《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"I need you"



"Can you just give me her phone number? I'm worried because she didn't come home yesterday." I asked Ryujin.

"Unnie, I promise her that I'll never give you her phone number. I can not do that. She trusts me, unnie. Just wait she promise to come home today." Ryujin said.

"But-" My sentence was cut when the front door was open.

"I'm home." There she is. The love of my life. The person who I betrayed and hurt. The one who always takes care of me but I turned my back on her because I'm too stupid.

"Where did you go?! I am worried about you, Y/n!" I quickly bring her to my embrace.

"Erm, can you let go? Don't touch me, please." She tell me and I let her go.

"I thought something happens to you. I'm so worried about you. I'm sorry if you are mad at me. I know it is my fault. I'm so sorry." I said while wiping my tears.

"Don't worry about me. I'm okay and fine." She said and push me a little away from her.

"Oh, I make your favorite food! Let's eat together!" I excitedly grab her hand and drag her to the kitchen.

"What is your problem, Sohee? Don't act like we are okay." Y/n yanked her hand away from my grip.

"Y/n please give me one last chance. I'm not going to cheat on you or do something that can hurt your feeling. Please?" I begged her again.

"What the-" Y/n didn't get to finish her sentence when my sister, Ryujin grab her hand and drag Y/n inside her room.

This is all my fault. If I take care of her and appreciate our relationship, all of this will never happen. Why I'm so stupid? Why did I accept the dare?! Why did I choose the wrong friends?! I'm tired of living like this. I punished myself every day but the feeling of guilty never gone. I try to kill myself and hurt myself but Ryujin save me several times.


She was so mad and sad about my decision. She called me selfish and stupid. I feel sorry for her. She's my younger sister. I am the one who should take care of her. I am a useless person. I hurt everybody that loves me. I hate myself so much! I didn't deserve to be love! I should die!!

"Unnie, stop!" Ryujin runs at me before grabbing the knife from my hand.

I didn't even realize that I was holding a knife and try to cut my wrist.

"What are you doing?! You promise me that you will never do this again! Why did you break your promise?!" She yells at me while crying.

"I'm sorry, Ryujin. I don't know why I did this again. I don't know how the knife was with me. I don't know and I'm so sorry." I cry and hug her tightly.

"Please don't do this again. I only have you and Y/n. Please don't leave me. I need you, unnie." She sobbing and make me more guilty.

"W-why did you do that?" Y/n ask me in shock.

"Is it because of me? Do you hurt yourself because of me?! Are you crazy?!" She yells and also crying.

"I'm so sorry. I just hate myself after what I did to you. I can not forgive myself when you broke up with me. I need you in my life and I regret letting you go." I tell her.

"You should never hurt yourself! This is not the way for you to punish yourself! You should change and stop being friends with wrong people!" Y/n push me a little.

"I try to do that, baby but I already lost you, and because of that, I also lost half of myself. You take away half of me when you leave me." I said.


"Don't be selfish, Sohee! If you kill yourself, what will happen to Ryujin?! Why don't you think about her?!" She shouts before collapsing on the floor.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, Y/n. I will try to stop hurting myself. Just please forgive me and stop hating me. I promise I will not do this again. You need to help me with this." I run to her and hug her tightly.

"We need you, Sohee. Ryujin needs you and she loves you so much. Please don't break her heart by living her like this." She said while sobbing.

"I promise I'm not doing this again. Come her Ryujin. I'm so sorry you have to see this again. I'm so sorry." Ryujin slowly walks to us and I bring her down with us. I hug both of them tightly while we crying so hard.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you guys again. I try to seek help and change myself. I will be a better me and make both of you proud. I promise." I said.

After I get back my old self, I will try to win Y/n back. We belong to each other. I love her and I know she loves me too. I know that we are meant to be. No one deserves you more than I am. You are mine, Y/n. I promise that you are mine.



To be continued.

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