《A Melissa x Midoriya Fic》18: Bar Night!


Class just ended and I still pissed the fight me and Deku yesterday ended in a draw. I noticed Kaminari crying on the couch when no one was around. "Oi Pikachu. You need to get over flat-chest. Let's head to a bar later tonight, you may find a chick there," I yell walking over. "2 things. 1: Don't call Jiro that and 2: Maybe you're right. Let's go," Pikachu replies sitting up. I nod and text a few people, the rest of the Bakusquad (Kirishima, Mina, Sero), Deku even though he'll bring that bimbo, Insomniac (Shinso) just because, Ponytail, and Half 'n' Half. They all agreed and I said that Deku could bring the bimbo if he wanted.


We meet up in a nearby bar and wait in the surprisingly short line. We show them our ID's and quirks except for the bimbo who was 18. We all sat in different booths (Bakusquad in 1, and the others in the second booth). Everyone orders something alcoholic, surprisingly, and some of us start scouting out for Pikachu. It was only the Bakusquad scouting out while the others just have fun. Kaminari looks up from his drink and notices 2 chicks and he shot up. "So you found some already. I'll take these 2," I say while getting up while finishing my drink. "Oi! Hot and hotter!" The girls look over and show a face of 'he ain't bad' and 'really this kid'. "My friend wants to *hic* try it with you," I say pointing my thumb backwards. The 2 look at the booth at Sero, Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima. "So, which one? Hot, Blonde, Pink, or Sad-Sap?" Hotter said. "Okay! Shitty-hair is mine so back the f*ck off! *hic* And it's Sad-Sap. He got in a nasty break up a while ago and it's time for him to find another nest," I say changing tone quite a bit.


Kirishima walks over, "Okay Bakugo, you're a lightweight and clearly drunk. You need to sit down. And don't call these 2 'hot' and 'hotter'. You're with me," he says putting his hand on my shoulder. "And I'll easily leave you for these 2. I say they're hot and worthy. I'll get it on with anyone who's hot and worthy!" I yell changing tones again. "1: Good to know that you're pansexual, I wanna guess. And 2: Don't say you'll break up with me when you're drunk," He says clearly annoyed. "Sorry baby. But I don't care and it's true. Now come on!" I say trying to pull him into the bathroom. "Katsuki. No. Sorry again," he says yanking me back to the booth.

I start pulling Bakugo to the booth and notice Shinso downing some kind of drink and the others looking astonished. 'Guess he's a strong drinker' I think while putting Bakugo in the booth and sitting down. Mina goes over to try someone else and utterly fails. Bakugo keeps trying to drink but I hand it over to the others. "Kiri! Give me back my drinks or I'll... I'll.... do something..." he says passing out on my shoulder. "Sero. Try someone else," I say patting Bakugo's head. He goes off and comes back with someone. "Kaminari, meet Hatsu. I think you'll like her and she seems fond of your looks," he introduces. The 2 walk away and Sero sits back down.

Everyone was having fun in my opinion. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were talking while sipping wines of some sort. Melissa was drunk and making terrible jokes in English so I was the only one who knew what she was saying. And Shinso was downing the strongest drinks in the place. I was just sipping some beer and listening to Melissa's joke and laughing because I was drunk and I have a weak sense of humor. We end up leaving early, Shinso still downing something without showing any signs of being drunk, Todoroki and Momo were still talking barely tipsy, and Melissa leaning on me while she's a worse level of drunk than me. If we had a car right now, Shinso would probably drive.


We keep trying to get Kaminari a girl but he either denies them or they deny him. Eventually he gives up but I go out 1 last time. It takes me a minute but I find a bar-tender. "Hey, if you haven't noticed me and some-" "You're trying to get a girl for your friend. I saw. And I'll try. THis job is boring at night and I'm tired of guys hitting on me while hammered," she interrupts while throwing a towel on the counter. We walk over and Kaminari seems unenthusiastic but goes for it because it's his last try. They go to where Midoriya and them were sitting and I hear some good conversation. But also everything was a little fuzzy along with Bakugo's snoring.

Kaminari walks over happily while the girl walks away waving seductively. "I can tell it went well~" Mina teases while even drunker than Bakugo. "I'd say so. Muta Yama. Got her numbers and I have to say. 10/10 so far. We're meeting up in a few days," he says doing his usual thumbs up. "Okay. Let's leave now. Who'll call the cab?" I say picking up Bakugo. "I'll walk home. I'm the only one not drunk and I'll take Mina with me," Sero says signaling Mina to leave with him. I pick up Bakugo and Kaminari hails a cab and we head to the dorms.

When we get there, everyone is upstairs except for Midoriya and Melissa, who were alseep on the couch. I bring Bakugo to my dorm because I'm to tired and tomorrow is Saturday so I could careless. Kaminari leaves with some finger guns and puts the number into his phone. When we get to my dorm, I put Bakugo beside me and I pass out immediately.

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