《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"Well, Well, Well"


Y/n's P.o.v~

"Y/n, thank you for helping me. I will visit you and Ryujin when I have a day off." Sohee hug me when we are done unpacking her stuff in her new house.

"No, problem. Call me or Ryujin if you need something or someone to talk to, okay?" She nods her head.

"Btw, Y/n. I know you have a problem and I think it's about your girlfriend, right? I feel guilty for what I have caused. I wish you can fix your problem with her and if you want me to meet her, I will do it." She said.

"Yes, we are not in a good term. She felt insecure and she say that she didn't trust me because I live with you. She keeps thinking about what we might do behind her back. It's my fault actually because I didn't call her back and didn't reply to her text." I explained.

"But, I don't want you to think about this. Just take care of yourself and I'll try my best to fix our problem." I add.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. All of this happens because of me. I'm selfish and I didn't think about others. I'm so sorry." She lowers her head.

"Sohee, stop. I forgive you and I understand your situation. You are not in the right mind so, I understand. I hope after this you can find someone who truly loves you." I hug her.

"I hope so. Thank you for everything you did for me. I will never forget it. I'll visit you and Ryujin later. Take care, okay?" I nod my head.

"Are you sure, oppa? Just flower and cake?" I asked my brother how to make Jennie forgive me.

"Yup, I'm sure. She will forgive you because she loves you. Just admit your mistake and tell her that she can trust you." He said.


"Okay, oppa. Thank you for listening and your suggestions. I'll call you later, okay? Bye, love you." I thanked him.

"Okay, Y/nn. Love you too." I end the call.

"Let's go buy flowers first and then buy her favorite cake," I said and drive.

I went to a florist and bakery shop to buy flowers and cake for Jennie. I also buy some other things because I want to stay at her house. Before I drive to her house, I text her and tell her that I will come to her house. I don't know but, I'm so nervous to meet her. After the last time, I came to her house, she was so angry and disappointed with me. I hope she can forgive me and listen to my explanation.

"Calm down and take a deep breath, Y/n. You can do this. She's your girlfriend and you need to make sure she can trust you." I tell myself before walking to her front door.

I'm ready to knock on the door but stop myself when I saw the door are not tightly close. I start to panic because I remember Jennie has a panic attack. What if it happens again? Without wasting any time, I open the door and step inside.

"Jen, baby-" I stop myself when I saw something I regret.

"What the fuxk, Lisa!" I grab her collar before punching her in the face.

"What the hell are you guys doing behind my back?! Jennie?!" I yell at them.

If you wondering what I saw, well, Lisa was on top of Jennie and both of them are making out on the sofa.

"Y-Y/n, I'm sorry-" I slap her hand away when she tries to hold my hand.

"You accused me cheated on you and this is your way of getting revenge on me, huh?! What the hell are you thinking?!" I yell at Jennie.


"And you! I trust you and this is how you pay me?!" I wanted to punch Lisa again but Jennie stop me.

"I'm s-sorry, Y/n. I don't know what I'm thinking." Lisa apologize.

"Why? Why every time I fall in love, my partner always cheats on me?! What do I do to deserve this?!" I cried so hard.

"Y/n, this is not her fault. This is my fault because I take advantage of her. I suppose to help her but-" Before Lisa can finish her sentences, I kick her in the stomach.

"Y/n, stop!" Jennie push me away and help Lisa.

"Fuck you, Lisa! I hate you so much! And you! We are over! I don't want to see your face anymore. Don't you dare to contact me! I hate you and I regret falling in love with someone like you!" I throw the flowers and cake on the floor before walking out of her house.

"Y/n, please stop! We are not over. This means nothing to me. Please forgive me!" Jennie runs after me but I ignore her.

"I don't care anymore, Jennie. Do whatever you want and you can go and fuck that traitor!" I push her when she tries to stop me from getting inside my car.

"Please, please, Y/n! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. Please, don't leave me. I'll do anything for you to forgive me! Y/n, open the door, please!" She begged me but I just lock the door and cried.

"Why is this happening again? Why God? Why?!" I punch the steering.

"Baby, please. Don't do this to us. Don't end us like this. I apologize for what I did. Please, let's talk about this." She knock on the window.

I decided to ignore her and drive away. I can not do this anymore. I should not fall in love with her. All of the girls that I love cheated on me. I hate all of them! I'm glad Sohee already apologized and she is willing to let me go. If not, I'm going to be crazy.

Just wait and see, Jennie. You'll regret cheating on me. I will make sure you and Lisa get out of my life. I will never forgive both of you. I hate you!

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