《*Gay Panic*/Billie Eilish x Reader》Welcome Eilish Chapter 19


Y/n has been acting weird lately. Her and Eli got back from whatever store they went to and she's been a little off.

I get up from the couch and go to the door. "Who the hell is knocking on the door?" I think to myself.

"I'm sorry but it's like 10 at night, you need to g- oh, hey..." I say, Billie is standing at the door.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah. Um, I'm looking for y/n, she said she wanted to talk." Billie says. She sounds a lot more bitchy than usual. "Okay. She's upstairs." I said to the shorter girl.

She started walking past me, going more in the house. I put my arm out, stopping her, "Billie." I said. She turned her head around, "Yeah rich."

"Don't hurt her again. She doesn't need your famous pop star bullshit. Okay?" I say a lot harsher then expected. Billie looked down quickly, then back, "Got it." She said quietly.

I let her past me. Bil ran upstairs, not looking back.

I was in my room, on the bed playing my black ukulele, singing a familiar tune.

"I just kinda wish you were gay"

I quickly put it down when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

It could be anyone but it was probably Billie.

I texted her an hour ago saying...

*flashback to texts*

*flashback over*

I hear a knock on my door.

"It's open" I yelled.

It slowly opened, then a head appeared from behind.

"Hi" Billie said.

"Yo." I said back. I patted the spot next to me. She smiled for a second then sat down.

"Welcome to my home Eilish. Who let you in?"

"Rich." Billie says. "Okay." "So Bil." "So" she responds.


"What the hell happened at the store?" I asked.

"I needed to go."

"Go? It's funny how you had to go somewhere when you were about to tell

me something important." I said. Billie got uncomfortable. "Go on." I said.

"I got a call." She added, "What call?" I sounded like a nosy bitch at this point. "It was someone important, for music," she answered. "Uh huh. And what were you going to tell me?" I questioned her.

Bil looked down at the ground, searching for a bullshit lie.

She did seem really nervous though. I hate seeing her upset, or under pressure. I put my hand on her back and gave her a pity look. "Take your time." I said.

I was trying to reason the best I can with her, because situations like these aren't the easiest. But I wanted the story. I wanted the truth.

"Grayson..." Billie said, it was close to a whisper. My eyes were now looking at the floor. "And?" I asked.

"I thought I could trust him. I told him that. That. Fuck" she huffed at the last word. "Hey, hey, it's ok. Deep breaths Bil" I moved my hand up and down slowly on her back, to reassure her she's in safe hands.

She took a deep breath and kept her eyes closed. "I told him a big secret. He seemed nice at first. But he kept telling me about it, and not in a good way. He said if I didn't end things with you....my secret would be shared on the internet.Gray and Q were friends. And they are evil fuckin dudes" She finished, she opened her eyes to see my reaction. I was shocked, but mostly angry.

"What's your secret?" I asked, "it wouldn't be much of a secret if I told you." She deadpanned.


"I guess your right."

I know now that she would most definitely not tell me a lot. Since Grayson and Q messed with her trust.

I'll play it safe, not ask too many questions. But, we are getting somewhere.

"But." I started, questions to ask her filled my head. "Q or Grayson aren't here. And no ones going to believe them. It's not like people knew we were hanging together." I looked at her with hope. "Actually, people did know. They just didn't care." She laughed.

"Ohh." I said. "But they won't believe Gray if we start hanging out again." I said.

"True." She said. "And we don't have to live in fear of silly boys. They aren't that smart you know." We both laughed.

"So what's your big secret ms. Eilish?" I joked.

She looked nervous again. She licked her lips quickly and couldn't look me in the eye.

She then suddenly mumbled something. "What?" I asked,

"Imdnfhf" She said. "Bil, come on. You can trust me."

"I'm Bisexual." Billie said.

For some reason my heart started racing. My friendly grin turned into a whole ass smile. My cheeks got red.

I then realized, I still had feelings, even though she broke my heart, I still loved her like I did.


Thank you guys so much!!! You guys are amazing!

I went on a little vacation so I couldn't update. But I hope you love this new chapter.


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