《》Chapter Ten


Alpha had ended up coming back the next week and sat me down to explain the next two options I had as he gained full guardianship over me even if I did live with the Hatake family instead.

It seemed as I was now no longer a Nohara but an Inuzuka I would be given the choice to either having the chakra laced tattoos removed and redone with the Inuzuka fang markings or keep the Nohara ones.

The choice wasn't that hard to make considering who designed and came up with the markings currently on my face. I wanted no reminder of the one who abandoned me.

"I want them gone," I said without hesitation. "They were designed by Hina since our father was not from a Clan himself."

I refused to call her my mother considering she had left me behind. Yes, while the markings could have been a connection to Rin it wasn't enough for me to keep them upon my face since it would tie me to Hina as well.

Alpha only nodded and raised his hand as it began to glow a mix of dark green and a light blue before slowly dragging them down my markings causing me to bite back the shout of pain.

The pain would be worth it to remove this tie from myself.

"There," said Alpha two hours later as the red fangs were placed upon my face as he packaged up the kit, he brought in case I had decided to go with the fangs.

It took a bit longer since we had to recreate the connection between me and my canine partners.

"It will take about two weeks to fully settle so try to not touch them too much."

"Thank you," I said voice softer than normal as I bowed my head. "For everything Alpha, and I'm sorry."


"Nothing to be sorry for," cut in Alpha with warning as he shoved back his shaggy brown hair as his sharp gold eyes overlooked me. "Get some rest Asahi and know that you have the backing of the Pack."

Kakashi barely waited until Alpha had left before rushing into the room and settling down beside me as his eyes roamed over the bright red fangs on my face. This caused me to give him a fanged smile in turn making him eye smile.

He had refused to leave my side for any reason after what had happened with Hina even becoming more stand offish when the older students in the Academy tried to ask questions.

"Do you want to wait before graduating?" asked Kakashi as we once more made our way to the Academy now that Alpha had left.

"No," I answered even though I knew that would mean dealing with fighting in the Third Shinobi War. "We would only be wasted and at least this way we can have a Jonin sensei to help us grow stronger in order to protect our family and friends."

"Hey Asahi," called out Obito pulling me away from Kakashi making said boy glare at the Uchiha running toward us. "Are you alright?!"

"Yes," I answered curious to how he would know before remembering he had become a good friend to Rin. "Have you talked with Rin?"

"I have," answered Obito who sent his own scowl at Kakashi. "She isn't mad at you though she is pissed at your mother for what's going on and has been staying with Inuzuka-sama."

I hadn't been aware of that.

But it did make sense since I knew Rin was loyal and adored me meaning for mother to do this, she hadn't just given me up, no, she had also lost Rin in the process making me wonder if I should feel a bit of pity for the woman.


"Truthfully, I haven't gotten a chance to talk to her," I admitted with some regret before placing my hand on Obito's shoulder not noticing the light pink dusting his face as I gave him a warm bright smile. "I have to thank you for being there for her even though I couldn't be. I owe you one Uchiha Obito and you truly are an amazing friend to Rin."

I didn't get to add more or hear his response since Kakashi grabbed my elbow and dragged me to class while shooting one last glare at Obito over his shoulder as I looked to Kakashi with some confused amusement.


"Congratulations," Uchiha-sensei who had been our new Chunin instructor for the final year in the Academy. "You pass."

It had been barely two months since I had become a full on Inuzuka and Kakashi and I had once more been pushed further into taking the Genin Exam early by a land slide. We easily passed through it and gaining our hitai-ate. This was a moment where I felt a bit of fear and excitement since I knew this wasn't something to take lightly, as it could lead to my death.

"Want to head back home?" I asked Kakashi after tying the hitai-ate around my throat.

Couldn't get used to the idea of placing it on my forehead.

Though I had gone a bit further in the test by even having Ōkami and Tenshi show they could make their own clones and the Academy three jutsu earning us high praise and three hitai-ate's.

Which really is amazing considering we had only two months to practice and get them to be able to do the three jutsu. Especially as we were still working on the Inuzuka taijutsu that incorporated our canine partners, which I had two of.

"Best bet to do so," agreed Kakashi before falling short as we caught sight of the people waiting for us outside. "Or not."

"I knew you could do it," cried out Rin as she raced forward and threw her arms around me.

The bright red fang markings on her face pulling up.

Even as the tiny white dog, so similar to Kiba's, barked from beside her feet.

"Not that I had any doubt otherwise."

"Kakashi and you are the youngest to ever graduate," agreed Alpha with a nod to Kakashi and Sakumo as he ruffled my hair. "You really are a worthy pup growing into your own that makes the Pack proud."

"We even plan to make your favorites," added Minato but it was the redhead at his side that caught my attention. "This is my good friend Uzumaki Kushina."

"Your hair is really pretty," I blurted out making Kushina blink before grinning as he surged forward to pull me into a tight hug.

"I think I will keep you," cooed Kushina making Kakashi glare and Minato sweat drop with a nervous laugh. "Right Minato?"

Uzumaki Kushina was a male. My whole world felt like it was going to tilt on its head at this knowledge. How was Naruto supposed to be born if his mother was a male!?

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