《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》~Easter Special~


(Y/n) stared at the miscolored egg in front of her, blinking slowly in confusion. "Satoru, what the fuck is this?" (Y/n) asked bluntly, while pointing at the egg. "It's a colored egg!" Satoru cheered with a bright smile, despite being 20 years old. Isn't it supposed to be (Y/n) who's supposed to be enjoying herself, when she's 9 years younger than him? Sometimes she wonders who the older one is.

"I know that, dumbass, what is it for?" (Y/n) asked with an irritated look. "Why else?! Easter!... Why are you looking at me like that?!" Satoru whined as (Y/n) gave him a look of disgust. She then chucked the egg behind her and started to walk off, before she was grabbed by the back of her shirt.

"Don't act like that!! Aren't kids your age supposed to be more hyped?!" Satoru complained, not allowing her to leave. "I really couldn't care less" (Y/n) grumbled with a pout. "Too bad! We're going to the park! Come on! Megumi is there!" Satoru cooed as he dragged her out of the house. "Hey! Hey! I didn't agree to this!! Let go!!" She complained as she tried to wiggle out of his hold.

Now there were two unhappy pre-teens, and neither of them liked Satoru's childish antics. "Alright! Go, my children! Flourish!" Satoru dramatically said as he gestured to the park. From their peripheral vision, they can spot eggs everywhere, it was like he set everything up for a 2-year-old. "I think my refrigerate is calling me" Megumi excused as he attempted to leave.

"Wait! Don't go anywhere! These are only the easy ones! It gets harder! Then... You get a massive prize at the end!" Satoru said with dramatic gestures. The two were still not impressed, but overall, their curious young minds wanted to know what the prize was. So, off they went and... "Flourished". Of course, not without a basket to hold everything in.


To say they were bored beyond their mind was an understatement, every egg can easily be picked off of the ground. These eggs also came with specific designs. For example, one egg (Y/n) picked up had a sad drawing of what was supposed to be a person. While Megumi's egg had a little sticker that is Satoru's face.

When they doubled check for any missing eggs, they tried to regroup. The keyword was tried. As Satoru was nowhere to be seen. "Did he ditch us?" (Y/n) questioned with a look of disbelief, while Megumi looked relatively calm. "I say we egg him" Megumi suggested while holding up an egg threateningly.

"No! That's also my house! I don't live in the dorms, unlike you!" (Y/n) cried out. With that, Megumi dropped the egg back into his basket. "Well... Do you want to go to the cafe close by? I snagged his wallet before he left" Megumi said as he held up a wallet. "Huh? When did you do that?" (Y/n) questioned with a look of awe.

"Well... When he was prancing about like a lunatic" Megumi said with a hint of blush on his cheeks. "Alright! Let's go!" (Y/n) cheered as she grabbed his hand, now dragging him to the cafe. "Ah! Hey! Slow down!" Megumi complained as he stumbled after her, leaving their baskets behind. What they didn't notice was a shadow looming over the baskets, watching their figures grow smaller and smaller.

(Y/n) happily slurped her hot cocoa, as this time in the season was particularly cold sometimes. Megumi had his normal black coffee, sitting across from her. People would eye them worriedly, knowing it's not common to leave 11-year-olds without supervision. But, no one wanted to approach the male, as he looks like he wants to kill someone.


"So, how did he drag you out into the park?" (Y/n) asked, wanting to start some small talk. "Ugh... He just grabbed me and appeared in the park with you there. I had no clue he would do this" Megumi said with a sigh. That's when he noticed the strange being staring at them from afar. In particular, it looked like a person in a rabbit suit, and oddly the same height as Satoru.

Megumi deadpanned at the obvious costume, not dumb enough to believe it was someone either than Satoru or a cursed spirit. "Eh? What are you staring at?" (Y/n) questioned as she followed his eyesight. Soon, her confusion also turned into a deadpan expression. Her six eyes gave away everything she needed to know about the strange person in the bunny costume.

The bunny then held up two empty baskets, which were definitely filled when they left them. It then waved at them in a "come here" sort of way. The two kids looked back at each other with a blank looks, and just went back to drinking their beverages, ignoring Satoru completely. "Are you two really related?" Megumi asked sarcastically, but to anyone who doesn't know him, he sounded serious.

"I feel like I'm adopted, maybe I should flee and find my real brother" (Y/n) muttered. They then sweatdropped as the bunny is now nose to glass on their window. "I'm calling the cops," Megumi said as he took out his phone, before he could dial a number, a woman screamed. Now gaining the attention of everyone, the customers started freaking out about the bunny suit.

Soon, security marched out of the restaurant, which instantly made the bunny suit flee. (Y/n) smirked as she took out her phone, taking a picture of Satoru running in a bunny suit. Meanwhile, Megumi was recording the whole thing, most likely going to send it to Maki and Mai. While (Y/n) sent it to the Principle, Geto, Shoko, and Utahime, knowing they'll get a kick out of the picture.

~Happy Easter!~

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