《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"Caught"


Y/n's P.o.v~

Today I want to go to university early to avoid Jennie. I don't know what will she do to me if I reject her confession. So, to avoid her, I need to hide from her and ignore her. I also need Jisoo to protect me. I need to tell her about what Jennie did to me yesterday. Hopefully, she can help me to stay away from Jennie.

"Done. Now, let's go." I wear my shoes and lock my door before walking to my car.

I decided to get a cup of coffee at my favorite cafe before I drive to my school. When I arrived, I realized that there are only 3 cars in the parking lot.

"Hm, I'm sure I'm so early today," I said and get inside the Uni.

"Let's put my book at -. Hey, what are you doing?!" I stop my sentence when I saw someone wearing a hoodie and mask put something inside my locker.

"That must be my stalker. Hey, stop running!" I run after that person when they start running. I managed to put my bag inside my locker without close it before run after that person.

"Yah! Stop!" I shout.

That person runs to the back of the uni building and I saw there was a car was park there. That must be their car. When the two of us had already arrived near his/her car. That person stopped and looked at me.

"Who are you, huh? Are you the one who put the letters and gifts inside my locker? You stalking me and take pictures of me. Are you crazy or what?!" I yell at that person but they give no reaction. But slowly that person walks towards me.

"What do you want?" I asked that person and slowly step back. My instinct says that I'm in danger.


Wait, this is a trap. Without hesitation, I start running from that person. I can hear that she/he was chasing after me. Before I can run any further, that person managed to grab me from behind.

"Argh, let go of me! What are you doing?!" I try to free myself from her/his grip but she/he is stronger than me.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I yell and step on their foot. I heard this person groan in pain but, wait! This person is a woman.

"Let me go, you stupid stalker?! I don't want to follow you!" I struggling when she starts dragging me into her car.

"Help! Somebody help me! Help- hmph!" She cover my mouth to silence me.

She tries to make me get inside her car but I use my hand and foot to stop myself from getting inside her car. So, she wraps her arm around my body to restrain my hands from holding on to the door. She picks me up and successfully makes both of us get inside the car before she closes the door.

"Let me go!" I yell at her when she let go of my mouth.

"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" I asked her while struggling to free myself from her hold.

"Are you mute or what?! Answer me, you crazy stalker!" Before I know it, this woman presses a cloth on my mouth and nose forcing me to breathe through the cloth that has a very strong scent.

I start to panic and my breath becomes heavy. That is an advantage to her because I start to take a deep breath. This strong scent makes my head dizzy and heavy. I know I'm going to pass out at any time. I stop struggling and try to fight the dizziness. A couple of minutes later, my eyes become heavy. Before I know, everything turns black.



To be continued

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