《》Chapter Eight


I hadn't at first known how to act around Obito who I knew would end up growing up and somehow working with Madara in his battle against the Elemental Nations. That he would be the one to kill me in place of Sasuke who he had been aiming for.

Mostly because at this moment in time he was a lot like Naruto to the point it almost hurt to pay attention to the goofy Uchiha boy without thinking of a foxy blond friend of mine. Inoichi and Shikaku had ended up sitting behind Kakashi and I with Choza sitting behind them since Obito snagged the seat on my other side and Shisui took the one beside Shikaku.

This meant I was surrounded by people who held close ties to those I had left behind.

"Will Hatake Kakashi and Nohara Asahi please stay after," ordered our Chunin instructor halfway through the first year at the Academy. "The rest of you are dismissed."

"Is there something wrong?" I asked as Kakashi joined me at standing before Nara-sensei who sighed tiredly.

"You both are too far ahead for being in the first-year part of the Academy," answered Nara-sensei with a lidded stare. "So, with the permission of your guardians we have moved you up to the last year of the Academy. Effected immediately."

I knew Kakashi had been known for only staying a year in the Academy before becoming a Genin and placed with Minato before fast tracking to Chunin before gaining the other two members for Team Seven under Minato. But now it seemed things might be a bit different as we both received the scroll with our information and scores to give to our new Chunin instructor.

This would also mean that we'd likely be stuck in a team together considering our age and how fast we were making our way through the ranks. Not that I was too worried about it considering that would mean I would always have a loyal teammate to depend on.


Though I was worried how my mother would take this.

"This isn't what I had been expecting," I said softly to Kakashi as we made our way out of the Academy toward the Hatake compound. "Especially since we've only been here a few months compared to others."

"We also took our training seriously," returned Kakashi with a light shake of his head as he tucked his scroll into his pouch. "Father also trained us up to at least low Chunin level before we entered the Academy anyway."

It still felt weird. Before I had never graduated the Academy that early having instead stayed for a good few years before graduating a year before Kiba and the others.

Which had been a surprise considering what had happened with Itachi and how the age limit had been bumped up afterward. I had to jump through hoops to gain that chance at becoming a Genin so young because of it though.

"You really believe we're ready for what's to come?" I asked seriously while grabbing his arm after putting away my own scroll.

"Yes," answered Kakashi as his coal grey eyes met my honey brown making me relax a bit with how serious he was. "Plus, we have one another and you know that they'll want to keep us together once we become Genin."

"I hear congratulations are in order," called out Sakumo-sensei with a grin as we walked toward where he stood. "I'm really proud of the two of you."

"Thank you, sensei," I said with a small sheepish smile as I rubbed at the back of my neck. "I honestly couldn't have gotten this far without you."

"Not true," disagreed Sakumo with a shake of his head even as he ruffled his son's hair. "You had already been training and showing promise under Inuzuka-sama."


"Brother," cried out Rin as she dashed forward and directly into my arms making a laugh leave me as I hugged her close. "I heard the news!"

"That she did," agreed Alpha as he walked forward with an animal like grace while giving Sakumo a nod. "We need to speak Asahi."

I didn't know why but I had begun to get a horrid feeling deep in my gut while Ōkami and Tenshi both growled before settling down once more where they had both curled up together in the hood of my vest. Mother was nowhere to be seen and that left another feeling of dread to fill me as I moved forward to follow Alpha while Kakashi was held back by Sakumo as was Rin.

"First I want you to know I am proud of how far you have come," began Alpha with a shake of his head before a tired sigh left him. "But I won't beat around the bush Asahi. Your mother has given up all custody of you to the Clan."

That one sentence almost destroyed me as I stumbled back a step as tears burned my eyes while I shook my head. I had known she had begun to feel a bit of a grudge toward the Clan, had begun to become cold, as I gained my own canine partners. But to give me up? It went against everything I was raised to believe in.

"I tried to convince her to change her mind," continued Alpha with a sad smile as his hand raised to rest upon my shoulder anchoring me to here and now. "But without my realization she had begun to hate the Clan and more so myself for welcoming you into it."

"Where will I go?" I asked body feeling numb and eyes hardening as I stared up at the Alpha who looked tired and sad concerning this.

Inuzuka were raised to always be there for pack and were more animal minded then many would realize once they had bonded to their chosen canine partner or partners. So, for my mother here to do this, to disown me, it went against everything the Inuzuka were.

I knew this would have her removed from the Clan and her tattoo markings stripped from her, all because I was brought into the Clan. Just why did things have to turn out this way?

"You have two options," answered Alpha hand tightening briefly in comfort upon my shoulder as he looked right at me. "You can live with me and my daughter or we can set you up into one of the apartments for shinobi."

"You can also stay with Kakashi and I," added Sakumo as he walked toward us causing me to look back and see that Minato was with Kakashi and Rin. "You were there when I needed someone Asahi. Let me return the favor."

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