《Different》Chapter 51


My head is spiralling. This is the first time that I don't know what to do about Emma. A day ago, I decided to move on, but now? I don't know. I feel like I should move on. Luke won't let her go that easy and she isn't hard to manipulate. I should now - I've been looking at her getting manipulated by Luke every day.

I should move on.

I will.

But come on, look at her Jack! She's sleeping so soundly and she helped me through so much. Emmy saved my life, for fuck's sake. The thing that bothers me the most is that I can't tell her no. I tried today and look what happened.

She's still in the same bed, wrapped around me. God, I love her.

I check the time - 2AM. I should probably go to sleep. Just sleep on it, and see what happens tomorrow.

No matter how terrible yesterday was, I can always have a good night's sleep with Jack. Now I know where my head's at. And I couldn't be happier about it.

If only he'd give me another chance to prove myself. To prove, I'm here to stay.

I wrap my arms tightly around his sleeping body. Suddenly, he grabs me and rolls me on top of him. I release a chuckle as he tickles me.

"I think I've made up my mind," he says, holding a serious expression. I'd be lying, if I said that I didn't almost shit myself at that moment.

"And that is?" I look into his blue eyes, completely absorbed by them.

He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me and I get scared.

He doesn't wanna say that he isn't planning on being with you, Emma!

He's just looking for the right words to turn you down with.

You fucked up big tim-

My thoughts are interrupted, as I feel a pair of familiar lips on mine. I chuckle, kissing him back intensely.

"I can't believe that you're all mine," he backs away, looking at me with the biggest grin on his face, making me laugh.


"Oh my god," he says, getting me off of him and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I start panicking and he doesn't say a word. Suddenly he stands up and lifts me up in the air.

"You're mine! This beautiful, beautiful girl is mine!" He laughs, hugging me.

My legs wrapped around his waist, he looks at me, smiling, "I love you Emmy. So so much," and my heart jumps from joy.

"I love you too," I whisper into his lips and he kisses me again. And again. And again.

I'm not complaining.

"But, there is one favour that I need you to do," his face holding a serious expression again. I nod, letting him know to continue.

"Could you please turn in your sexual assault. Not only for you, but for V too. She deserves this," he says and my lips part open, not knowing what to say.

"If you dont want to share it with anyone, that's okay. I just want the guy behind bars, so you and so many more women could feel safer, here in New York," he grabs my hand. And after a few seconds of thinking, I have an answer.

"Okay. I'll do it," I say and he hugs me, thanking me.

"You're so strong Emmy. I hope you know that," he smiles and I blush.

"And amazing and beautiful, charming, nice, cute, funny, sexy," he wiggles his eyebrows, "but most of all, the best," he finishes and I cover my face with my hands, trying to hide my red cheeks.

He grabs my hands, pulling them away from my face, "you're cute when you blush," he kisses my cheek, making me blush even more.

Can this like...you know, stop?

We both get ready, to leave for breakfast, since we're starving.

Jack takes my hand and I follow him to his car, where we get an unpleasant surprise.

"Emma- I...am so so sorry," he cries, sitting on the sidewalk, a bottle in his hand. Taking a sip, he almost falls back.


Jesus, how drunk is he?

"I told you, it's over," I sigh. Jack hints me that he'll be in the car, so we can have a private conversation. But he'll still be close enough if Luke tries anything.

"Why, oh why don't you love me?" Luke stands up but falls back down on his butt.

"What did I ever do to you? Huh? I lied a bit, boo-hoo. And that's what you do just because of one lie? Leave me?" I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable by this. He looks really angry, so I hope he won't hurt me or himself.

"Say something!" He screams and I take a step back.

"I can't live without you Emma, why don't you get that!" He keeps on screaming at me.

"Love me, goddamit!" He throws the bottle on the street, breaking it.

I jump, running towards Jack's car, who just wanted to get out of it to protect me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, worried.

"Yeah, just drive," I tell him and he nods, stepping on the gas, leaving Luke all alone on the sidewalk.

She's actually completely gone. I lost her, like I do with everything and everyone. Since when am I such a mess? Since when do I cry because of a girl?

They usually cry because of me! And that's the way it should be. Fuck sadness and tears man. I knew from the beginning that this would be a bad idea. I should've just sticked to whoring around. That was my plan with her, but she has something. I don't know what, but it makes her different from everyone else.

Maybe it's the way she smiles? Or how she always forgives me, no matter how badly I fuck up. Or the way she kisses me.

Fuck, it's just everything.

"The bar is closing," the guy interrupts my thoughts and I look at him with such eyes that he takes a step back.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" I spit and he starts threatening that he'll call the police or something. I don't know, I'm not really listening. Or caring.

It's been a week and all I've done is mope around bars. I don't know when was the last time I showered. I don't care either.

Since this guy is really taking the piss, I get up, slap some money on the table and stumble out of the bar. It's raining. So that's great. I get into my car and drive towards the NYU.

You may be wondering why.

Well for the past week, I've been drunk, sitting in front of NYU, hoping she'll come out. Hoping I'll see her. Hoping she'll forgive me.

But I doubt that's ever going to happen.

2 hours and millions of raindrops later, I get back into my car and drive home. Surprisingly, I didn't crash, burn and die. Maybe next time.

As I enter the elevator, a lot of terrible things enter my mind. I can't help it. I can't stand her being with Jack. I can't stand not being enough for her. And most of all, I can't stand the fact that it's better for her if she's with him.

I may or may not have been stalking them for the past week. And she looks happy. Truly happy. The way she never was with me.

Maybe I should just end it. Make life easier for them. So she won't have to worry about me. I have a gun so my death would've been quick.


Jack and I have been having the time of our lives for the past week. Sure, Luke comes on my mind every once in a while but besides that, it's been amazing.

I never thought I could actually be this happy. Jack showed me what it means to be truly happy.

And I love him.


Oh my god I cant believe there's one more chapter to go - which is the epilogue.

I really hope you'll like the ending. And sorry for a short chapter, it's written so you know where everyone's heads are at.

Vote and comment if you liked it! Love ya

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