《A Melissa x Midoriya Fic》Chapter 7: Training


I take cover behind a bush and grab a notebook so I can take notes so I can upgrade the Full Gauntlet. Deku takes off his shirt, leaving him in jeans, probably so he doesn't ruin it. Uncle Might steps aside revealing a few dummies and Deku charged himself up with Full Cowling and runs and kicks the dummies 3 in a row before punching the fourth one into the ground. I jot down some notes and Uncle Might lifts the dummies back up. "Okay Young Midoriya, try your Lightning," Uncle Might said while stepping aside once again.

He charged himself up and sent a blast of lightning that hit all the dummies at once. All I can do is gaze in awe as I forget what I'm writing. I look down and see myself sketching a picture of Deku and I. I slightly gasp, not at what I'm drawing but how good it actually was. Then I gasp at what I drew. Deku looks over at me and says, "You alright over there?" "Y-yeah. just writing down some notes for the new Full Gauntlet," I say while erasing the drawing.

After about a half hour of this, we head back to the dorms. When Deku opens the door for me, all we hear is squeeling of the girls and the shouting of Bakugo and Kirishima trying to calm him down. We walk in to see the girls crowding around Jiro and a man in a Shiketsu High uniform and Bakugo with Kirishima hugging him to their right. We walk over to the kitchen and Deku askes Sero what happened. "Jiro brought over her new boyfriend and the girls are freaking out. Bakugo is yelling at them to keep their voices down and Kirishima, well you know what he's doing, " he says reading some manga.


We look back over and just start laughing at Mina and Hagakure interrogating the couple. "Okay, enough! He doesn't want y'all to crowd around him!" Jiro yells trying to push the girls away. "It's fine Kyoka, I could care less. They can ask anything the want about us," the guy says while pulling Jiro close. The girls squeal and we decide to leave so our ears don't bleed from their shrieks. Also Uraraka is here and Deku still doesn't know what to do around her after their break up.

We make it into the dorm and play some board games on the floor. We end up in a time game, both of us winning 3 games. After a while of basically doing nothing, we head down for lunch. Luckily the girls have quieted down, but Mina and Hagakure are still whispering while looking at the couple on the couch. We just microwave some tv dinners and watch tv from the counter. Personally, I say an all around good day.

- Peter Griffin playing Alexander Hamilton

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