's not here, Ivy," she sighed, and my eyes met hers. "She told me what happened."

She was speaking quietly, I guessed that she didn't want Tom to hear. He was busy making the drinks anyway.


"Is she okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's just trying to sort her head out before Brandon gets here I think."

I nodded, trying to avoid her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm... yeah, I'm okay. I just- I'm worried, I guess. I feel like I messed everything up, and I don't want her to hate me."

"She's never gonna hate you, Ivy," Alice said, putting her hand on my arm. "You were the one who said you would back off for a bit... She just needs some time to work all of this out."

"I know, I will," I smiled.

Alice hugged me goodbye, then took the drinks from Tom, and left the shop.

"I guess she's left Rob in bed, then?" Tom laughed.

"Yeah, probably. He's not the easiest person to get up," I replied.

Tom went back to the kitchen, and I decided it was time for a break. I went out the back of the shop and lit a cigarette.

I felt better once I Alice had spoken to me. It seemed like she was rooting for me. I wondered if Larissa had told her about us before last night.

When I had finished my cigarette, I went back inside to find Rob in the kitchen with his dad.

"Nice of you to grace us with your presence, Robert," I joked.

"I'm not even working today," he laughed.

"When do you ever work?" Tom shot at him, and I laughed.

Rob just frowned, and started to eat a sandwich, which Tom had made for him.

"I'm going climbing this afternoon," Rob said, with a mouthful of food. "You coming?"

"Won't Larissa be there?" Tom asked.

"Yeah... why?" Rob asked, confused.

Tom just raised one eyebrow in response.

"You told him?" Rob asked me, and I nodded. "You know he's friends with her dad, don't you?"

"I'm not gonna say anything to Jack," Tom replied.

"No, Rob, I'm not going climbing today," I laughed. I walked out into the shop as a customer walked in.

"So you're not going to the gym or climbing, until she decides what she's doing?" Rob asked. "That doesn't seem fair."

"It was my idea to stay away," I explained. "She just needs some time."

"How much time, though, Ivy? What if she doesn't make her mind up for months? You're supposed to just not do things you like doing, for months, until she puts you out of your misery?"

Rob sounded annoyed, and I didn't know why. He normally just laughed at me when I got myself into stupid situations.

"I don't know, Rob. I told her I'd give her time, and that's what I'm going to do."

"Whatever," he said, and walked back into the kitchen.

I finished serving my customer as Tom walked out of the kitchen, then I followed after Rob.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"My problem is that you've finally found someone who you want to be with, and you've fucked it up already. You've been with so many girls who want to be in a relationship with you, and you've just used them."

I was shocked by my best friend's sudden outburst, he had never spoke to me that way before. I stood there, frowning for a few seconds, before Rob began to talk again.

"You fucking love her, Ivy. You can't even deny it. I've seen the way you look at her, how you get this stupid grin on your face when she texts you, or any time I mention her name. I've never seen you so fucking happy. Don't throw it away. And don't let her treat you how you've treated every other girl you've ever met."

I tried to think of something to say to him, but I was still trying to process what he was saying. He rolled his eyes at me, then walked out of the kitchen, and left the coffee shop. I heard Tom shout something after him, but I couldn't make out what it was.

I felt tears threatening my eyes, and rushed to get to the bathroom, but Tom stood in my way. When he saw me, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight, while I failed at keeping the tears in.

"He's a dick," Tom whispered. "Go home, Ivy. I'll be okay here today."

I nodded, and grabbed my jacket, before going back to my apartment above the shop.

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