《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"I love you"


"Y-yes?" I quickly get up from the bed.

"Why are you still here? I thought you already go home." She asked.

"I-I saw you sleeping and I thought I will go home when you wake up," I said.

"Oh, okay. I'm up." She said and get up.

Wait, no! I want to stay a little longer. Why did she wake up?! What should I do? Think, Jennie! Think!

Oh, she didn't eat yet. I should offer to cook for her.

"Hm, Y/n?" I call her.

"Yes?" She stands in front of me.

"Can I cook for you?" I asked.

"Why?" She asked.

"You didn't eat yet, right? Please, let me cook for you. Please, Y/n~" I beg her and show her my puppy eyes.

"Fine." She agrees and I quickly hug her.

"Thank you. You can rest and I'll call you when I'm done, okay." I said and run to her kitchen.

"Oh my god, I will cook for my love. I have to make this food perfect for her. I need to make her like me."


"Y/n, the food is done. Come here and eat." I call her.

"I'm coming!" I heard she said.

"Okay, bye. See you soon." I saw her video call, someone before she ends the call.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked her.

"My friend. She will live with me soon." She said and my blood boiling when she says that.

"Oh my god! Did you cook this?" I nod.

"Jennie please marry me!" She said and I freeze. Did she just ask me to marry her? Oh my god!

"This is so perfect! Wow, it looks delicious and pretty. I want to take picture of this." She excitedly snaps a picture of the food.


"Look, Jennie. Everyone will not believe me if I say that you are the one who cooks this pretty food." She shows me the picture while giving me her perfect smile.

"Y/n stop. You make me shy." I tell her.

"Okay, okay. Can I eat now?" She asked and I nod.

"Thank you for the food." She said and take the first bite.

"Hm, perfect!" Y/n closes her eyes while munching the food.

While watching her eat her food, I slowly move my hand to her free hand before intertwined our fingers together. She must be so into the taste of the food because she didn't let go of my hand. This is so perfect. I can imagine when both of us married, I will be her perfect wife. I'll cook for her, cuddle her, do the chores for her, taking a bath together, and make love. So, beautiful.

"This is so delicious. Wait, where are yours?" She suddenly asked me.

"I just cook for you. I'll eat when I go home." I said.

"Why? Haish, you should cook for yourself too. Here, open your mouth." She scolds me and wanted to feed me.

"Thank you." I thank her and let her feed me.

"It's delicious, right?" I nod.

"You are perfect, Jennie. I will be so happy if I can eat this every day." I blush. Did she just call me perfect? Omg.

"I can cook for you every day, Y/n. I willing to do that for you." I said.

"Nah, I'm just kidding, Jennie." Y/n said.

"But I'm not. I really want to cook for you every day. I love seeing you happy. You look happy when you eat my food. So, I want to do that for you. Can I do that, please?" I cup her face. I can not wait any longer. I need to confess my feeling for her.


"Jennie, I don't want to-" I cut her off and try to kiss her.

"Stop!" She pushed me.

"Jennie what are you doing!" She asked.

"I love you, Y/n. I love you so much. Please accept my love." I confess before trying to kiss her again.

"Stop, Jennie!" She pushed me again.

"Jennie, I think you should go home." She said but I shook my head.

"No, Y/n. I'll leave only if you tell me that you accept my love." I said.

"You are crazy, Jennie." She gets up and walks to her room but I follow her.

"I'm not crazy, Y/n. I just love you and wanted you to accept my feeling for you!" I grab her forearm and pinned her to the wall.

"I don't like you like that Jennie! You are my friend!" She yells at my face while struggling to push me.

"No! You say I'm perfect and you want me to marry you! You love me!" I grab her jaws and try kiss her again but this time I make sure she can't push and stop me.

I know deep down she loves me. She was just scared to confess to me. She said I'm perfect. She also wants me to marry her. That's proof that she loves me too. I swear I'm not gonna let her be with someone else. She belongs to me and she is supposed to be with me. I'll do anything to have her. Even I have to kill.

"You love me, Y/n. You are just confused and scared to admit that you love me. If you accept my confession, I will make you happy. I will do anything for you. I swear, Y/n. Please be my girlfriend." I beg her.

"No, Jennie. I only like you as a friend and not more than that. You crazy-" I stop her by covering her mouth.

"Shh, I will give you more time. I know you are just confused with your feeling. I will come back tomorrow and ask you again, okay?" I ask but she just looks straight inside my eyes without answering me. I decide to cover both her mouth and nose to make her panic.

"I will come back tomorrow and ask you again, OKAY?" I asked her again. She quickly nods her head.

"Good. I love you, okay. I see you tomorrow." I let her go and she collapse on the floor.

"Finish your food. I'll go home now." I bend down on her level and kiss her before leaving the house.

"I'm done waiting. I don't want anybody to confess to her before me. I did it. I finally will have her for myself. That Jisoo girl will be sad knowing that Y/n loves me. Hahaha, we belong together. I love you, Y/n."



To be continued

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