《Different》Chapter 17


"Are you done packing?" I phone Luke, rolling on my bed.

"No. Why?" He asks, uninterested.

"What do you mean why?" I freak out at my phone, now walking around my room, "we have a flight in two hours!" I'm pacing back and forth.

He is so careless! What if we miss our flight? We have school in a day. Not that he cares.

"Oh yeah..forgot about that," he snorts and I roll my eyes.

"How can you forget about our flight?" I'm laying on my bed, my head dangling from the bed and moving my legs around.

"Well I was too busy babysitting you, while you were drunk and trying to fuck me," he smirks.

"Oh shut up!" I say, laying on the floor now. "Just get to packing," I hang up.

An hour later, we're all at the airport; Luke, my dad, brother, mom and me.

"We're gonna miss you so much," my dad hugs me and I hug him back.

My brother hugs me, "keep him, he's good for you," he whispers into my ear and smiles.

My mom is on her phone, so I don't even bother hugging her.

"I guess we have to go," I wave at them and turn around, to leave.

Luke waves at them too and turns around, going with me.

So nothing happened. Me and Luke watched a movie on the plane, I was listening to music and he fell asleep. I texted Dean, saying that I'd love to have lunch with him after school tomorrow.

When we get out of the plane, I quickly start looking for my best friend.

"What are you looking for?" Luke asks me, seeing my eyes all over the room.

"JACKKK!" I let go of whatever I was holding and run towards him. I jump, hugging and wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Emmy I can't breathe," he falls on the floor.

"Okay," I hear Luke behind me and when I turn around, he's already leaving the airport.

"I missed you so much!" I'm still hugging him, not being bothered by Luke leaving or Jack trying to breathe.

"I missed you too. Now stop choking me," he gasps for air and I quickly stop squeezing him.


"I'm just kidding!" He laughs, hugging me, "I'll choke you now, if you don't mind," he smirks and squeezes me really hard.

"Ja-ack" I gasp for air and he lets me go, still smirking.

"Let's get you to your dorm now," he grabs my suitcase and drags it towards his car.

He is way too precious for me. I love him more than anything. He's the only one who can make me better in a second.

So does Luke.

My subconscious reminds me.

Oh shut up.

"What did I do now?" Jack raises his eyebrow.

Shit. I said that out loud.

I wave my hand, dismissing the matter.

"So how were the holidays?" He gets in the car and I do the same.


"They were...interesting," I answer.

"What does 'interesting' mean?" He lifts his eyebrow again.

"Well..I saw an old friend, he said he likes me, Luke showed up and started a fight, the old friend, Christian hit me by accident-" "he hit you?" Jack growls. His knuckles are getting white from the tight gripping on his steering wheel.

"It was an accident!" I defend Chris, making Jack roll his eyes.

"Then my mom chased Luke with a slipper, she likes his money, we got into a fight because of my best friend Jay who came to visit, Luke got me this expensive necklace," I'm wearing it right now. I dont think I'll ever take it off, "a dress and then we went ice skating, we got into another fight, ending with me being drunk and not knowing what I did and now we're here," I finish and take a breath.

"Oh yeah, I know that you were drunk," Jack smirks.

"What?" My eyes almost pop out of my sockets.

He smirks and looks at the road.

"Oh don't you dare! You're telling me!" I freak out and he laughs, still not answering.

"Come on!" I slap his arm and he just laughs even harder.

"Fine," I pout.





"Okay," he smirks.

"Seriously?" I sigh, making a weird noise.

He laughs, "okay I'll tell you. You wanted me to come to your house and fuck you," he smirks and I blink at him, sinking into the seat.

I can feel my face burning up. I don't say anything. I look at the road, trying to become the car seat. Or maybe disappear.

Jack is laughing his ass off, trying not to crash the car. He wipes his tears, "I'm joking," he snorts and I give him a death glare, slapping him, "WHAT?" He is such a dick!

"You called me and said that you feel like shit. I told you to stop drinking or else I won't talk to you and you hung up," he snorts, looking at me - still angry.

I laugh at him, "I'm so savage."

"Yeah, you really showed me," he says sarcastically, making me slap his arm again.

"Why are you such a dick?" I groan, shifting in my seat.

"I have one," he smirks and continues, "a big one, may I add," he winks and I cringe.

"You're so disgusting!" I exclaim and he laughs.

"Speaking of disgusting things, we're at school!" He pulls up in front of my dorm.

He grabs my suitcase and carries it to my dorm. I watch his strong arms carrying my things.

He really is hot. But I could never be with him. I don't think of him like that, even though a lot of people think we're dating, by how close we are.

