《》Chapter Two


I hadn't believed my words would be heard mostly because I was four years old, and yet they had been heard by all, with even the Hokage speaking out and giving his own apology with the truth.

Yet it made me wonder how come this hadn't happened the first time around considering Sakumo would kill himself in a year's time from finally having taken too much and no longer able to get back up again.

Either way I wouldn't allow myself to question the good fortune as those who had just been disparaging and taunting Sakumo looked down in shame and guilt. Each of them owed the man an apology for treating him so horribly.

But I wasn't surprised by it considering how I knew they had treated Naruto as well in the future.

"I forgive you Hokage-sama," stated Sakumo breaking the silence even as he continued to look gob smacked as he looked between the Hokage and myself. "Though I would like to know the name of the one who defended me."

"Nohara Asahi," I answered with a slight dip of my head as I offered my tiny hand making him let out a slightly hysteric chuckle as he knelt down in front of me to shake my hand, "and I was only speaking the truth Hatake-san."

"Be that as it may," said Sakumo with a shake of his head as his teary grey eyes locked with my own honey brown ones. "I still want to thank you because you're the first person to defend me and that means something to me."

"You're welcome," I offered hesitantly while looking between the kneeling Sakumo and the standing Hokage who was watching us with a proud look on his aging face. "Though I should get going since I sort of sneaked out for some sweets."


"How about I get you some sweets and then walk you home?" offered Sakumo as he stood back up giving one last bow to the Hokage before offering me his hand.

I took it with some awe and fondness since it reminded me of Kakashi-sensei who had been my first sensei before I became Chunin and then he took on Team Seven, it still surprised me that I had graduated the Academy early, since what happened with Itachi.

But either way we first stepped back toward the old lady's stand where Sakumo was able to purchase some fruit and vegetables before we ambled on toward another stand that sold my favorite sweets, Dorayak.

By the time we had finally headed back to my small home my mother was fraught with worry and began to scold me while thanking Sakumo who waved it off.

"If you ever want to start training early you can stop by my house since I'm still on probation," said Sakumo as he handed me a slip of paper. "I have a son around your age who's also training and hopes to join the Academy next year."

"I would like that," I said softly before waving goodbye as he shunshined away likely to go home and finally talk to his son. "I'm sorry Rin."

"What for?" asked Rin as she slowly walked toward where I still stood outside by the gate.

Wasn't that just a sad thing, she hadn't even realized, being so young, that the way I treated her was a horrible. But that just meant I had time to make up for it.

"For being such a bad brother," I answered honestly before looking toward her for the first time.

Guilt and a bit of brotherly love filled me because even if I hadn't wanted to admit it, in the last three years she had wormed her way into my heart to sit right next to Kiba.


"But I promise to do better."


One thing I hadn't been aware of, and left me wondering, is as it turns out my mother was an Inuzuka as well but had married outside the Clan to our father Nohara Tadashi. It let me have a tie to my first life and Kiba even if this time I wouldn't be able to have another canine partner, and a part of me was glad for it, because no one could replace my first canine partner.

"There you are," called out an older voice causing me to turn from where I was walking through the shopping district. "Ah sorry you wouldn't know me, but I'm a close friend to Hatake Sakumo who you stood up for last week. Namikaze Minato."

If Naruto hadn't been a close friend of mine and I hadn't dealt with his almost hero worship of the Fourth before then learning how he was Naruto's father and all of that, I might have had a fanboy moment, but I did and was aware so I just blinked and looked toward the taller blonde with some confusion.

"Nohara Asahi," I said with some hesitation before holding up the small bag filled with my favorite sweets. "Would you like some?"

"Thank you," stated Minato with a beaming smile as he took one before motioning for me to continue walking. "I just wanted to tell you that I found what you did to be very brave and was made aware of just how large of an impact your words had on my friend. So, while you might not understand or know, I want you to have my complete sincere thanks."

"It was the right thing to do," I said seriously brows furrowing even as I began to munch on my sweets while heading to the Hatake household. "The fact it took a four-year-old to be the one to point out the obvious is what should be more what you focus on. Because how can I trust my future comrades if this is what could happen when I risk my own life for theirs?"

"You're right," agreed Minato slowly with a slight sad smile as he reached out to ruffle my hair making me pout and step away from him a bit, "and that's something I'm trying to work on but to make big changes like that takes time and can't be done alone."

"I still plan to become a shinobi," I said with a slight hum as we finally arrived at my destination.

I turned to face the beaming blonde who looked at me with a raised eyebrow in question making me give him a large smile that would make Naruto proud.

"Because I have loved ones, family, that I want to protect along with my village so I will help you achieve that goal Namikaze-san."

My words seemed to make Minato-san beam brightly in answer.

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