《Turning Larissa (GirlxGirl)》Chapter Thirteen


Our shift at the coffee shop was boring, as there weren't many customers. Rob and I were just messing around for most of the day, and talking about the party.

"I don't know what to wear," I told him. "Do I dress casual, or like a slut?"

"Well I'm dressing like a slut," he grinned, making me laugh.

"That's helpful," I said, looking at the time. It was almost four o'clock, so Tom would be at the shop soon, giving us time to get ready.

I started to clean up, around the three customers we had, when Tom walked in.

"Go on, get lost," he said to us. We both thanked him, and said goodbye, then ran up to the apartment.

I took a shower, then stood in my room for half an hour in my underwear, trying to figure out what to wear.

I didn't bother putting a new bandage on my arm, after my shower, as the cut had almost completely healed. It was so nice being able to see my actual arm again, as stupid as it sounds.

I tried on a few dresses in the mirror, before I settled on just a simple black dress. It was tight, but not too tight, and it wasn't as short as most of my dresses. Plus, it made my ass look great, and made my small boobs look a little bigger.

I wasn't a fan of heels, and didn't own many pairs. The ones I did have, weren't very high, so I would actually be able to walk in them. I slipped on my black heels, and started to curl my hair. I finished my hair after ten minutes, then quickly applied some make up.

"So, is this you trying to find a new girl, or make Larissa realise she's gay?" Rob asked, when I walked out into the living room.

"Neither," I answered. "Or both. I don't know."

"Well, I'm sure you'll manage at least one of tonight's objectives, looking like that," Rob complimented.

"You look rather dapper yourself, Roberto."

He was wearing dark blue jeans, and a white long sleeved shirt. He was grinning happily at my compliment. I could see that he was excited for the party, I knew it was because he would see Alice again.

We decided to take a taxi to Larissa's house, as neither of us wanted to be the designated driver, so I called for one. The taxi arrived after just a few minutes, and we left for the party.


I could see that Alice's university friends had come out in force, as there were a lot of unfamiliar people in the house. I saw them dancing, through the window, before we let ourselves into the house. There was no point in knocking, because the music was too loud for anyone to hear us.

"Hey!" An excited voice shouted over the music when we walked in.

Alice looked amazing, she wore a tight purple dress, and high heels, which made me feel shorter than usual. She still needed to get on her tip toes to kiss Rob, though. I said a quick hello to her, before leaving them alone, and going to the kitchen.

Rob had brought some wine, and I brought vodka, so I set them down on the dining table, next to the other alcohol.

"Ivy!" Larissa shouted, as she walked into the kitchen. I could see she was already wasted.

"Wow, you started early," I laughed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect," she replied, hugging me.

"I know," I said, and then instantly prayed that she didn't hear me. She just giggled, and then started to pour me a drink.

"I have no idea who all these people are," she said, in the loudest whispering voice I had ever heard. "But they're great. Most of them brought alcohol."

"Did you drink it all?"

Larissa giggled for way too long, and I couldn't help but laugh. She was cute when she was drunk.

"I need to pee," she informed me, then walked away, without another word.

I went to find someone to talk to, but I didn't know anyone, so I sat on the sofa, and played on my phone.

"Hey," a hot red haired girl said, sitting next to me. "I'm Jade."

"Ivy," I said, putting my phone in my pocket, and turning to face her.

"My brother thinks you're cute," she said, pointing to the other side of the room. There was a tall red haired boy smiling at me nervously. I gave him an awkward smile, before I looked back at Jade.

"Could you tell him that I think his sister is cute?"

Her cheeks reddened at my comment, and she opened her mouth but the words seemed to struggle finding a way out.

"I- I have a boyfriend," she finally said.


"Is he here?"

"No," she replied, frowning. She seemed confused by my question.

"Then, he's not really relevant, is he?"

I watched as her mouth opened again, still without words. I made eye contact with her, and flashed my best smile.

Two minutes later, I had her pressed against the wall in the hallway. My tongue slid against hers slowly, and my hands travelled from the back of her neck, down her sides, and to her ass.

I bit her lower lip gently, before I started to kiss her neck. She moaned, and tilted her head sideways, giving me easier access.

My eyes flickered open, as I heard the bathroom door open, and I made eye contact with Larissa, while I continued to kiss Jade's neck. Larissa looked away awkwardly, and rushed past us to get back to the kitchen. I couldn't work out whether I sensed a hint of jealousy, or whether my mind was overreacting.

It was completely coincidental that I was making out with some random girl, next to the bathroom that Larissa just went into. Completely coincidental.

"Jade, Daniel's on his way."

I stepped away from Jade, to see her brother standing in the doorway. He looked annoyed that his sister was making out with me. I looked at him apologetically. She nodded at him, and he left us alone again.

I pushed Jade back against the wall, and started to move my hands along her thighs.

"I need to go," she whispered, then continued to moan while I touched her. "Daniel is my boyfriend, he's coming to the party."

I stepped away from her, and smiled.

"You should probably go wipe your neck, then," I suggested, pointing at the lipstick I had left on her skin.

"Can I give you my number?"

"There's no point, sweetheart," I answered. "I won't call. Have a good night."

She nodded, and walked into the bathroom to remove any evidence of out make out session. I went to try and find Larissa or Rob.

"That was fast," Rob said, as I sat with him. Alice was talking with a few of her friends. She kept looking back at Rob occasionally, and smiling like an idiot.

"Her boyfriend is on the way," I said, and Rob laughed.

"You seen Larissa yet?" He asked.


"Alice has asked me to go home with her tonight," he said quietly.

I raised my eyebrows, and grinned. He grinned too, then tried to hide it.

"Okay dude, I know you're not a virgin, but it's been a while. Are you prepared?" I asked.

"What do you mean, prepared?"

"Like, mentally and emotionally..." I said. Rob just looked at me, confused. "I mean do you have a condom, you idiot?"

"Oh," he laughed. "Yeah, I do."

I wished him luck, then went to get another drink from the kitchen.

"Hey," Larissa said dryly, as I got to the kitchen. She was sitting alone at the dining table, with a drink in her hand.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. I sat next to her and looked into her eyes.

"Everything is fine," she said, smiling.

"So why are you sitting in here all alone?"

"I'm sad," she replied. "Brandon should have been coming back today. The only reason I had this stupid party is to distract me from the fact that my boyfriend is a piece of shit. I didn't even wanna come to my own party."

"And is hiding in here making you feel better?"


"Then, come dance with me," I suggested and she smiled.

"But what about that girl you were with earlier?" She asked, and I realised that she might have actually been a little jealous. "Shouldn't you be dancing with her?"

"I don't want to dance with her," I replied. I took Larissa's hand, and pulled her out of her chair.

"Wait," she said, pulling me back. "Shots first."

She lined up four shot glasses on the table, and we each drank two vodka shots, before going to the living room.

There were a lot of people dancing, and Larissa and I joined in. I realised after a few minutes, that it was a bad idea, as Larissa could barely stand up straight.

"I don't feel good, Ivy," she admitted, putting her arms around my neck for support.

"Come on," I said, putting an arm around her waist and guiding her out of the living room.

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