《》Chapter Five


Kakashi ended up pulling me by my hand all the way back to his house where Sakumo-sensei and Minato awaited us. Yet still it kept me wondering, what else had changed?

Hopefully nothing that would affect my plans to badly in fixing the messed-up parts from my time. But even if it did then I would just have to adjust and work to continue on giving my friends and loved ones a better chance than what we had.

It was what kept me from losing myself to my memories or going crazy, the thought of giving them a better future. Otherwise grief would have dragged me under by now.

"You two have fun?" asked Sakumo-sensei with a grin as we moved to sit across from him in the living room with Minato taking the other armchair facing the couch we sat on.

"We did," I answered after looking toward Kakashi who still seemed a bit aggravated. "Though I had accidentally bumped into Yamanaka Inoichi with his friends Nara Shikaku and Akimichi Choza."

"It was forgiven though," added Kakashi with a huff even as he glared off toward the side. "I still think Yamanaka could have watched where he was going."

"The same could be said for me Kakashi," I said with some amusement before letting it go to focus upon Sakumo-sensei and Minato. "I will soon have to go home Sakumo-sensei. Is there a certain time you would like for me to arrive from now on for training?"

"From 0500 until I dismiss you," answered Sakumo-sensei while gaining to his feet and moving toward us. "Though it might change when I start retaking missions and if something comes up but for the most part that will be the new time schedule."

That was similar to the schedule that Kakashi-sensei had given me before.


"Alright," I said in agreement gaining to my feet as well and staying silent as he reached down to ruffle my hair. "Until tomorrow, Sakumo-sensei. It was great meeting you Kakashi and Namikaze-san."

"See you tomorrow Asahi," called out Kakashi as he moved toward the stairs after sending me a wave. "Should be fun having an actual training partner."

"I'll walk with you," said Minato with a friendly smile as he got to his feet and moved to clasp a hand onto Sakumo-sensei's shoulder. "Again, I'm sorry that I hadn't been there or realized just how much you were going through Sakumo."

"I understand," said Sakumo-sensei with a tired smile. "You've been going through a lot trying to finish the big project you're working on along with the fact you have been taking on a lot more A-rank missions."

This was a time where the Third Shinobi War had yet to start if I was remembering correctly.

"Again, I promise to stop in more," promised Minato before turning toward me as I headed for the door. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," I answered simply still unsure of how I should act around Minato who reminded me too much of Naruto who had been one of my best friends. "Take care Sakumo-sensei."

The first bit of the walk back to my house was silent as Minato waved at a few people who called out to him and I just focused my eyes ahead of me. He was friendlier than I had believed since Kakashi-sensei of before had mentioned that Minato had been nice but a serious type of shinobi who had the respect of all his comrades.

It just goes to show that you don't really know someone until you meet them yourself.


"Do you not wish for me to accompany you?" wondered aloud Minato as he placed a hand upon my shoulder to stop me from continuing my fast-paced walk.

"It's not that Namikaze-san," I answered with a shake of my head. "It's just that I don't know you besides what you had shared back at Sakumo-sensei's house."

"The fact you know I didn't stand up for Sakumo has you distrustful," continued Minato with a knowing sad smile. "In truth I cannot blame you for that and a part of me is saddened that the shinobi in Konoha have failed you in breaking your belief and trust in us."

"Namikaze-san," I cut in before he could continue on this subject. "I'm aware that some might have believed the worse in Sakumo-sensei and that some might not have been aware and in all honesty the only ones I don't trust are those who knew and stood back doing nothing."

This was because they had already shown that they weren't trustworthy.

"Which is why when I do finally have a Genin team of my own, I plan to never ever make them feel like Sakumo-sensei felt. Because loneliness is worse than dying."

Remembering the way Naruto grew up would make that truth obvious.

"I know," agreed Minato quietly before reaching out to ruffle my hair as he let my shoulder go as we continued walking forward. "But that's why we're here now to show Sakumo and Kakashi that they're not alone. Because they have us."

His words resonated with me and caused me to feel a weight leave my shoulders.

"Asahi," cried out Rin with a vibrant smile as she shot out of the house and into my waiting arms as a smile pulled at my lips as I hugged her close. "You were gone for so long!"

"I'm training now," I answered simply with a light laugh eyes filled with mischief and being more childlike now that I was with her. "Once you get a stronger grasp on chakra and reading the harder words you can start as well."

"No fair," pouted Rin before looking toward Minato as her face turned cherry red. "Who is he brother?"

"Namikaze Minato," introduced Minato with a bright smile of his own as he offered Rin his hand while I watched carefully. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Nohara Rin," offered Rin giving a sunny smile back before focusing back onto me with a pout. "I finished my reading for the day as promised so you have to keep yours!"

"If you did then of course I will Rin," I said in agreement reaching out to pinch her cheek getting a whine in return. "But first you have to learn the correct way to stretch before I can continue helping with your physical training."

"Fine," sighed loudly Rin before she began running back toward our house and where our mother stood in the doorway. "But you better not forget!"

"I wasn't aware you had a twin," said Minato slowly eyes now looking toward me with a new light in them. "It explains a lot though."

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