《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"I need You Too"


"She didn't even reply to my text. Do you think she cares about me? Or maybe she forgot about my existence." I asked Lisa.

"Well, based on what you tell me about her ex, I think Y/n try to give her more attention. You know to stop her from hurting herself again." She said.

If you wonder why Lisa was here with me in my house, it's because we become friends. When I start to be Y/n's girlfriend, her friend became mine too. So, Lisa and the other are now my friends too. Well, Jisoo and I are still awkward but we still working on it.

"I know that but, I'm her girlfriend. It has been 2 days since she talks to me. I keep texting her but she never replies. I try to call her but she's not answering." I said.

"She promises me that she will text me back and answer my call. I have a bad feeling about her being close with her ex again. I feel like she falls for her again." I add.

"Jennie please don't say that. You know Y/n love you so much, right? She can't fall in love with her ex again. I know she knows her limit." Lisa said.

"What if her ex seduce her and she falls for it? We don't know her that much, Lisa. We know her for not more than a year." I shook my head.

"So, you want to say that you don't trust Y/n?" She asked.

"What? No, that's not what I mean." I disagree with her.

"Jennie, that looks like what you trying to say. You start telling me what if bla bla bla and then you say that we know her not more than a year. I can conclude that you don't trust her." Lisa said.


"No, I do trust her. I love Y/n and I trust her. Look, I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe because I'm overthinking I sound like I don't trust her." I explained.

"Look, I know you stress out about this. You start overthinking and assuming things but you have to know that Y/n loves you and she will not cross the line by cheating on you. She loves you, Jennie. Remember that, okay?" She faces me and holds my hands.



"Oh, you here. What are you doing here? I thought you forget the way to my house." I coldly said when I open the door for Y/n.

"C-Can I come in?" She asked.

"Well, I'm not that cruel to make you stay outside, right?" I open the door wide for her to come inside.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Jen, can you give me a chance to explain?" She asks.

"I don't know. Should I?" I asked her back.

"Look, I know you are mad with me. I know what I did is wrong. I didn't call you back and text you back. I don't spend time with you anymore and I rarely came here. I know it was my fault and I admit it. I'm so sorry, Jennie. You know how my situation is right now. I need you to understand my situation." She said and make my blood boil.

"Oh so, I need to understand your situation but, how about me? Did you understand my situation? What do you feel if your girlfriend is busy taking care of her ex while she forgets about her girlfriend? Are you okay with it?" I glare at her.

"Jennie, I never forget about you. I always thinking about you. Please, don't say something like that. I love you, okay. I know what you feel right now but I'm in the middle of two situations, Jennie. I'm tired and I try to think of the best solution for this situation." She explained.


"I'm so sorry, Jennie. Can you forgive me?" She tries to hold my hand but I move away.

"It's just too hard to not think of you cheating on me, Y/n. Your ex staying in the same house with you. You take care of her and give her full attention. You ignore my call and my text. So, tell me, Y/n. Why I should believe you that you are loyal and never cheat on me?" I asked her.

"W-What? Do you think I'm cheating on you?" She asked while giving me a sad look.

"You don't trust me, don't you? Didn't I tell you what happened between me and Sohee in the past? Didn't I tell you that she cheated when we were still in a relationship?" She shook her head.

"Do you think after being cheated I will do the same thing? Jennie do you hear what you talking about?!" She raises her voice.

"I don't know, okay! Anything can happen. Maybe you're right. I don't trust you. I try to think positive and I try to keep trusting you but, it's getting too difficult for me. I don't know what you did with her and I can not stop thinking the worst could happen when both of you are together." I said and look straight into her eyes.

I can see the disappointment in her eyes. I can see her eyes getting teary. She look hurt by my words. I know I shouldn't said that but I can not stop myself from telling her what I feel. Maybe she should know how I feel about this situation.

"I don't know what should I say to make you believe me Jennie but, I need you to know that I will never cheat on you. I love you and I will never hurt you. I know how it feels to be cheated and hell, it hurt so much." She said while crying.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you. I know I'm a bad girlfriend to you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I-I will come back here again. Both of us need time and I will give you some space." She said and walk to the door.

"If you think you want to end u-us, j-just tell me. I will accept your decision. I love you, Jennie."



To be continued.

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