《Turning Larissa (GirlxGirl)》Chapter Six


"So are you gonna tell me why you're working in the gym, and not at a hospital or something?" I asked Larissa, as she sipped on her vodka and orange juice.

"I like the gym, it's really laid back. When I worked at the hospital I was constantly stressed out, and I was always working. It put so much strain on my life, and it seriously impacted my mental health," she told me. "And, I didn't get to see people fall from the top of a climbing wall at the hospital."

"Do you think maybe, you could go five minutes without bringing that up?" I pouted. Larissa laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

I took a drink of my wine, and tried to think of a way to move the conversation along.

"So, do you live far from here?" I asked.

"I live about five minutes from here by foot. What about you?"

"I live above the coffee shop," I smiled, and she raised her eyebrows.


"Yeah, Tom gave me a job, and let me rent out the apartment, after I had some issues at home." I told her, not wanting to go into more detail.

"Tom's amazing," she said. "He's helped me out a lot too. He's been friends with my dad since I was little, and he helped me find a place, and my job, when I moved back here two weeks ago."

I smiled at her comment. Tom really was amazing, I dread to think where I might have been without him.

"And the guy you were with at the gym, that's Tom's son, right?"

"Yeah, that's Rob. He's my best friend, unfortunately," I joked. Larissa smirked, and stirred her drink with a straw, before taking another drink.

"I thought you two were together," she said, and I nearly spat out my wine. "And then I saw him drooling over Alice while you were there."

"He's really not my type," I laughed. "And he's been drooling over her for ages. I finally convinced him to ask her out."

"I know, she wouldn't shut up about it, after you guys left yesterday."

I laughed, and realised I was right. Alice really did like Rob. I was an awesome match maker.


"So, what do you do when you're not working at the gym?" I asked.

"Not a great deal, to be honest. I work most days, and my days off are currently spent renovating my house. My boyfriend will be transferring here soon with his company, so I'm just trying to make sure everything is ready for when he arrives."

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I guess it wasn't a date.

"What does your boyfriend do?" I asked, trying to sound like I didn't want to bang my head against the table until I passed out.

"He's a marketing director for car sales. They recently opened a dealership here, and when I decided I wanted to move back here, he requested a transfer."

"That's cool," I lied. "So how's your house coming along?"

"It's alright. There's just a lot of work to be done. I'm painting at the minute, if you feel like helping me out," she said hopefully, and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'd love to," I replied. I couldn't understand why I said that, I mentally blamed the wine. The idea of banging my head against the table was starting to sound even more appealing.

"So, how long have you and your boyfriend been together?" I asked. I was trying to work out how serious they were, and how likely it was for her to be single in the near future.

"Almost four years," she smiled. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"No, not right now," I replied.

"How is that possible?"

"Umm, I don't know. I'm just not really looking for anything at the minute," I said.

"Well, when Mr Right shows up, he's gonna be one lucky guy."

"Mrs Right would probably be more accurate," I corrected her.

Her eyes widened, and she looked unsure what to say. I gave her an awkward smile, and hoped she didn't work out that I thought this was a date.

"So, are you a lesbian, or bi?" She asked after a few seconds.

"I'm a lesbian," I replied.

"Cool," she said. "I wouldn't have guessed, you know."

"Most people don't. I don't look too lesbianish, according to Rob," I chuckled.


"So how did you meet Rob?"

I was glad she changed the subject, I didn't feel like talking about my sexuality any longer. I told her about how Rob and I went to school together. We exchanged a few stories about our high school experiences, while we drank more.

By eleven o'clock, I was wasted. I decided to call it a night, and suggested that we both go home, so we could paint her house in the morning. Larissa agreed, and I walked her home.

"Thank you for this, Ivy," she said as we reached her house. "It's nice to finally have a friend here."

I rolled my eyes, accepting the fact that I had just officially been friendzoned by the impossibly beautiful Larissa.

"You're welcome," I slurred my words slightly, and she laughed at me. "I told you it was a bad idea to start with jaeger bombs."

"Are you gonna be okay getting home?" She asked, seeming genuinely concerned. "You can crash here if you want."

"I'll be fine," I promised. "But thank you."

"Okay. See you tomorrow for painting then?"

"I'll be here when I'm sober," I laughed.

Larissa put her arms behind my neck, and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, and I was terrified that she would feel how fast my heart was beating. She was so warm, and her skin was so soft. Her hair smelled of strawberries, and I had to stop myself from doing anything stupid.

I wanted to nuzzle my face into her neck, and breathe in the sweet scent of her shampoo. I wanted to trail my hands up to her face, and pull her into a soft, sensual kiss. I wanted to feel those plump, pink lips against my own.

After a few seconds, Larissa pulled away from me, and I gave her a small smile, before turning around, to walk home.

"Text me when you're home, okay?" She asked, and I smiled at her sweet request.

"I will. Good night Larissa."

"Good night Ivy," she called after me.

I didn't look back, but the sound of the door shutting told me that she was safe inside. I lit a cigarette, and walked quickly back to the coffee shop while smoking.

I finished a second cigarette as I reached my apartment. I carefully climbed the steps, holding on to the handrail, and unlocked the door. After kicking my heels across the floor, I dropped my bag and wandered over to the sofa.

"You're back early."

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Rob appeared from the kitchen, holding a bottle of beer.

"I should never have given you a key," I told him, and sat on the sofa, putting my feet up on the coffee table.

He laughed, and went back into the kitchen to bring me a beer. He handed me the bottle and sat next to me.


"She has a boyfriend," I said, knowing what he wanted to talk about.

"Oh. Well that sucks."

I raised an eyebrow at him, and drank my beer.

"It does. And what sucks even more, is that we are now friends. And I'm going to help her paint her house tomorrow."

"Why would you do that?" Rob asked, laughing at me.

"I have no idea. I just can't say no to her. I don't know what to do, I've never been friendzoned before," I laughed.

"But you've turned straight girls before. Just turn Larissa," he suggested.

"I never turned anybody. When I've been with straight girls before, its because they're not really straight. I just helped them realise that," I said. "Besides, her sexuality is irrelevant. She has a boyfriend."

"Yeah, that's also something that's never stopped you before." He argued.

"But it's different with her, Rob."

He looked at me, and grinned.

"Oh my God," he laughed. "You really like her."

"Shut up," I frowned.

"Wow, I never thought I would get to witness this. You actually like her. I'm so proud of you!" He said sarcastically.

"I'm going to bed."

I stood up, ignoring Rob's childish jokes, and went to my room. I could still hear Rob laughing, as I got undressed, and got into bed. It was weird for me to admit, but he was right. I really did like Larissa. And as much as I knew nothing would happen between us, I was looking forward to seeing her more.

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