"Thank you," I hug him, when he leaves all of my things in my dorm.


"Where's V?" I sit on my bed, "she's with Dylan, I think," he shrugs.

"How do you not know where your best friend is?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Well she's right here," he winks and I turn my head, thinking V is standing at the door.

"I'm talking about you," he laughs and I flush at his words.

"You can really be the sweetest man alive," I smile, "sometimes," and the smile turns into a smirk.

"You are so nice to me," he hits me with a pillow and I plop on the bed.

"I'm going to sleep now, bye," I laugh and he walks to me, kissing me on the forehead, causing shivers down my spine. The good kind.

"I hope you dream of me," I know he's smirking, even though I have my eyes closed.

"So you hope I have nightmares?" I fire back.

"That one really hurt my feelings," I open my eyes and I can see the cutest frown ever.

"I'm so-wee," I say in a childish voice, opening my hands, waiting for a hug.

"Yay!" He exclaims and jumps on my bed, hugging me.

"I'm going to sleep now. I mean it," I shut my eyes closed.

"Bye Emmy," he laughs and leaves.

"Emma! Wake up!" I open my eyes, seeing V on top of me.

"What are you doing? And what time is it?" I blink a few times.

"I'm waking you up. It's 8:45, we're gonna be late!" I jump on my legs, making her fall off of me.

"Damn bitch," she rubs her butt and I quickly run to the bathroom.

"So no 'hey V, I missed you'?"

I run to her, with a toothbrush in my mouth, hugging her, "Hi V, I missed you!" I almost choke with the toothbrush and run back to the bathroom.

When we get to class it's 9:05 but the teacher didn't come yet. Thank god.

I look around the classroom, looking for Luke, not finding him anywhere. I feel kind of sad that he's not here. I haven't heard of him since he stormed out of the airport.

He's missing a lot of classes. I wonder why.

"Dylan isn't in school too," V whispers in my ear.

We sit as far back as possible and away from Nicki and her 'gang'

After that period, Dean walks up to me, "Hey Emma," he hugs me.

"Uh hi," I smile.

"Still up for that lunch after school right?" He asks me.

Shit. I forgot about that.

"Sure. My classes end at 12:00 so we have two hours until my shift starts," I inform him and he nods, smiling.

"See you then," he turns around and leaves.

"Did you see my baby anywhere?" Nicki walks up to me.


"My Lukey of course," she squeals.

A bunch of thoughts enter my head. They're a thing. He's cheating. He doesn't care about me. He never did. He's probably at a girl's house right now.

"Isn't he the sweetest?" She leaps, "look what he gave me last night," she shows me her necklace. Identical to mine. My heart shattered into a million pieces.

Holding back my tears, she continues, "and he gave me something else too last night if you know-" and before I know it I slap her. Hard.

She stumbles and falls on the floor. I get on top of her, hitting her again, "shut," and again, "the fuck," and again, "up," a tear going down my cheek. I wipe it and hit her again. Her mouth is split and she has multiple bruises on her face. I stop for a second, looking at her black diamond necklace and before she can do anything, I grab it and pull it, so it rips. I throw it on the floor. Or at someone. I don't care at the moment. I don't care who's watching or listening. I want to kill her.

Suddenly someone pulls me off of her, "Emma! Stop it!" It's V, but I don't care. I try to get out of her grip to hit Nicki again.

Two more arms grab me, and I try to jerk them away but they lift me up, carrying me away.

I fight them but it's no use. I look at who it is and I see Jack.

"Let me go! I want to rip her face off!" I yell at him, hitting him, but he's just grinning and carrying me somewhere.

"Where are you carrying me?" I ask when I finally calm down.

"You don't want to get in trouble right?"

"Right," I scoff.

"And why don't you ever fight for me like that?" He pouts and I slap him.

"And it kind of turned me on, ya know? Seeing you get all angry like that-" he's smirking, "SHUT UP!" I yell and he laughs at me.

"Calm down, I'm joking," he laughs even harder.

"Why the bathroom?" I ask him, when he finally lets me down.

"You know why," he winks and I roll my eyes.

"No one will look for you here," he answers and I nod.

"Wanna talk about it?" I shake my head.

We wait until classes start and then I go to Jack's dorm. I text Dean:

Text me when you're done with school

At 11:55 he replies:

Meet me outside of your dorm in 5.

I go outside and he's already there, "shall we?"


Sorry for a short chapter!! I have a lot of shit to do with school and i have no time at all :( and as i said, i wont be posting as much now..maybe every 4 or 5 days..depends on how much time i'll have. Love you guys!!

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