《A Melissa x Midoriya Fic》22: Todoroki Dinner


I walk out of the dorms and check the time. It was only 6:30 so I rush a bit home. About 30 minutes later, I make it home and see Natsuo's car in the driveway. There's also another car I've never seen before in front of it. I knew it was Toya's because it was black with blue lines on it. I walk towards the door and the car door opens and Toya walks out with a small bag in hand. He waves slightly and motions to open the door. I open it and we walk in and see Natsuo and mom on the couch talking. "I don't know if I can do this bro. I mean, I made such a scene when I left everyone thinks I died. They are probably pissed at me," Toya says leaning on a wall. I turn back and put my hand on his shoulder, "You'll be fine. Dad was a terrible person back then and we all get why you left. But he wants to start new with all of us. Natsuo just opened up to it and so should you," I say with a remorseful look. He sighs and motions for me to keep walking.

We walk in and Mom's eyes go wide as she sees Toya behind me. Natsuo looks over also with a shocked look. They knew he was still alive but are acting like he rose from the grave in front of them. Mom gets up and walks over to Toya as I step aside. "Hey there Mom. How's life been going for you since... you know," Toya says rubbing the back of his neck. She hugs him and starts crying, so he returns the hug. Natsuo comes over and waits for them to stop hugging. "Hey bro. You seem to be doing good," Toya says with a smile as he gets punched square in the jaw by Natsuo. "We all thought you were dead! Why did you do that? How could you leave all of us for so long and become a villain?!" Natsuo yells while crying his eyes out. Toya looks at him and puts his hand on Natsuo's shoulder, "I freaked out about what happened with mom. I just went insane about the whole thing. I'm truly sorry and I hope we can be brothers again." He pulls him into a hug and pats his back while Natsuo just keeps crying.


After everything has calmed down, we sit down and talk a bit while Fuyumi makes dinner. "Why'd you get your scars removed? Couldn't look yourself in the mirror like that or something?" Natsuo askes while drinking some tea. "Actually yes. I saw them as the marks of who I once was and after what happened a few weeks ago, I couldn't stand to see myself like this. Though I did leave a few scars on my arms just because," he answers ending it off with a smile. "Will you ever change your hair back to it's natural red?" mom askes while ruffling his hair. "When I accept Enji as my dad again so I can proudly say I am a Todoroki," he says looking at a picture of himself as a child. "Dad'll be home in a few minutes and dinner will also be ready in a few minutes," Fuyumi says from across the hall.

A few minutes later, we're all gathered at the table when dad walks in, "I'm back. What's for din-" he notices Toya with a shocked and questioning look. "Heya Enji. Surprised I came over?" Toya askes jokingly. "Yes actually. No one informed me of this. So, why are you here Toya?" dad askes while putting up his jacket and sitting down. "To tie back up the bonds that were torn apart in the incident all those years back," he answers eating some soup.

The night goes on well. Food was great, bonds were definitely growing back, and dad was for sure truly becoming a father we all could've looked up to. "Yeah, Imma head out," Toya says getting up, "Oh yeah. This is for you mom," he hands the small bag to mom, "Hope we all can meet up again soon. And Enj- I mean dad, keep up the hero work. You can move hearts if you try. Just look at me," Toya says smiling going through the door. "Well, what did he get you?" I Fuyumi askes while sitting next to me. She opens the bag and picks out a pocket watch. She opens the watch and on the lid there's a picture of the family, along with a clock. "That was thoughtful of him. And it is very beautiful," I say while looking at it. She starts crying tears of joy and I have to say, it was truly a great night.


I walk out of the house and enter my car. I lean back and sigh, "Man it feels good to be back with my family. Now, time to get my hair back to it's original color." I move around all the cars and leave to the nearest convenient store and look at a picture of myself before I changed my hair. "This seems close enough. And I left my wallet in my car," I sigh when patting my pocket. I put back the dye and look for my wallet. I grab it and close my car door to see a familiar face mask and a crazy chick. "Oh, hey you two. I'm not in the mood to burn y'all to ash. I just got my burns removed and I don't want more," I say walking away but being stopped by Twice. "Dude, we need you back at the league! You were probably the second strongest member!" Twice pleads while standing on his knees. "Plus~ we were gonna get married right?" Toga says while putting her arms around me. "That was when I was insane with hatred for my dad. Now, I'm completely fine and I see how psychotic you are, and sorry Twice, but I can't come back after what's happened," I say sternly then apologetically towards Twice. "I get it. You have a new life and what not, but Shigaraki, will track you down and probably kill you," Twice says leaving with a sorry look on his face. Toga follows behind him with either a seductive, or fueled with hatred look on her.

I walk back into the store and buy the hair dye and a tube of mini M 'n' M's. As I walk out, my windshield has been stabbed in several spots. "Oh come on!" I yell looking around. I call window replacement people and drive back to my apartment. Though dinner was nice and I was able to take my frustration out on some Nomu, the last ten minutes somehow killed all joy that I had. I plop on my couch and put on some anime while reading a book on coping mechanisms since I was still depressed about what I did. "Today was so good, then freaking terrible. Luckily dad's lending me money 'til I get a job," I say while falling asleep.

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