《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 17


"Why are you on a pirate ship?! What's going on around here?!" Johnny asked frantically, having stood up abruptly. "Hey, relax, is everything okay? Where's Yosaku?" Zoro asked calmly, ignoring the damaged railing in front of him. "Well... Uh..." Johnny trailed off, as he just ran off to the side of the boat, thus having Zoro and (Y/n) follow after him in curiosity.

"Huh, a dead guy" (Y/n) commented blandly, while staring down at the smaller boat. "DON'T SAY THAT SO CASUALLY!" Johnny exclaimed in horror, not wanting to believe his friend is dead. She just shrugged at him, while Zoro placed a comforting hand on his bud's shoulder.

After hauling the "dead" guy onto the ship, (Y/n) was fascinated to find that he was, indeed, breathing. But, he looked like he is on the brink of death. "Up until a few days ago, he was healthy and full of life, and now... He keeps fainting! And getting really pale! I have no idea what's causing it!" Johnny said as he let out a few sobs.

"His teeth have been falling out and his old wound opened up, and started bleeding! He just got worse and worse, I didn't know what to do! So I thought, maybe we'd just rest on a little island, but... Then..." Johnny trailed off, struggling to explain the rest of his short sob story.

"A cannonball came flying from this ship!" Johnny sobbed out, thus (Y/n) turned her attention to Usopp and Luffy. Both of them have large open mouths, realizing they were the cause of it all. "It was them" (Y/n) said as she pointed at the two accusingly. This jolted the both of them, letting out a screech of being called out by their own crewmember.

"We're very sorry!!" The two yelled out hastily, having now been put in the spotlight. "Sorry isn't good enough," Johnny said sadly, but overall didn't seem that mad at them. But, the two looked at him in dread, realizing they were now in debt to helping him somehow fix his comrade.

"Isn't that right? Partner!!" Johnny yelled out as he sobbed, his face littered with tears and snot. "Big bro, give it to me straight. Is he... Gonna die?" Johnny asked Zoro pleadingly, hoping he'd give him some sliver of hope. "Oh, hey Nami!" (Y/n) said happily while waving at her frantically.

"Would you please quit freaking everyone out? They're all too dumb to understand your terrible humor" Nami said as she walked over to the injured male. "I mean... It was kind of funny" (Y/n) said with a wide smile, giving her a shrug. Nami then grabbed the male's tongue and eyelid, checking both his mouth and eyes.

She then pulled his tongue in and out, like she was messing with his body, which angered Johnny. "Stop it! Whatever you're doing, stop! You're mocking his death! Damnit, you'll--" Johnny was silenced as Nami pushed on his face. "(Y/n), we have some limes in the storage, can you go grab them?" Nami asked politely.

(Y/n) gave her a mock salute as she then marched her way to the storage, going at a decent pace to get them. "Wait, let us come with you!!" Luffy yelled out as he and Usopp ran after her, only to get stuck in the doorway. Sadly, (Y/n) had gotten the limes without their help.

But, she was forced to give the two males the limes, who constantly bombarded her into letting them help somehow. This, led to now, where they squeezed limes over the injured male's face, trying to aim around his mouth. "He's got scurvy" Nami informed, gaining Johnny's attention.


"Scurvy?" Johnny asked in confusion, earning an "mhm" from Nami to confirm he heard her correctly. "If we weren't too late, he'll be just fine in a few days" Nami explained to the male. "Gh- really big sis?! Really?! Thank you, big sis--Gah!" Johnny was then silenced again by Nami's hand.

"Please, don't call me that, it sounds so dumb, besides I'm not a magician, that's (Y/n)'s job. This used to be a hopeless disease that plagued sailors, and we just know how to deal with it now" Nami explained to the male. "So... It's like the flue, but for pirates" (Y/n) summed up.

"Not precisely, this is actually caused by a simple deficiency in plate-derived nutrients, like Vitamin C. Back in the old days, they couldn't carry fresh fruits and vegetables because they couldn't store them. We know better now" Nami explained to her, not noticing Luffy and Usopp shoving limes into the injured male's mouth.

"So... Is shoving a bunch of limes into an ill-person normal?" (Y/n) asked while pointing at Luffy and Usopp. "No... No, it's not" Nami muttered with a deadpanned expression. "You're smart, you're like... A doctor" Luffy said in amazement, finally leaving the poor injured male alone.

