《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》Sick Part 2


Jennie's P.o.v~

"She has a lung infection but I promise you she will be okay. I will make sure to take good care of your daughter." Dr. Yoon explains to us.

"Y/n need to stay in the hospital and we will do some check-ups again later. All I can say is she will get better." He adds.

"Okay, Dr. Thank you so much." Y/n's father said.

"No problem. If you need anything, you can press the button, okay?" We nod at him before he leaves.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter. She never gets sick like this. We are worried when you call us and tell us that she was brought to the hospital." Y/n's mother said.

"I've taken her to the clinic but the Dr. says that she was okay but later at night, she's getting worst and crying because her chest is hurt so much," I explained.

"Thank you again. You love your girlfriend so much. I appreciate it. Thank you for taking care of my daughter when she's sick like this." She hugs me.

"Uncle and auntie. I have to tell you something. It's about me and Y/n. Let's go outside and I'll tell you everything." I said and we go out of the room. I am so scared to tell them the truth. I don't want them to hate me and stop me from seeing Y/n anymore. I love Y/n so much.

When we are already outside the room, I tell them what happened between Y/n and me. I tell them that I cheated and Y/n broke up with me. At first, they were so angry and blame me but then, they decided to forgive me and let me fix my problem with Y/n. They don't want to punish me because this is about me and Y/n. They are just her parents and all of the decisions are hers. I'm glad because they forgive me and give me a last chance to fix my relationship with Y/n. I know they were disappointed with me. They know I make a stupid mistake and I regret it. I hope Y/n can forgive me too.


"We need to go. We will come back later to bring her stuff and clothes. Call us if you need anything, okay?" I nod at them and say goodbye before walking inside the door.

"Baby, wake up for me. You are scaring me, baby. I hate to see you like this. It is supposed to be me who is laying here and not you. Please, wake up." I cried while holding her hand.

"Hey, your chest still hurt?" I asked Y/n when I saw her wake up. She just nodded her head.

"Do you want to drink some water?" I sit beside her. Again she just nod her head. I help her drink some water and wipe her mouth when she did.

"You look so pale, baby. It must be so hurt, right? I wish I can take away your pain." I said.

"I will be here until you get better and discharge from this hospital. I will always be here beside you." I kiss her burning forehead. She is shaking and I know she was so cold.

"Do you want me to lay down beside you and hug you? You are shaking and maybe I can help warm your body a little bit." She nod and I quickly lay beside her and put my arm under her head before hugging her tightly. Suddenly, she starts crying.

"Hey, baby. Why are you crying? Did I hurt you? Should I get up?" I asked her while wiping her tears.

"I don't feel comfortable in here." Y/n weakly whispered while pointing at her chest.

"I know baby, I know. You will get better soon. I promise you, baby." I feel my tears rolling on my cheeks. It hurts me seeing her like this.


Knock knock

Someone knocks on the door before opening it. My blood boiled when I see her. Yes, her. Sohee, Y/n's crazy ex. I hug Y/n tightly when she comes near us.

"Hey, how are you? I come here after Ryujin tell me you are here." She asked.

"N-Not, good," Y/n answers her.

"Shh, just sleep, okay? You need to rest." Sohee said while caressing Y/n's arm.

"Do you want to eat anything? I can go and buy you something." She asked Y/n and this time I interrupt their so call 'chatting'.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but don't you see I'm here? Do you think I'll just starve her here?" I glare at her.

"Jennie," Y/n warned me.

"I'm sorry. That's not what I mean. I just thought maybe she want something else other than what you give her." This woman said while rolling her eyes at me and giving me an attitude.

"Can you just go home? She has me here to take care of her. You can visit her tomorrow. Now is already night." I said but she decided to ignore me and just kiss Y/n's forehead.

"I'll come back tomorrow, okay? I will take care of you and come with Ryujin." She said.

"I'll be here tomorrow too so, you don't have to take care of her. I'll be the one who did it." I said.

"Well, I say-" Before she can say anything, Y/n stop her.

"Sohee, it's okay. Just go home and you can come tomorrow." Y/n said.

"Okay, I will listen to you. See you tomorrow, okay. I love you." She wanted to kiss Y/n again but I put my hand when her lips almost touch Y/n's cheek.

"Haish, see you tomorrow, Y/n. Take care, okay." She walks out of the room while glaring at me.

"Can you stop acting like you are my girlfriend? I'm tired. I want to sleep and please leave me alone. I don't need you." Y/n said and try to move away from me but I wrap my arms around her to stop her.

"I'll wait here and I will take care of you. I promise, remember?"



To be continued

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