《A Melissa x Midoriya Fic》21: Attack


We all started to run towards down town and Midoriya was way ahead. I decide to make an ice path so we can conserve our energy. Not long later, we made it to the wreckage. There were only 2 Nomu, but 1 was clearly stronger than 3 weaker Nomu (like the ones from the Hosu incident). We knew we were in trouble almost immediately, but Bakugo being Bakugo, went up to one of them and blasted it's face. He starts laughing before being blasted away by his own explosion. Kirishima catches him and creates a large dent in the road. I blasted a large iceberg at another, but it just shattered the ice almost immediately. Everyone was shocked, but Kota had a blast of confidence and walked infront of us. "Hey, could you not terrorize this town?" he asked passive agressively.

The Nomu looked at him and stepped down for a bit before shaking it off, "You can't control us. We are higher than others you know," the lengthy one yelled pointing. The bulky one punched the road, sending a shockwave in the concrete. Midoriya grabbed Kota and Mina and jumped to dodge it. The others and I were left to take the hit and we were sent flying a good dozen meters. Kaminari rushed to the taller Nomu covered in electricity and punched it while sending several thousand volts into it. It stumbled before the bulky one rushed into him covered in flames. This battle was going to be a tough one for sure.

I decided I wanted to try something. Todoroki was clearly thinking of a plan and Kirishima and Bakugo were still recovering. "Deku, got an idea!" I yell. "Yeah, what is it?" I whisper in the ear the plan and he nods. He charges his arms up with that green lightning while I just soak myself in acid. He chucked him to the large one and I just hug him trying to dissolve him. It works a bit but he just flips over trying to crush me under it's own weight. I try to dissolve it enough so the damage would be minimal, but it freaking regenerated so I couldn't! Next thing I know, I'm being held over Midoriya's shoulder and being put down. He rushes over and punches the big one across town and round house kicks the lengthy one. Todoroki puts it in an ice prison and the Nomu cuts it into pieces with it's fingers. He throws fire at him and he just reflects it back at him with a hand wave. I did not know if he survived it, but I hoped he did because Momo would be devasted and I did not want to deal with her crying for a month.


Kota was gathering some animals, Bakugo and Kiri just got up and ready for a fight, and Midoirya, round house kicks the tall one in the face. I just clap as Kirishima gets launched by Bakugo and rams into the big one. Kaminari gets up after a few minutes and tell everyone to 'scatter' and grabs the tall one and makes him stumble towards the large one and uses the last amount of electricity he has into both of them. Midoriya grabs Kaminari, Todoroki burns the 2 along with Bakugo screaming like.... Bakugo. I can tell Todoroki is struggling since he was clearly burning himself since he can't use his ice while he's using his fire, it'll melt instead of cooling him. He drops his hand and cools it down while Bakugo keeps going. All of a sudden, a large pillar of blue fire erupts on the 2 Nomu and we hear a voice say, "Incineration Pillar."

I get up from the hole I made in a building and see a giant blue fire. I see a familiar silhouette walking towards the fire as it extinguishes. I thought I hit my head to hard, but honestly, I just want to sleep right now, so I don't care.

I immediately recognize that fire and start shaking in my boots. When the fire extinguishes and the Nomu are just ash, I see a man with smoke black hair and turquoise eyes. "Y'all are welcome. Oh, hey bro (). Thought I recognized that ice and fire mix," he says pointing at me. "Yeah. Why are you here?!" I ask looking around. "Coming back from Enji's agency to make myself a hero. I have a lot of regrets that I want to atone for," he says pointing his thumb toward Hosu where dad's agency is. "You got your scars removed?" I ask now realizing it. "We'll talk about it later. Now, let's get this place cleaned-." A woman starts yelling that there was a villain while pointing at Toya. He sighs and walks away. "See you at home bro. Fuyumi's making soup or somethin'," he says patting me on the back. "Oi IcyHot! Gonna help us with this?" Bakugo yells helping Kirishima out of a dent in a building.


After a half hour of cleaning up and talking to the police about the Nomu, why a woman was screaming about Dabi showing up to save the day, and a small interview. We go back to the dorms and have the whole class cheering for us and Melissa kissing me and Yaoyorozu kissing Todoroki, obviously. Since they saw everything on the news, we didn't have to talk much. Todoroki left soon after to eat dinner with his family. The night was filled with news people trying to get an interview. A few pros managed to scare them off and we got a peaceful Sunday night.

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