"Well, now, how about that? I was right, she isn't dumb" Usopp said smugly, not taking notice of the twitching male below them. (Y/n)'s mouth turned into an "o" shape, as she watched the male twitch about, ignoring Usopp's rambling. "Nope, she's smart as a tack!" Luffy commented while Nami continued to deadpan at them.

"YOU GUYS ARE MORONS! EVERY SAILOR SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SCURVY!" Nami yelled out angirly. Suddenly, the injured male spat out the limes, finally gaining Luffy and Usopp's attention. He then sat up, somehow instantly looking 10x better than he did earlier.

"Oh look, he's alive" (Y/n) commented blandly, while Nami let out a confused "huh?". "HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY, HURRAY!" Johnny and Yosaku yelled out as they pranced around the ship happily. The group looked at them with mixed emotions but made no comments to them.

"Wait... Didn't you only give him limes? I thought he was injured as well?" (Y/n) asked while looking over at Luffy and Usopp. "YOU CAN'T HEAL THAT QUICKLY!!!" Nami yelled out angirly, now fed up with everyone's stupidity. With that, the two had finished prancing around.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves," the duo said in unison like they haven't already introduced themselves earlier. "My name's Johnny" Johnny introduced himself with his cheek resting on his fist. "And I'm Yosaku" Yosaku introduced himself, covering his chin with his hand. Also, somehow holding a cigar in between his fingers, how'd he get the cigar? No one will know.

"Together, we're the badest pirate bounty hunting duo in the world," the duo said in unison. "Big bro Zoro, there, used to be one of us" Johnny pointed out. "Glad to make your acquaintance," Yosaku said while Zoro smirked in amusement, unlike his crewmembers who stared in confusion.

"But... Didn't we already learn your names earlier? Also... How are you standing with those wounds?" (Y/n) asked in confusion. Instead of receiving an answer, she just got patted on the head by Zoro as he made his way past her, and towards his old comrades.

As if on cue, Yosaku had fallen over, his body no longer able to support itself due to his wounds. Now he looked back to being sick, but with blood dripping from his nose and mouth. Thankfully, Nami had taken care of it, and cleaned him up, settling him in a comfy bed in the cabin.


This left the group to hand around in the small kitchen area, with Zoro back resting against (Y/n)'s body. "Let this be a lesson to you" Nami spoke out, disturbing the tense silence. "Yeah, this is the kinda trouble you run into when you chose a life on the sea" Zoro spoke out.

"Which means, when we're at sea, we really gotta think about how to get the right amount of nutrients. With very little food" Usopp summed up. "I still don't understand why he'd jump around with wounds, it made me think he became sick again" (Y/n) said as she leaned further back against the wall.

"He shouldn't have, also it's absolutely necessary that someone on this ship knows how to collect proper nutrients" Nami grumbled out. Luffy then happily took a bite out of his bread, showing that he wasn't listening to a word she said. "Hey (Y/n), do you want any? You haven't eaten in a while" Luffy said while holding out the bread towards her, despite being so far away from her.

"Sure, thanks Laffy" (Y/n) said, now back to her normal miss-naming self, as she got off the floor. Thankfully, Zoro had moved off of her, allowing her to do so. Thus, she walked over to Luffy, and took the bread from his hands, taking a bite out of it.

"Right! This ship needs a cook!!" Luffy announced in realization, confusing most of his crewmembers. The only one not confused was Zoro, who looked like he was sleeping. "Let's go find us a cook!" Luffy announced as he stood up, earning a brief silence from his crew members.

"I'm in, good idea, we'll have yummy food, even while we're out at sea," Usopp said, being the first to break the silence, as he stood up as well. "That's right! You got it! Haha!" Luffy said happily, while (Y/n) went back to munching on her bread, which tasted a bit stale.

"A cook? I know just the place and the food is gonna blow your mind" Johnny said with a smile. "Alright, let's go! Where to?" Luffy asked excitedly. "Consider yourselves warned, this place is close to the Grand Line, and I've heard a lot of rumors lately. That a certain Hawky man you're looking for is there" Johnny said as he stood in front of Zoro.

