《Turning Larissa (GirlxGirl)》Chapter Two


I let myself into my apartment, and found that Rob was already sitting on my sofa with a glass of wine, watching The Big Bang Theory. I took the glass he had poured for me, from the coffee table, and sat next to him.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" He asked.

"Probably," I said, taking a sip of wine. "I've got time."

"So who are you meeting tonight? Someone new, or is this a rerun?"

"Someone new, her name's Becky."

"She hot?" He asked, and I laughed.

"They're always hot, Rob."

"How hot?"

I unlocked my phone, and found Becky's profile on Facebook. I showed him her profile picture, and his jaw dropped. In the picture, she was wearing a tight top that accented her boobs. Her long, curly hair was dyed a silver/grey colour, and her make up looked like it was done by a professional.

"She's not gay!" He said. "There's no way she's gay."

I just laughed at his reaction, and stood up to go and take a shower.

"Seriously Ivy, I've never seen you with anybody who looks remotely lesbianish."

"Lesbianish isn't a word," I joked, as I locked myself in the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I was in the shower for about fifteen minutes, I needed to be quick. When I walked back to the living room, with a towel wrapped around me, Rob was still talking as if I hadn't left.

"You know what I mean though. They're all girly. And you're quite girly. Doesn't one of you need to be butch?" He asked, and seemed genuinely confused by my laughter.

"You're an idiot," I said, turning on the hairdryer to drown out his moronic questions. He gave up, and started to watch the TV again.

After I dried my hair, I went to find something to wear. I decided on coated black skinny jeans, and a white blouse. It was too cold out for a dress. I stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom to straighten my long, blonde hair. It was naturally straight, but I was in the habit of straightening it when I was going out somewhere nice.


I applied a small amount of foundation to my face, and penciled a thin line of black eye liner. I finished it off with some mascara, and lipstick which was only a slight bit darker than my actual lips. That was about as far as I ever went with my make up, I wouldn't know how to do any more than that.

I checked the time, and saw that I still had thirty minutes before I would need to leave. I was meeting Becky at a bar that was a few miles away. We would just have a few drinks. And sex. We would probably have sex.

I'd never had, or wanted, a real girlfriend, I just had regular one night stands. I never cared what people thought of me. It was nobody else's business what I did, and I never misled any of the girls I slept with. I made it clear to all of them, on the first date, that I was only after a bit of fun. A couple of them had tried to change my mind after we spent a couple of nights together, but that just told me it was time to end it.

"What're you doing tonight then, Roberto?" I asked, sitting next to him again, and finishing my glass of wine.

"Absolutely nothing," he said, "because my best friend is an asshole and won't get drunk with me."

"You really need a girlfriend," I joked.

"I know. But we don't all have beautiful, non lesbianish girls lining up to date us."

"On that note, I need to go. Feel free to finish the wine, and belt out some Celine Dion songs before you leave," I said, before standing up and putting on my coat.

"Have a good night," he yelled as I walked out of the door.

I walked down the stairs that took me to the back entrance of the coffee shop, and got in my car which was parked across the road. It was an old Volkswagen Polo, and it was a piece of shit. But it was all I could afford, and it was my pride and joy.

I had only drank one glass of wine, and I wasn't planning on drinking any more on the date. If I changed my mind, I would just leave my car at the bar, and make Rob take me to pick it up.


The drive to the bar only took ten minutes, as there was no traffic. I parked my car up, checked my appearance in the rearview mirror, then headed to the bar.

I got there five minutes early so that I would have time for a cigarette. After smoking, I walked in and saw Becky sat at a table near the door. She looked nervous. I smiled at her, when she saw me, and went over to her. She stood up as I reached her.

"Hey," I said, and kissed her on the cheek. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," she replied shyly. "So do you."

She was wearing a tight black dress that cut off in the middle of her thighs. I assumed she was wearing a push-up bra, because her boobs were a lot bigger than they looked on her pictures. We had been talking for a couple of weeks after she sent me a random friend request on Facebook, but this was the first time we had met.

"What are you drinking?" I asked.

"I'll have a red wine, please," she replied, and I excused myself to go to the bar.

I turned around, and my eyes darted to a girl sitting at the bar. I could only see the back of her, but the girls auburn hair was tied back in a tight ponytail, and my mind wandered back to when I saw Larissa at the coffee shop earlier.

I ordered two red wines, and tried to position myself to see the girls face. When she finally turned around, I realised that it wasn't the same girl, and I was disappointed. I couldn't get Larissa's smile out of my head.

The barman gave me the drinks, and took my money, and I returned to Becky.

"Thank you," she said, taking the drink from me.

I sat opposite her, and sipped my wine. We made small talk for a while, and the conversation seemed to flow easily. I couldn't help but think she was a little boring, but that didn't matter as I probably wouldn't see her again.

After an hour had passed, I realised I would need to pick my car up tomorrow, as I was on my third glass. Becky had moved to the seat next to me. She had put her hand on my knee, but was slowly moving it up my thigh.

Finally, she gave me the look. You know the look I'm talking about, the one that says 'let's fuck'. Her blue eyes stared deeply into mine, and she was waiting for me to kiss her.

But I couldn't.

My thoughts were dragged back to the auburn haired girl in the coffee shop. Her emerald green eyes were etched into my brain.

And there I sat, with boring, blue eyed Becky, thinking about Larissa, who I didn't even know.

"Becky, I'm sorry, but I need to go."

"What? Why?" She asked. She looked confused, or angry. I wasn't sure, but I didn't really care.

"I've gotta be somewhere, and I forgot. I'll call you, okay?" I asked, standing up and putting on my coat.

"Are you joking?" She shouted, as I ran out of the door.

I went around the corner to where my car was parked, and lit a cigarette. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Rob.

"Still wanna get drunk?" I asked, as he answered.

"What happened to your date?"

"Long story, come pick me up," I demanded, "I'll send you my location."

"Okay," he said, and hung up the phone.

I opened Facebook messenger, and sent a location to Rob, then locked my phone, and leaned against my car.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I asked myself drunkenly.

I took another drag of my cigarette, and ran my free hand through my hair.

Becky might have been a little boring, but she was perfectly nice, and she was gorgeous. I felt annoyed with myself for walking out, especially without a half decent reason.

I didn't know Larissa, I had barely even spoken to her, but I couldn't get her out of my head.

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