《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 12


(Y/n) sat on top of Captain Kuro's back, preventing him from getting up again. While Luffy held up the rock, peering down at the pirate. "Wait, they just..." One pirate said, trailing off nervously, "they just defeated Captain Kuro..." Another pirate finished for the other.

"Are you alright (Y/n)? You look pretty beat up" Luffy said worriedly, his attention shifting now that Kuro is no longer able to fight. "I'm all good, just a bit of blood" (Y/n) said reassuringly, a large grin present on her face. "That's good... So tell me how you destroyed those three mountains!!" Luffy exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

"Well... That's hard to explain... It's best if you don't know" (Y/n) said with a small grin. "Awwww... But I wanted to try it" Luffy said, his shoulder slumped over as he sulked. "Don't worry guys, he can still fight plenty!" One pirate said reassuringly. "No way... Didn't you see that girl's fighting style? She destroyed the terrain!" Another pirate said while pointing to the destroyed surroundings.

"So?! That shouldn't stop him, our captain can take them on!" Another pirate reasoned. "Oh right, he still has his other claw!" Another pirate joined in. "You can do it! Rip them to shreds Captain Kuro!" A pirate called out, only for his comrade to butt in. "Don't use that name anymore, he doesn't like it, remember?" The pirate asked, reminding the group of what their captain said earlier.

"I think in this village his name is... Klaha... Something" another pirate said, getting the name completely wrong. "Klaha-Something?" Another pirate asked in confusion. The surrounding pirates looked at him, only to start cheering out "Klaha-Something". Kuro started to move slightly, it was a bit of a struggle due to the weight on his back.

"Get off of me" Kuro ordered while sending the female a side glare. "Eh? I think I'm going--Woah!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she fell off his back. He had gotten off the ground easily, which sent her tumbling off of his back and onto the floor. "Shut your mouths, all of you!" Kuro demanded as he stood up from his spot.

"Soon enough, I'll deal with you in the only appropriate manner. Extermination! I'll also kill that fool, Jango!" Kuro promised as he held up his claws. "Now, how would you do that when you can barely stand, hmm?" (Y/n) asked as she leaned her arm on Luffy's shoulder. "Shut up woman, this argument is between me and my former crew," Kuro said as he pointed a claw at her face.

"B-But... Why kill us, captain?" A pirate asked nervously. "Come on, please don't joke around like that, Captain Kuro," another pirate said, looking a bit frightened. "It's still not too late to attack the village right?" Another pirate asked, trying to reason with the captain. "Yeah, and if Captain Jango gets her to write her will, then your plan should still work perfectly!" Another pirate added in.

"This plan is no longer in any of your concern when all of you are dead. This village will know who to blame for this atrocity" Kuro said, while adjusting his glasses. "I never intended to let any of you mongrels leave this village alive. No one. No one who knows my true identity can be allowed to live to tell about it" Kuro said with a scary look.

"No way..." A pirate said in shock, not wanting to believe what he heard. "You have already planned to kill us from the very beginning!" A pirate said, basically summarizing what he heard. "Hehe... That's right, 3 years ago, I planned to erase Captain Kuro. And every last person who ever knew him! It's all part of my plan" Kuro said as he started chuckling maniacally.


"Man, that's low, even for you! Also, your crew is a bunch of idiots!" (Y/n) said bluntly, still smiling widely. "They are, the most uncool pirates I know," Luffy said, basically agreeing with (Y/n). "We're 'uncool', huh? Pirates are nothing more than savages, incapable of rising above their animal nature" Kuro said, basically calling himself a savage.

"Without my plans, what could they possibly accomplish? A crew is nothing to me! They're simply a means to an end. Crew members are just pawns in a captain's game. Whether my men live or die is up to me, and me alone. If I tell them to fight, they will fight. And if I ordered them to die, they had better do it. They know the punishment for disobedience" Kuro finalized, slightly reminding (Y/n) of a certain cursed being.

"Man... Your ideology is shit" (Y/n) said bluntly, no longer smiling. Kuro glared at (Y/n), and growled out in anger. "This is how pirates are!! Don't you dare talk down to me, girl!!" Kuro exclaimed angirly. "You know, I've met a lot of people, and I'd have to say. Not only is your crew stupid, but you're also stupid as well" (Y/n) said as she crossed her arms.

"Why you..." Kuro grumbled out, only to be cut off harshly. "You're on a losing streak here, bud, not only are you fighting me, you're fighting my captain. Unlike you, we work as a team, while you, just ruined your backup if you ever get into a jam" (Y/n) pointed out, while physically pointing her thumb at the crewmembers down below.

"You brat, are you saying that I am inferior to you?! A kid who sputs nonsense of sorcery?!" Kuro asked in disbelief. "No, I'm saying you're inferior to Usopp, a kid who's pretending to be a pirate. No, you're lower than that, you're worse than dirt itself" (Y/n) insulted with a smirk. This caused Kuro to laugh hysterically, either from anger or finding her thought process pure hilarious.

"Well, aren't you funny?! Don't get all cocky just because you destroyed a bunch of rocks! I can do that with my eyes closed! So how exactly are YOU better than ME?!" Kuro asked as he started his weird tapdance act. "Come on now, you talk a big game, and yet all I saw was you playing around. So either tell me or physically show me!" Kuro said as he vanished from his spot.

"Heh... You want me to show you, what I can do? Are you sure about that?" (Y/n) asked as she lifted her blindfold. "What-?!" Kuro exclaimed as he floated in mid-air, unable to move, and with a swing of her hand, he is sent into the wall. "I guess I have been going easy, in fact, I could've killed you. But, unlike you, I have my morals" (Y/n) said as she let her blindfold cover her eyes again.