Zoro then instantly gripped his sword, showcasing that he wasn't asleep, as he smirked up at his old friend. "Set a course, North, North East!" Johnny said as he pointed in a random direction. Everyone smirked for many different reasons, except for one, (Y/n), who wasn't smiling at all.

As they got closer to the floating restaurant, (Y/n) got a little more nervous, knowing that the restaurant will bring chaos. While Johnny announced the restaurant's name, (Y/n) paid him zero attention, giving her attention elsewhere, looking like she was on high alert.

Zoro was the only one to notice her distress, frowning slightly in worry. Due to being on high alert, (Y/n) instantly took notice of Yosaku peaking out of the doorway. Then the sound of a boat honking at them gained her attention off of Yosaku. On the ship read "Marines" as it started to approach their ship, going in sideways.

"Tch, it's just my luck, of course, the Marines would show up" Zoro scoffed, unamused by the boat. "But, how did that ship..." Nami trailed off as Johnny tried to stealthily make his getaway. "I've never seen that pirate flag" the marine commented until he made eye contact with (Y/n).

"I, am Iron Fist Full Body, but you can just call me Sir. You, female, with the blindfold, you'll be coming with me!" The male announced suddenly. "EHHH?!!" (Y/n)'s crewmembers shouted out in disbelief, confused about why he wanted (Y/n). "What?! No way! Why do you even want her?!" Luffy asked accusingly, while Zoro gently pushed (Y/n) behind him in hopes of blocking the marine's view of her.

"Don't you know? She has a very hefty bounty on her pretty little head, I'd be swimming in riches!" The Marine said snarkily. "A bounty?" Luffy muttered out as he glanced back at (Y/n) in confusion, having not remembered her showing off in front of any marines recently.

"Hey, why'd you call her pretty? Aren't I pretty as well?" A lady asked as she appeared from behind the marine, grabbing onto his arm. "No, my darling, of course not, she's but an ugly worm compared to your shining beauty" the marine flirted. Unknowingly pissing off Zoro, Luffy, and Nami, who is tempted to give him a piece of their minds.

"But, I will not leave without taking her with me, she will be rightfully turned in" the marine announced with a victorious smirk. "Usopp" Luffy muttered out with a dark shadow covering his face. "On it" Usopp muttered back, also having a dark shadow covering his face.

With that, Usopp had set up their cannon and aimed it at the marine ship. The marine frowned in confusion, only for his eyes to widen as Usopp fired their cannon at them. "What are you doing?! SINK THEM!" The Marine yelled out, instantly getting his cronies to scatter about, setting up their own cannon.

They then fired it back right at them, aiming right at the group's spot on the deck. "Leave it to me! Now gum-gum..." Luffy yelled out as he caught the cannon with his rubber-like body. "SLINGSHOT!!" Luffy yelled as he stretched backward, his hand and feet hanging onto the boat.

Zoro hastily pushed (Y/n) out of the way of Luffy's incoming body, allowing him to stretch past the boat. Accidently, Luffy's hand broke the ram's horn, forcing him to swing sideways. Unintentionally, his body retracted back, forcing the cannon to fly right at the restaurant in front of them.

This destroyed the restaurant's roof and possibly the inside of the restaurant as well. While Luffy laid on the ram's head in dread, now crying in self-pity. Unknown to them, the Marines started to row away from their destroyed boat, grumbling in disappointment for not capturing the female.

The restaurant workers had captured Luffy, dragging him across the floor towards their boss. (Y/n) followed after him, not feeling confident that Luffy can deal with this alone. "This is the guy, but his friend here decided to tag along, but he's the one responsible for this," the male said as he walked into the destroyed room.

(Y/n) let out a low whistle, while "looking" up at the destroyed roof. "Sir, I'm very sorry!" Luffy said as he bowed, then he took notice of the man's leg... Or, what was once a leg. Instantly, he started tearing up, now jumping to conclusions that he had caused the missing leg.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!! YOUR LEG!!!" Luffy yelled out, now crying hysterically. "IDIOT!!!" The male yelled out, somehow being heard over Luffy's screaming. "Don't worry, you didn't do this to my leg" the male reassured, despite having his foot over Luffy's face, which had silenced his yelling.

"Oh... I see... Good to know..." Luffy groaned out, yet continued to let out tears. "But... I'm all banged up, the medical fees and repair charges for the ship. Are gonna cost ya" the male said, ignoring that he kicked Luffy into some rubble. "How so?" (Y/n) asked curiously, with an innocent tilt of her head.

