《Turning Larissa (GirlxGirl)》Chapter Sixteen


Electricity shot through my entire body, as my lips touched Larissa's. We moved slowly against each other. I swept my tongue across her bottom lip, and she parted her lips further, allowing my tongue to find hers.

I moved one hand to her cheek, and to the back of her neck, while the other hand, was still tightly gripped in hers.

A knock at the door made us both jump, and put a little distance between us. She looked at me, her mouth open slightly, looking surprised by what had just happened. I hoped she wouldn't regret it.

Another knock made me remember why we had stopped kissing, and Larissa stood up, and went to answer the door.

"Hey," I heard Larissa say to whoever knocked.

I looked at the door to see Rob and Alice walking in with Larissa.

"I thought you'd be here," Rob grinned. "We came to help clean up."

"Yeah, we're watching Harry Potter, so have fun," I said.

Larissa laughed, and sat back down next to me.

"I don't care what my house looks like today. Grab a beer and sit, if you want," she said, taking a sip of her own beer.

"Awesome," Alice said, bring a beer in for herself, and a can of cola for Rob. "He's driving."

"That's good cause I'm gonna have to leave my car here," I said, opening a new beer.

We all sat and watched the movie again. Rob and Alice kept looking at each other and kissing occasionally. I still want paying attention to the TV, I was just wondering what was going through Larissa's mind.

When I looked at her, she blushed and smiled awkwardly at me. I still wasn't sure what she was thinking, but it was still going better than last time I tried to kiss her.

We ordered pizza for lunch, and eventually stopped drinking beer, and started drinking non alcoholic beverages, as we all had to work tomorrow. We made it to the end of the fifth movie, and we needed to go home.

Rob and Alice said good night to Larissa, and went outside to make out by the car, like horny adolescents.

"Thank you for hanging out with me today," Larissa said.


"Any time," I smiled, and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Good night, Larissa."

I walked away, leaving her slightly red in the face. She waved as Rob drive away.

After dropping Alice off at her house, I got into the front seat of Rob's car, and wondered whether he would tell me about his night with Alice first, or ask about my day with Larissa.

"So... you fucked her?" He asked.

"No," I laughed.

"So what, you stayed up all night talking?"

"I didn't sleep there, Rob. I just came back this morning," I said.

"Oh... what was with all the weird sexual tension when we got there then?" He asked, and I grinned. I was glad I wasn't the only one who felt it.

"We kissed about two seconds before you knocked on the door."

"Oh shit," he laughed. "So you would've fucked her if I didn't interrupt?"

"No, I don't think so," I replied. "So anyway... Alice?"

"I think I love her, Ivy."

I burst out laughing at his comment.

"Please tell me you haven't already told her you love her."

"No, I haven't told her," he frowned. "But i really think i do."

"I'm happy for you, Rob. Seriously, it's about time you found a girlfriend," I joked.

He stopped the car outside our apartment, and we upstairs. I unlocked the door, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"I think you're in love, you know," Rob said, popping his head around the kitchen door.

"What?" I asked, frowning.

"I think you love her," he said. "You're completely different around her. You've finally kissed her and you can't stop smiling. And, I saw how you were looking at her today."

"I'm going to bed," I said, not sure how else I could respond.

"Does that mean I'm right?" He shouted after me, as I walked to my bedroom.

"No, it means I'm tired."


The next morning, I woke up before my alarm went off. Rob and I had to open up the coffee shop today, as Tom started work at noon. I showered and got dressed, then sat on the sofa, playing on my phone. I flicked through Facebook, and found Larissa's profile. After sending a friend request, I looked through her photos.


She was perfect. Literally perfect. I quickly skipped through any photos that Brandon featured in, I didn't want to see him.

I was surprised when my phone buzzed to say that Larissa had accepted my friend request. It wasn't even six o'clock, she didn't start work until eleven. I thought about calling her, but decided to do it later, when I heard Rob moving about. I hoped she would come into the shop for coffee before work.

"Morning," Rob said cheerfully, as he came into the living room.

"Hey, I'm gonna go for a cigarette before we go down," I said. He nodded, and walked into the kitchen.

I went outside and lit a cigarette, staring at the sky. It wasn't quite light yet, the sky was a purple colour, and it looked beautiful. The cold air blew across my bare arms, giving me goosebumps. I should have put a jacket on. I hadn't smoked for a while, and the cigarette didn't taste good, so I finished it quickly, and went back into the apartment.

"You ready?" Rob asked, putting his coat on.

"Yep," I said, grabbing a hoodie from the hooks by the door.

We went down to the coffee shop, and Rob unlocked the door. We took the chairs down from the tables, and make sure everywhere was clean, before going to the kitchen to make some sandwiches.

At seven o'clock, I unlocked the door, and flipped the sign to say 'OPEN'. We never had any customers this early, so I made Rob and I some coffee and toast, and we relaxed for a while.

"You spoke to Larissa?" He asked.

I shook my head, and continued to eat my toast.

"What's the deal with her boyfriend?"

"He's a dick," I said. "He was at her house when I got there yesterday, and he caused some argument about her having a party, then left. He said he'd be back next week."

"So why is she with him?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and stood up, as the door opened. We served a customer some coffee, then went back to our table.

The morning went really slowly at work. Usually Rob would keep me entertained, but he was texting Alice all morning, so I got minimal conversation from him. It was almost ten o'clock, meaning that Larissa and Alice would be coming for their coffee before work soon.

Surprisingly, Alice came alone today. She went straight over to Rob and kissed him, then came to me.

"Hey, Ivy. The usual please," she smiled politely.

"No problem," I smiled back, and went to make her hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. "Where's Larissa today?"

She smiled at my question, and I wondered whether Larissa had told her that we kissed.

"She woke up late, so she's meeting me at work today," she answered. "Rob said he's coming climbing after work. Will you be going too?"

"Umm... yeah, I guess so."

I passed Alice her drink, and took her money.

"Cool. I'll see you later then," she smiled, then went to kiss Rob, before she left.

I sat on a stool behind the counter and sighed. I knew Larissa didn't wake up late, as she accepted my friend request before six o'clock, which meant she was probably avoiding me.

I decided not to dwell on it. I would go to the climbing wall with Rob later, and hopefully have a chance to talk to her. I had no idea what to say though, I didn't want her to be mad at me. She couldn't really be mad though, she was the one who leaned into the kiss first, I made sure of that.

Tom arrived at the coffee shop before twelve o'clock, meaning that Rob and I could leave. We went upstairs to the apartment, and we both got changed into our gym clothes. We ate sandwiches for lunch, then went downstairs and got into my car. It was my turn to drive to the gym.

When we got there, we went into the climbing wall, and found Alice on the desk, but Larissa was nowhere to be found. I decided to get on with climbing, I would find Larissa later.

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