《Hogwart's Babysitter》Chapter 5



"Hey Wise girl!" I greeted Annabeth as I moved out of the room, "It's like you knew I was planning to not do my homework,"

She laughed, "Of course you managed to become a teacher only to dodge all teacherly duties,

"Teacherly duties? What are those?" I asked innocently and she huffed,

"Grading, lesson plans, that type of stuff," She answered my lips forming an 'o'

"I've got lesson plans, not much good it does me though," I whined and she laughed,

"Poor you," She teased and I rolled my eyes,

"So, what's going on? The good ol' family behaving themselves?" I asked and I could feel her eye roll from here,

"Yeah, we're all good here, although I can tell the camp misses you," she said and I laughed

"Of course, they do! I was the best instructor they ever had!" I huffed puffing out my chest in a perfect imitation of Leo, she laughed again,

"Anyway, Seaweed brain, I was calling to let you know that the gods are getting restless with you there," she said, sobering me up,

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully,

"They're not going to do anything! It's just they're being a little tougher on the campers now that you aren't there to protect them,"

"Annabeth," I whispered and she sighed, "I can't be there forever, I promised to stay out, and I don't mind training them, I enjoy it even, but I'm not going to always be there." I clutched the phone hard,

"I know Percy, try not to worry about it too much."

"I love you, seaweed brain," she said and I let a found smile slip onto my face at the nickname.


"I love you too wise girl," I replied and I could feel her smile,

"So. Tell me about your project," I requested, and immediately she launched into a detailed description of everything that she's done/planned. I smiled in ignorance, listening to every word.

"Um Percy?" A voice asked cutting through Annabeth's and my conversation as we both paused before I turned around and my eyes landed on Hermione,

"What's up?" I asked not lowering the phone from my ear,

"Mrs. Weasly said that dinner's up," Hermione said and I paused,

"Dinner?" I asked my interest peaked and she nodded,

I shifted my attention to Annabeth again, "Hey looks like our time is up, call you later?" I asked

"Yeah, sure," Annabeth said and I nodded, something was weird in her voice,

"Alright, I love you wise girl," I said and I could hear her smile,

"I love you too seaweed brain," Then the line cut. I smiled down at the phone for a moment before looking back up and smiling at Hermione-

"So- food?" I asked and she laughed,

"You're worse than Ron," she said. I paused as we reached the diner table

'Congratulations Ron and Hermione- New Prefects' was written on a scarlet banner over a feast of food. Along with a bunch of more new people who I didn't know.

My gaze stopped on a lycanthrope. I tensed a hand going to my pocket before I froze. Dumbledore mentioned something about this. I made eye contact with him, his eyes widening as he recognized me. I moved my gaze on as Author raised his fancy glass thingy that Annabeth would know the name too,

"Well, I think a toast is in order," He said, "To Ron and Hermione, the new Gryffindor prefects!" I clapped with the others and helped myself to some food.


"Perseus Jackson?" The lycanthrope asked, approaching me I peered at him cautiously,

"How do you know my name?" I asked and he swallowed slightly,

"All 'monsters' know of you," He said, my hand clenching riptide, "I never expected to run into you, here of all places,"

"Dumbledore's an old friend of Chiron," I explained and the lycanthrope nodded before offering me his hand slowly,

"I'm Remus Lupin," he said and I peered at him suspiciously,

"People only call me Perseus if they want to kill me," I said and he offered me a small smile,

"Percy it is then," Remus said and I nodded, relaxing and releasing riptide.

"All it takes is a name for you to relax?" He asked and I nodded taking a bite.

"Yep, you're good," I said, before smiling at him, "you're not a monster, you're a lycanthrope,"

"What's the difference?" he asked, his turn to be suspicious, but I just smiled at him, going back to get seconds,

"I kill monsters,"

Howdy! This was a really interesting chapter to write- and to all those who say Annabeth doesn't get jealous- look at how she reacted to Rachel. But at the end of the day, Annabeth knows that Percy loves her and she loves him 🥰.

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