"I won't ask you to cut me any slack," Luffy said as he stood up from the rubble. "Oh?" the male asked while keeping his permanent glare on Luffy. "But... I'm flat broke!" Luffy informed as he turned around confidently, earning a confused "eh?" from (Y/n).

"Well, you're pretty direct, eh? But... You have her right there, don't you know? She's been all over News Co. lately. With her, you can pay for my fees, my boat, and my whole retirement and yours" the male said as he pointed at (Y/n). "Ha? Hey..." (Y/n) said with an offended look, taking notice that he's talking about her like she isn't here in the same room.

"I refuse to sell my best comrade, she's not an item, and I rather you not speak to her as such" Luffy said with a glare. "Fair enough, well, if you don't have money, you've no choice but to work," the male said, which lightened Luffy's glare to a grin. "Fine, I want to make it right," Luffy said happily, not wanting to be in debt to the guy, or feel guilty about his mistake.

"Then you'll work, unpaid, for a whole year" the male informed Luffy. "Right, I'll work, unpaid for a yea--" Luffy said happily, only to be interrupted. "I'll let you off the hook with that," the male said, as Luffy's eyes go wide, realizing what he just signed up for.

"A... A year?" Luffy muttered out, now sweating profusely, while (Y/n) shook her head at him. "Did you just say a year?! (Y/n), tell me he didn't just say that!" Luffy exclaimed frantically. "You heard him correctly" (Y/n) said while continuing to shake her head at him disapprovingly.

Luffy then put a finger up, looking a bit confident in what he'll say next. "And what does that mean?" The male asked with a confused look. "I can only work for one week," Luffy said confidently, while (Y/n) silently facepalmed. Having zero to no energy to deal with his stupidity today.

"Yeah right, a week? Get real" the male said with a smirk, not taking Luffy seriously. "Fine then, two," Luffy said, sounding like he's trying to bargain money. "Hey, you recked my restaurant, and seriously injured the head chef, that's a serious offense. You can't just settle that with one or two weeks of unpaid work, that's ridiculous" the male said as he patted Luffy's head with his tall hat.

"You in? Three weeks!" Luffy said, subtly rising up the weeks he'd be working. "Talk to me? With respect!" The male yelled out as he kicked Luffy into oblivion. (Y/n) watched with what looked like confusion, if her blindfold was off, one would see that her eyes were dotted.

"For an old man, you pack quite the punch" (Y/n) commented earning his attention. "Was that a compliment or an insult?" The male asked with a raised eyebrow. (Y/n) shrugged and stuck her tongue out at him, giving him no solid answer. "No deal!" Luffy announced all of the sudden, as he sat up from the rubble.

"I waited 10 long years to become a pirate, so... I'm not gonna waste another year stuck in this restaurant!" Luffy exclaimed passionately. "Kay, listen, I'm gonna get you to let me off the hook in a week, that's my decision" Luffy decided while crossing his arms.

"If you value your time so much, I'll tell you what you can do to settle your debt quickly. You runt," the male said as he walked up to Luffy. He then jabbed his peg leg into Luffy's ankle, which earned a pained squeak from Luffy. "It'll cost you, a leg, my boy," the male said as he held up a knife, with groves in it.

"...That's pricey" Luffy muttered, earning a smirk from the male in front of him. "Good, I got your attention," the male said, while (Y/n) just stood there, wishing she had some popcorn. Unknown to them, their crewmembers had started to get worried for their two comrades, deciding to go fetch them themselves.

Luffy got punched, kicked, choked, and body slammed, not once backing down. "Is he always this stubborn?" The male asked as he looked towards (Y/n). "Yeah, pretty much, I learned to deal with it" (Y/n) said while looking down at Luffy's pitiful form. "Not even you can talk sense into him? Geez," the male huffed out, now annoyed with Luffy's stubbornness.

"It's still no!" Luffy yelled out stubbornly, further agitating the male. "Gah, no respect, at least you're respectful... Sort of" the male said as he looked at (Y/n). "As long as you're not like those higher-ups, then you'll earn my respect" (Y/n) said honestly. This confused the male slightly, having zero clue on who "those higher-ups" are, but didn't question her for answers.

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