《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 23


"Hey, Saki" (Y/n) called out, as she casually lays on top of the deck's borders, not caring that she could fall. "Not this again... What do you want?" Sukuna grumbled, already looking annoyed. "You're old, right?" (Y/n) asked, while tilting her head to "look" at him, earning a loud sigh from the curse. "Get to the point" Sukuna demanded, absolutely done with her bullshit, and possibly regretting not taping her mouth shut.

"Are oranges named 'oranges' because oranges are orange? Or is orange named 'orange' because oranges are orange?" (Y/n) asked, as she held up her phone. "Wh- Hey! My phone!!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she watched it get snatched out of her hand, and placed into the sleeve of Sukuna's kimono. "This is why I hate strange devices, it makes you more annoying" Sukuna complained as he made his way below deck.

"I think it's because oranges are orange," Mahito said, as he stood over (Y/n), peering down at her. "Well~ I wasn't asking you" (Y/n) said with a tight-lip smile as she got up from her spot. "Don't be like that! It's very unkind!" Mahito whined as he followed her, both of them easily balancing on the railing.

Suddenly, she stopped, casually balancing on one foot on top of a human skull. "We're here" (Y/n) announced as she tilted her head to the side, peering out into the ocean. "Hmm? Oh! Finally!" Mahito cheered as he spotted the piece of land, specifically the massive mansion. "Arlong Park" (Y/n) said while looking for a specific ship, the main reason why she wanted Sukuna to bring her here.

Seemingly, out of nowhere, two massive Fishmen jumped onto the deck, expertly avoiding hitting the two. "Oh~! Visitors! Hello!" Mahito greeted them enthusiastically, giving them an innocent wave. "Oh weird... I thought you guys would look... More fish looking" (Y/n) commented while holding up a drawing. Her drawing matched that of what Luffy drew, which is a literal fish with legs.


"Bahahaha! Is that what I look like?! I'm so funny looking!" Hachi laughed while pointing at the drawing. "Hachi! Watch it! These are the King's crewmembers" Arlong warned, only to sweatdrop as he realized he was being ignored. "BAhAHA! He does look like that!!" Hachi laughed as (Y/n) drew up another terrible drawing, this time of Arlong.

"Riiiight? But I think his nose could be even bigger!" (Y/n) said with a wide smile, greatly enjoying making fun of Arlong. "Ridiculous, enough with the games," Sukuna said as he loomed over the two. "Gh-- S-Sorry! I got distracted!" Hachi immediately apologized, with a bow. While (Y/n) casually stared up at him and gave him a wide smile, showcasing that she was not afraid of him.

(Y/n) happily munched away on some sweets, while casually sitting on Sukuna's lap. Meanwhile, the Fishmen, including Arlong, shook in fear. Afraid that one wrong move would get them killed, hence to why they immediately changed out Alrong's crappy plastic chair to a large throne fit for a king. It did not help that Sukuna kept eyeing the sweet in suspicion, waiting for him to comment on it.

Thankfully, it was interrupted by someone walking in, that person being Nami. With a loud gasp, she dropped her bag full of goods, in this case, money. "Oh! Hi, Nemo!!" (Y/n) greeted with an obnoxious wave, only for Sukuna to force her hand back down to her side. "Tch, don't tell me she's the reason we're here" Sukuna grumbled, deeply pissed off for being used as transport.

"No~ Of course not! It's just a mere coincidence!" (Y/n) reassured as she poked his nose, earning an irritated expression from him. "Open the gate! We have a prisoner on board this vessel!" Someone called out from behind the gate. Silence ensued, normally they would've opened the gate. But, now that Sukuna is here, he calls the shots, nervously waiting for his command.


With a wave of his hand, the order was clear, as they opened the gates, revealing to the outsiders of their new boss. "Gh-?! The Demon King!" In an instant, they bowed, low to the ground, as they come to a stop in front of him. "Oh! Hi, Zozo!" (Y/n) greeted the same way she did Nami. "(Y-Y/n)?!" Zoro exclaimed in shock but also confused about how she got there before he did.

"So you're the famous pirate hunter I keep hearing about. What a disappointment, first you fail to defeat Hawkeye, then you get yourself captured" Sukuna listed off, looking very unpleased. "Oh, don't be so grumpy! You know, you look much cuter when you smile" (Y/n) complemented as she poked Sukuna's cheek, the same way she did with Zoro.

"(Y/n)... Why are you being so casual with him?! You can't honestly expect me to believe you two work together!" Zoro exclaimed, looking quite betrayed. (Y/n)'s playful smile dropped to a frown, she then easily slid off of Sukuna's lap and made her way towards her crewmember. "Zoro, Zoro, Zoro~" (Y/n) repeatedly said as she bent down and yanked his chin upwards, forcing him to look up at her.

She then leaned down, getting her face close to his ear, making him slightly flustered by their intimate position. "You know~ You're cute when you're all tied up like that. Very naughty" (Y/n) teased, catching Zoro off guard, and slightly pissed she was flirting with him. "Why you--" Zoro was quickly cut off, as she got closer to his ear, now able to feel her lip movement against his lobe.

"What I do and how I do it is none of your concern, got it?" (Y/n) whispered to him, which confused him greatly. She then lowered the collar of her shirt, the same one she got from the restaurant. "That's..." Zoro muttered in shock, taking note of the tattoo planted on her shoulder blade.

He then looked to Sukuna, taking note of the similar markings that were placed on his forehead, quickly putting two and two together. "That's right, I'm a part of the Demon King's crew, his first mate" (Y/n) confirmed with a proud smile. Zoro looked down with a look of dread, wanting to deeply deny the truth. But, no one noticed, that behind the blindfold, hid (Y/n)'s eyes, were filled with regret.

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