《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"The F!"


"I know, right. After we finish our assignment, we can have a sleepover and invite Y/n with us." I suggest while Lisa, Rosè, and I are walking to our class.

"Oh, that's a nice idea. I want to get to know her more. She seems nice and cute. Maybe I can ask her to hang out with me." Rosè said and make me glare at her.

"Well hello, Rosè. Sorry to cut your imagination but, I like Y/n. So, you can only hang out with her if I am joining you." I remind her.

"Hello to you too, Jisoo but, nope. I don't care if you like her or what. She's my friend so I can hang out with her without you, duh." Rosè said.

"Wait, guys why Y/n's locker was open? Her bag was here too." Lisa suddenly tells us. We go to her locker and yes, her look was open.

"Eh, weird," Rosè said.

"What is this? Letters and a box. Maybe this stuff is from someone. If I'm not mistaken, Y/n has told me that someone put letters and gifts inside her locker every day." Lisa said.

"She never tells me about this. But, don't you feel weird? Why her bag was here? The class will start soon. I don't even see her since we arrived." I said.

"Hm, how about we go find her. Maybe something happens to her." Rosè suggests and we agree.

We decide to go to the cafeteria and library because that place is her favorite place but, she wasn't there. I start to panic. What if something happens to her? We try to find her everywhere but still didn't find her. We even asking other students but they said they didn't see her. I'm worried about her.


"Honey, I don't think this is a good idea. What if someone sees what you did to her? Do you realize that you did something criminal?"

"I know that dad but, this is the only thing I can do to have her. I love her so much and you guys know that, right?"

"We know that, honey. We just worried if she runs away and tells the police about this. You will be in jail and maybe the both of us too."

I heard people talking around me. I try to open my eyes but it feels heavy. My head also dizzy and I feel like my body is too tired to move.

"Argh, my head." I groan.

"Y/n baby are you okay?" Slowly I open my eyes and see Jennie is in front of my face.

"Jennie? What happens? Wait, where am I? Where is that woman who kidnapped me?" I asked and wanted to sit down but she gently pushes me back.

"Calm down, Y/n. Everything was fine. You don't need to worry anymore. I'll take care of you, okay." She said.

"Wait, you are that woman, right? You're my stalker, right?! What the hell, Jennie?" I yell at her and push her hand away.

"Y/n please just listen to me, okay. We talk about this later. I want you to rest-" I slap her.

"You are crazy, Jennie. Don't tell me to rest and bullshit! I want to go home!" I get up from the bed and push her before running to the door but only to be stopped by a man and woman who look just like Jennie.

"I'm sorry, honey. We can not let you go." The woman said while grabbing my hands.

"Who the F, are you?! Argh, let me go both of you!" I struggled when both of them drag me back to the bed and the woman make me lay down on the bed.


"Jennie, honey. Come here and make her calm down." She grabs both of my arms to restrain me from get up before asks Jennie to come to us.

"Y/n, please calm down. I don't want to hurt you so, please listen to me." She said while straddling my waist and pinned my wrists on the bed.

"Jennie, get off of me!" I scream at her but stop when my head starts to feel dizzy.

"Jennie, please. My head hurts and I feel like I want to throw up." I beg her and she immediately gets off of me.

"Oh my god, do you want to go to the bathroom? Let's go, baby." She helps me to get up and we go to the bathroom.

I throw up inside the toilet bowl while she holding my hair and rubbing my back. After finish, I clean up and brush my teeth using a new toothbrush that Jennie give me. She also makes me change into comfortable clothes.

"Okay, good." She helps me sit down on the bed.

"Mom, can you get the tea that I make for Y/n? Oh, I also make soup for her. Can you help me prepare them for her?" Jennie asked her mom.

"Of course, dear. I'll come back. Let's go dear. Help me prepare them for Y/n." Jennie's mom and dad walk out of the room.

"You okay now? If you want to throw up again you can tell me. I'll help you." She said while massaging my shoulder.

"You know you can't keep me here forever, right? This is kidnapping, Jennie. My parents, my older sister, and my friends will realize that I'm missing when I didn't show up. Do you realize that, Jennie?" I asked her.

"Y/n, don't worry about that. I will make sure that your family and friends know that you are safe and have some business to do." She said.

"I will never hurt you, Y/n. That's not my intention. I love you and I know that you will reject my confession. I don't know what I think but all I want is you to be here with me. I can't bear to see you with someone else especially, Jisoo. I want you for myself." She adds and sounds like a crazy person.

"And you think by keeping me here will make me love you? No, Jennie. You only make me hate you. You are sick, Jennie. Your obsession right now will make you regret someday." I said.

"I know you hate me, right now but, I will try my best to make you love me. I promise you." She tries to kiss me but I push her.

"Please, Jennie I'm tired. You can't just kiss me like I'm your girlfriend because I'm not." I tell her.

"You are mine, Y/n." Jennie said.

"I'm not yours, Jennie. Get that out of your head." I glare at her.

"You will be mine, my love. Always mine."



To be continued.

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