《A Melissa x Midoriya Fic》4: An Introduction


It was the day of Melissa's arrival, but I completely forgot just as I went to sleep, so I ended up sleeping in, about 3 hours. I hear a knock at my door and a voice shouting, "Midoriya, you have a visitor!" It was Iida, and I heard him walk away and another set of foot steps taking a pace or two forward. I groggily walk to the door and open it seeing a familiar busty blonde in my door way. "Hey Deku!" Melissa says excited in perfect Japanese. She launches into a hug and I'm still confused how she learned Japanese so quickly. I pat her back a few times and say, "Hey Melissa, been a while! How's it been." She thinks for a bit, as if she's translating, and replies, "Good." I try my hand at my English, which I haven't used in a while, "I can just speak some English so you don't have to take a whole minute to reply." She 'awws' and says, "That's sweet of you Deku," and hugs me again but with a lot less force.

She puts her stuff down near my bed as I set up a sleeping back for myself. "Okay, so I'll take the sleeping bag while you take my bed," I say as finishing putting it down for later. "You don't have to do that Deku, we can share the bed," she tells me with remorse. I blush quite a lot because I've never shared a bed with a woman, not even with Och- I mean Uraraka. "N-no, it's fine. I'll take the sleeping bag," I somehow managed to stutter out. "Why are you blushing, aren't you with one of the students here? Why are you so flustered about sharing a bed with me?" she askes with the most confusion I've ever heard. "Because I've never slept in the same bed with a girl. Also, not anymore," I say with a flustered then saddened tone as I lay down on the sleeping bad with my arms behind my head. She gives off an 'I'm sorry' demeanor and lays down next to me, with her arms around me. Like always, I blush and glance over at her. "I'm sorry Deku, if I came at a bad time for you, we can reschedule a visit," she says hoping to cheer me up.


"You being here isn't making my feelings worse. If anything, it's making my spirits higher," I say with my usual enthusiasm. She blushes taking my words the wrong way. "N-not l-like that. It's just having a close friend around in times like this always helps me cheer up," I reassure her. She gives me a smile than cuddles in closer, with my blush coming back and being redder than before. After a few minutes like that and me getting used to it, we decide to introduce her to those she hasn't met yet. We go down stairs and everyone is in the common area. I clear my throat and say, "Everyone, this is Melissa if you haven't met her yet. She'll be staying with us for the week." Everyone just nods and goes back to what they were doing, while Mineta tries to cop a feel on her. I grab his face and give him a good zap with my new Lightning quirk. He drops and Melissa has a look of awe on her face.

She puts her hands on my shoulders and puts her head next to mine, and looks at my hand. "2 things, 1) Thank you for saving me from getting groped, and 2) Was that an electric attack?" she askes while turning her eyes toward me. I have to come up with a lie so I don't reveal anything about One for All. "Yeah, you know the lightning that emits from me when using 'Full Cowling?' Well, I'm now able to use that lightning as an attack," I say hoping she'll believe it. She backs off and goes back to my dorm. Kacchan walks past me saying, "Close call." Since Kacchan knows about One for All, he also knows about the additional quirks within it. I go up after Melissa to change out of my pajamas. I grab my clothes and don't see Melissa and assume she's in the bathroom so I wait for her.


Once Deku explained everything, I decided to go get changed since I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Though, I had some trouble with my bra. I was wearing an old bra because I wasn't thinking at the time. Now, I regret it because I somehow can't reach the strap to take it off. I fiddle with it at several angles and just barely get to grab it. I hear someone open the door to Deku's dorm and assume it's him. After one more go at my bra, I give up and call for Deku with embarrassment painted in my tone. "Umm, Deku? Can you help me with something. The door's unlocked." He comes in and blushes immediately because I'm shirtless with my breasts slightly overflowing out of my old F cup bra ().

"Sorry about this, but I can't reach my bra strap. I really need the help," I say with a blush just as big as Deku's. He stutters something, but I can't hear it since it was so quiet. He grabs the strap and starts to undo it. I wince because the pain of my breasts being pulled is a lot worse than I initially thought. "S-sorry," Deku yelps while trying to make it less painful for me. Before long, the bra also gives up and just breaks at the front, which I was not expecting because of how my breasts weren't that much bigger than the bra itself. I yelp out of pain and embarrassment as I throw my arms over them as Deku runs out the door and slams into the door. He knocked himself out in the process gaining a nosebleed, but I'm not sure if it was from me or the wall. "Deku!" I scream letting go of my breasts and putting him on the bed and putting an ice pack on his head before changing into newer clothes.

-Peter Griffin as Alexander Hamilton

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