《Turning Larissa (GirlxGirl)》Chapter Fourteen


"Please don't throw up on me," I said, as I walked Larissa to the bathroom.

She sat on the floor next to the toilet, laughing like a psychopath.

"And I thought you had a drinking problem," she giggled.

"Did you really think that?" I frowned.

"You drink a lot."

"I don't really think you can comment on that now," I laughed.

I was sat against the door in the bathroom,

"I don't think I need to throw up, I just want to sleep," she moaned.

"So sleep," I said.

"I can't, there's loads of drunk people in my house. Why did I have this stupid party?"

"Come on, I'll help you upstairs, and then I'll kick everyone out," I offered.

She nodded, and I stood up to help her to her feet. I pretty much carried her upstairs, as her legs seemed to have a mind of their own. I carefully lowered her down on to her bed, and lifted her legs on.

"You're so nice, Ivy," she said, pulling me into a hug. "I should have let you kiss me the other day."

I froze, and looked at her. I got butterflies in my stomach, and my face felt hot. I watched as her eyes looked at my lips for a second, and my breathing got heavy.

"Larissa... you should go to sleep."

"Kiss me, Ivy," she whispered, and my heart stopped.

Her lips looked so inviting, and her green eyes were locked with mine. This was the moment I had hoped for since I met her, but I couldn't do it. She was really drunk, and she would regret it by the time she was sober. Or worse, she may not remember.

"Go to sleep, beautiful," I said softly, and ran my fingers through her hair.

She pouted at me, which made me laugh. I pulled a blanket over her.

"I'm gonna get rid of all these drunk people now. I'll call you in the morning, okay?"

"Fine," she huffed, and rolled onto her side. She put on a black eye mask from her bedside table. "Good night, Ivy."

"Good night, Larissa."

I quickly left her room, closing the door behind me, and went down the stairs. I told everybody the party was over, earning a few scowls and moans. One of the guys who was at the party offered his house as the next venue, so everybody left quite quickly.


"Is she okay?" Alice asked, when everybody left.

"Yeah, I put her into bed, I'm pretty sure she's already asleep. You guys should go, I'm gonna tidy up a little so she doesn't need to do so much in the morning," I replied.

"That's really nice of you," she replied.

"You gonna be okay getting home?" Rob asked.

"I'll be fine, Rob. You two have a good night."

Rob and Alice both hugged me before they left. I smiled at how cute they were together, and realised I hadn't ever seen Rob so happy before.

I went around the living room with a rubbish bag, picking up all the empty cups, and anything else I could find. Then I went to the kitchen, and cleared off the worktops, and mopped the floor, which was all sticky from the spilled drinks. I threw away all the left over food, and cleared the table, and it already looked a lot better.

I poured a glass of water, and found some paracetamol, and took it upstairs. I snuck into Larissa's room, and saw that she was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful, and so damn beautiful. I placed the water and paracetamol on her bedside cabinet so she would see it when she woke up. I bent down, kissed her softly on the cheek, then left her room.

I found her keys, and locked up the house after I left, then posted them through the letterbox. I hoped that she wouldn't feel too bad in the morning, but she was really drunk, so it wasn't looking good for her. I would be back in the morning to help her clean up some more.

I decided to walk home to get some fresh air, but it was cold, so I walked fast. I was home after about ten minutes, and went straight to bed. As I lay on top of the covers in my pyjamas, my mind shot back to when Larissa asked me to kiss her.

I wasn't sure if she only asked because she was drunk, or if it was something more. I could have sworn that she was acting a little jealous when she saw me kissing Jade, and when she mentioned it after. However, that could also have been because I was drunk. She clearly was having some issues with her boyfriend at the moment, but I guessed all that would change when Brandon finally graced us with his presence.


I decided not to dwell on it any longer, and to get some sleep. Maybe Larissa would remember what she said in the morning, and clear things up for me. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep within a few minutes.

I woke up around ten, the next day. As soon as I opened my eyes, I called Larissa.

"Hello?" She answered the phone, and I could already tell she was hungover.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I asked.

"Like I repeatedly ran into a wall headfirst."

"Better than I expected," I laughed. "I cleaned up a little before I left, but I'm gonna head over to you soon, and help out again."

"You don't need to d-"

"See you soon," I interrupted.

"Thanks, Ivy. See you soon."

I showered quickly, and put on some skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I dried my hair, then out on some makeup, and went to make some coffee.

I felt surprisingly good considering I was drinking last night. My hangovers were usually horrendous. But, in all fairness, I hadn't drank too much as I was busy looking after Larissa.

I was anxious to find out whether she would remember asking me to kiss her, but I wasn't planning on bringing it up. She might think I was lying, if I were to tell her, and that could make out friendship a lot more uncomfortable, or it could ruin it.

I stood outside my apartment door with a cup of coffee and a cigarette, when a taxi pulled up outside. Rob stepped out of the taxi, and grinned excitedly when he saw me.

"Good night, Roberto?" I asked, as he sprinted up the stairs to me.

"The best night ever," he grinned.

"If you say no this time, I'm gonna push you down the steps. Did-"

"We had sex," he laughed, knowing what I was going to say.

"It's about time," I teased. "And..?"

"She's amazing. It was amazing."

I smiled at his response.

"You're cute together," I said.

"So, how was your night?" He asked.

"Fucking confusing," I responded. Rob waited for me to continue. "She asked me to kiss her."

"You kissed Larissa?"

"No, she asked me to, but I didn't. She was really drunk."

"Why does that matter?" He questioned, with a confused look on his face.

"I don't know," I said honestly.

"So does she like you now?"

"No, I don't know. I don't think she does. But she saw me with another girl, before that, and she was acting kinda jealous," I told him, remembering last night.

"You spoke to her this morning?"

"On the phone, but I'm going round there now," I said, looking at my phone at the time. "I better go. See you later."

"Later," he replied, then walked into the apartment.

I went down the steps and got into my car, then drove to Larissa's house.

I knocked on the door, and waited to see Larissa. After a few seconds I knocked again, and took out my phone to call her. I guessed she had fallen asleep. The call went to voicemail, as a figure appeared in the window of the door.

It was much too tall to be Larissa, and I was confused. The figure walked away from the door for a second, then reappeared with the keys and unlocked the door.

Standing there in the doorway, was a man who must have been at least six foot tall. He was quite skinny, which made him look even taller, and he was wearing a slim fit, navy blue suit. His face was clean shaven, and his dark brown hair was slicked back with enough gel for several people. He frowned at me, as I stood there in silence, looking confused.

"Can I help you?"

"Umm... I'm Ivy, I came to see Larissa," I mumbled.

"Oh, okay. Come in," he said, stepping aside. "I'm Brandon, by the way."

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