《(Completed)Faster than Lightning》Friends


Ever since Mel and I began dating our lives have been better. The entire class for one reason or another stopped with superiority complex except Iida and Urarawhore. Heck my dad and kushina got married tht other day.

Now we have tons of friends.

I'm currently in my bedroom on a Saturday morning. Everyone else must be downstairs.

I decided to flash there.

Most jumped but Mel just kept sipping her coffee.

"You get used to it." She said plainly. I decided to mess with them.

I flashed behind Mina and tapped her shoulder. I then flashed towards Shoto and touched his shoulder.

"Who touched me?" They both asked.

"Izuku honey, please stop tormenting them." Said Melissa sipping her coffee while reading sn article.

"Whatever." I said flashing behind her and wrapping my hands around her.

"I have an idea. Let's rank the couples of our class." Shouted Toru.

"Yeah. I would say #5 is Todomomo." Said Mina.

Everyone agreed.

"#4 is Kirimina." Said Bakugo looking in a magazine.

"#3 Kaminijiro." I Said.

"#2 Ojigakure." Said Kyoka.

"#1 is......... Izulisa duh." Everyone said tht last part in unison.

We both turned red. We then decided to give them a show and did a celebratory kiss. Cheers were heard.

"That's it I've had it. Melissa get your hands off my man whore." Shouted the one. The only. Urarawhore. Legend says she slept with 5 men in one night. Plus we all saw it anyway but forgot to record it.

"Someone say something." Said Melissa sipping her coffee.

Snickers were heard.

"That's it." She thrn produced a bat. She began running toward us at full speed. I sighed and flash stepped to her since I never actually touched her before.


I then held I three pronged Kunai that I got as a gift from my father. I held it to her neck and whispered," try it. I dare you." I then let her go.

While she did that I placed s formula on the bat and on her. Two birds one stone.

She stopped thfn threw the bat. I teleported infront of it and caught between my hands.

I teleported infront of her and began flickering. I was flash stepping millimeters apart to give of the effect. My voice sounded different too.

"So you have chosen.... death." I said creepily. She shuddered as I teleported my stepmom here.

"Hi everyone I'm this brat's step mom. Who's Uraraka.", She said sweetly. Everyone pointed to her.

My mother's smile turned into a wicked grin. You could see the devil in them. Her years in the army's Interrogation Department was finally being used again.

"Listen here you little slut. For your crimes against my step son and attempted murder of my future daughter in law you will be expelled from U.A."


"I have one last thing to say. Who's child is it?" I asked. It was obvious she was pregnant. Everyone knew.

"I'm not sure." She said.

"Good luck. I sense twins." I said slyly.

And like that the whore of U.A. is no more

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