《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 20


"No use to you?! As far as I know, no one else is cooking you good meals!" The Head Chef pointed out. "That's a valid point... Very well, Mahito, don't kill the old man and the blond" Sukuna finalized with a wave of his hand. "Wait, now hold on! How come you're labeled as King?! You didn't even find the One Piece! That should be my title!" Luffy claimed proudly.

This earned a collective gasp from around them, knowing he's unintentionally pissing Sukuna off. "Be quiet chore boy! Do you want to be killed?!" One of the chefs exclaimed. "No way! Not from this, especially if (Y/n) is of their interests" Luffy said stubbornly. "You're one annoying brat. You remind me of that annoying paintbrush" Sukuna spat with a scowl.

"Paintbrush? Eh? Where?" Luffy questioned as he looked around for said paintbrush. "Are you dense? Or just stupid? I don't have time for your games, kid" Sukuna said as he stomped out of the door. "Hey! Get back here!" Luffy called out, only to be blocked off by Mahito. "Sorry, but, you'll be fighting me," Mahito said with a sadistic smile, not at all apologetic.

"What's going on, Luffy? You need a hand?" Zoro asked while tempting to pull out his sword. (Y/n) is squatting on the railing, looking like she could fall any minute. While Usopp shook in his spot, either nervous or scared shitless, most likely having gotten dragged along. "If you don't need help, that's okay too!" Usopp said shakily, wanting to badly leave.

"Hai~!" (Y/n) greeted with a wide smile and a casual wave of her hand. "Oh, hey guys, appreciate the offer, but I think I can handle this guy," Luffy said, which convinced Zoro to back down. "Hey, (Y/n), some guy was looking for you out front, I think he headed for our ship" Luffy pointed out. (Y/n)'s large smile turned into a serious frown realizing Sukuna might be terrorizing poor Nami.


"Ah! To bad! If you say you don't need any help, who am I to argue?" Usopp nervously said, happy to leave early. "Us awesome fighters are just going to sit this one out! Hollar if you need us-- AGH!!" Usopp cried as he was elbowed harshly on his gut. Mahito snickered in amusement, both from watching Usopp's misery, and the stupidity of Luffy's confidence.

"You humans never cease to amaze me! Always so confident until they're lying in their own blood!" Mahito chuckled, not hiding the fact that he's not human. (Y/n)'s eyes narrowed, now needing to choose fast, her comrades, or her brother. With a sigh, she made her way back up the stairs, heading back outside.

When she got to the boat, the desk was a mess, with items thrown about, and Nami hiding behind a barrel. From the restaurant behind her, some glass broke and fighting ensued. "Tell, me where she is, now!" Sukuna yelled out, most likely harassing Zoro's bounty hunter friends. "We don't know! We swear!" Johnny cried out, regretting not paying attention to where she went.

"Sukuna" (Y/n) called, on cue, there was a loud thud and a slam of a door opening. Sukuna then made his way to (Y/n), towering over her with his 10-foot height. "We need to talk, call your goon off while you're at it" (Y/n) demanded fearlessly. If it were anyone else demanding him things, they'd be dead. But, all she got was a huff as he stomped back to the restaurant with her arm in his grasp.

When he opened the restaurant door again the place looked like a battlefield, thankfully, only inanimate objects were destroyed. Before Mahito could swing his morphed arm onto a chef his hair was yanked from behind him, forcing him to be dragged along the ground. "We're leaving, let's go" Sukuna demanded while heading back out, taking Mahito and (Y/n) with him.


"Wh- Hey! Where are you taking (Y/n)?! Get back here!" Luffy called out, running to catch up with them. But he stopped in his tracks when (Y/n) sent him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Luffy! I'll be back shortly! Promise!" (Y/n) called out with a wave of her hand and vanished behind the door.

Zoro passed back and forth, being the most worried about the female, while Luffy sat on the ground, lost in thought. "That idiot! What does she think she's doing?!" Zoro muttered to himself. "That guy was so creepy, both of them are! I wonder what kind of fruit the morph guy ate" Usopp theorized to himself.

"That's it, I'm going to go drag her ass back here" Zoro announced as he goes to head after her. "Wait, Zoro, be patient a little longer, I trust that she is fine" Luffy interrupted, preventing Zoro from his solo rescue mission. Zoro let out a restless sigh as he sat down on a chair. "I wonder what they're even talking about that's making her take so long," Usopp said out loud, imagining different scenarios, none of them being good.

On the contrary, from within the ship, they had actually finished talking a while ago. Now, why hasn't she left yet? Well... She's stuck being forced to sit on Sukuna's lap, as he cleaned up her hair. She hasn't been keeping up with her hair routine, so there were many knots that Sukuna untangled.

"So, what's with the decoration, threatening to gouge my eyes out?" (Y/n) asked, interrupting the silence. "That's a tempting offer" Sukuna teased as his hand came threateningly close to her eyes. Only to move down to her chin and force her to look at him, sending her a smirk. "Why, are you offering to give me your eyes? So I can keep them in a jar to gaze upon as a prize?" Sukuna asked teasingly, but to anyone else, it sounded like a threat.

"I rather keep them" (Y/n) said as she slapped his hand off of her chin, now back to facing the empty room. "...She was the only one who looked exactly like you. It annoyed me to no end" Sukuna explained accidentally yanking (Y/n)'s hair with the hairbrush. "Ow! Hey! Careful" (Y/n) whined while holding her head in pain.

Suddenly, the boat shook in its place, settling there for a moment, until it collapsed on itself for a brief moment. The boat let out a loud groan as it quickly fixed itself. But, due to being on the water, it teetered and sunk slightly, causing a massive wave that shook the smaller boat beside it.

Confused, the both of them got up and headed out to the deck to see who caused the disturbance. "So we meet again, Mihawk, was cutting my boat necessary?" Sukuna called down to the pirate below them. Mihawk jumped off from his small boat and onto Sukuna's larger one, looking calm as ever.

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