《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"Panic attack"


Y/n's P.o.v~

After Jennie was taken to the nearest hospital, I called her parents and inform them about Jennie. Well, it is still awkward because I still didn't forgive them for letting Jennie kidnapped me. After all, as parents, they should stop her and advise her but, they fail to do so.

"Jennie Kim's family?" I heard the doctor call.

"Hey, I'm Y/n, Jennie's friend. Hm, her parents will arrive soon so, can you tell me what happened to her?" I asked him.

"Oh, I see. Okay, so basically Ms. Kim was having a panic attack. That's why she's passed out but don't worry. She's okay and she can go home after she wakes up." The doctor said.

"Oh, okay. Thank you, doc." I thank him.

"You are welcome." He smiles at me before walking away.

"What happens to her? Why does she suddenly have panic attacks? Did something happens to her when I'm not home?" I asked myself before getting inside the room that Jennie was placed.

"She still sleeping." I take a chair and put it beside her bed.

"I'll play the game while waiting for her to wake up." I said and start to play the game on my phone.

50 minutes later~

"Hm? Y/n? Where am I?" Jennie asked me.

"Hey, are you okay? Don't worry, you are at the hospital right now. You passed out when you call me. The doctor said that you have panic attacks." I said and hold her hand.

"Oh. So, when can I go home? I don't want to stay here." She asked me.

"The doctor said you can go home when you wake up. I guess we can go home now if you feel better." I said.


"Can you take me home? I don't want to be here anymore." She said.

"Of course, I can. I already paid the bill so, we can go home now." I tell her and she nods.

I helped her to get down from the bed and we walk to the counter to tell the nurse that we will go home. After that, I drive her to her house.



"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to tell me what happened when I went to Jisoo's house?" I asked Jennie.

"Nothing happens. I'm okay and don't worry, okay." She said.

"Jennie, be honest with me, please. You won't have panic attacks if nothing happens. I'm here and you can tell me anything." I said while holding both of her hands.

"I don't want you to think that I fake all of this. I don't want you to leave me." She starts to cry.

"Hey, look at me, Jen." I cup her face and make her look at me.

"I believe you, Jen. Even the doctor told me that you have panic attacks. I won't leave you if there is no reason for that. Right?" I tell her and she nods.

"I'm. I just overthinking about you and Jisoo. Y/n I know Jisoo like you and I also know that you like her too. I can not see you with someone else. I love you so much, Y/n. I love you so much and it's hurt me to see you with someone who is not me. I never fall in love with someone. You are the first and I hope the last person." She sobs.

"Jen. Hush, don't cry anymore. You need to rest and stop thinking about this. Everything will be fine and I promise that I'm not going to leave you. We can talk about this later. All I want right now is for you to rest and sleep. Please?" I try to dismiss the topic.


"I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable and tired. I just want to confess my feeling. I want you" she said.

"I know, Jennie. Don't worry about that. Now, lay down and go to sleep." I said and help her to lay down on the bed.

"Can you hug and cuddle with me? I want you to stay, please." She begs.

"Okay, I'll sleep here with you but, I need to go home tomorrow. I have to go to my parent's house." I tell her and lay beside her. She hugs me immediately.

"Can I come with you? I want to get to know them. If you okay with that." She asks.

"Maybe next time. I just want you to rest and get better. When you getting better, I'll bring you with me. It's that okay?" I ask.




To be continued.

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