The crew below gasped in surprise, confused about how she even attacked him without moving. "Woah!! That was so cool!!" Luffy exclaimed as he jumped up and down. "Impossible! She just sent him flying without moving, again!! Also, she kept up with the Pussy Foot Maneuver!" A pirate pointed out, causing (Y/n) to stumble a bit.

"T-The what?" (Y/n) muttered to herself, trying hard to not laugh at the stupid name. "How insulting... It would appear that you need a lesson in what real pirates are like" Kuro said as he slicked back his hair. "It's not pleasant, your first lesson will be about terror. A lesson I learned well as I stared down death!" Kuro said as he started... Swaying?


"How is swaying back in forth inducing fear? Am I missing something?" (Y/n) muttered to herself, glancing at Luffy for answers. Only for him to shrug, and shake his head, indicating he had no clue what Kuro is up to. Down below the crew started to freak out, confusing the two even more.

"He's only fighting two kids! There's no reason to use Out of the Back attack!" A pirate exclaimed, at least it was a better name than... Pussy Foot Maneuver. Now the crew is begging their captain to stop the technique, still being loyal to him. "Luffy, stick close to me, I have a weird feeling about this" (Y/n) warned him.

"Right..." Luffy muttered out as he scooted closer to her, now a little nervous. Kuro continued to sway back and forth, if the two looked close enough, they could see that his pupils are no longer there. The two stayed silent, listening to the pleading crewmembers while watching Kuro intently. The silence is broken when Luffy gasped, sounding shocked by something.

"Out of the Back attack!" Kuro yelled out as he vanished from his spot, leaving a purple mist. The mist traveled past the two and headed straight for the crew. Once the fog touched the crew's feet, one of the pirates got slashed into the air, blood splattered everywhere. The two looked down in confusion, watching as the pirate's body flopped to the ground.

"Huh?! What's he doing over there?!" Luffy asked in disbelief, only for a hand to be placed on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll protect us, I just hope Nami is doing alright" (Y/n) said, somewhat reassuringly. Luffy looked up at her in awe, and nodded with a serious look, knowing she will fulfill her promise.

Another scream interrupted their little moment, as they both turned their attention back to the opposing crew. They watched as another pirate flopped to the ground. Then, suddenly, next to them, the rock is sliced, leaving claw marks behind. Luffy jumped a little, now holding onto (Y/n)'s arm to move away from the marks.

In the next instant, more pirates are sent down randomly. "Don't do this, Captain! Please, stop!!" A pirate begged while his comrades around him get sent to the ground. "Dan! We can't reason with him, now that he's started! His sidestep maneuver is so fast, not even he knows what he's cutting!!" A pirate exclaimed at the other pirate.

"But, how could he have killed so many of us without even--" The pirate didn't even get to finish his question, getting sliced up his chest. "Man... Sukuna 2.0 is really going at it" (Y/n) muttered, earning a confused look from Luffy. Thanks to (Y/n)'s infinity protecting them both, they weren't harmed in the process of Kuro's massacre.

"GRRR!!! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY HONOR?! THOSE MEN ARE YOUR FRIENDS!!" Luffy yelled out angirly, now fed up with Kuro. "(Y/n), you can see him, can't you?" Luffy asked while glancing at her. "Eh... Not particularly, just barely, it's like a weird blur" (Y/n) explained with a guilty smile.

"But... I can do this" (Y/n) said as she reached out her hand, grabbed something, and sent it to the ground. That something was Kuro that she grabbed, stopping his attack completely. "Woah! Great job (Y/n)!" Luffy praised with a wide smile, slightly jealous that he couldn't do that as well.

"You bastard, using dirty tricks to protect yourself and your comrade. You're really getting on my nerves" Kuro said with a deep frown. "Now look what you've done, thanks to you, my pawns are still alive, and in misery. It would've been better just to let them die in the attack" Kuro said mockingly.

"Man, you are talkative, Sukuna 2.0, don't you ever stop yammering? When will you accept that I can't be defeated by the likes of you?" (Y/n) asked while staring down at him mockingly. "What kind of name is that...? Never mind, so now what? You've got anything else to say?" Kuro asked as he slowly got up.

"She doesn't, but I do, no matter what happens to me, I will never be like you" Luffy promised as he glanced towards his fallen hat. "Not 'will', someone like you can't be like me" Kuro promised as he pointed his claws at Luffy's face, but stopped about a foot away, unable to go further.

"What-? Oh right, I forgot I can't cut you, tell me, woman, how are you doing that?" Kuro asked as he lowered his weapons. "Oh, me? Well, it's a bit long to explain, but, I can show you if you want!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she bounced towards Kuro. Said male looked at her in confusion, watching as she held up her hand.

"Come on now, go ahead and try placing your hand here" (Y/n) said while pointing to her hand. "Are you delusional? What game are you playing?" Kuro asked while taking a step back. "No game, just do as I say, come on, come on~! I don't bite" (Y/n) taunt while waving her hand side to side.

He looked at her in disbelief, but hesitantly held out his hand, the one with the broken blades. As he was about to place his hand on her own, his hand suddenly stopped, a few inches away from her own. "What the--" Kuro muttered out with wide eyes, while Luffy stared between their hands in awe.

"This is what's preventing you from touching me, I call it my infinity. In short, it's basically an invisible barrier" (Y/n) explained, that even dummies can understand. "Now... Why don't I show you, what I can really do?" (Y/n) asked as she intertwined her hand with his own. "What... What are you doing?! Let go of me!" Kuro exclaimed as he tried swiping at her with his free hand, only to hit her infinity.

She then lifted him off the ground and swung him a full 180 degrees, instantly releasing him. While he is still in mid-air she held up her hand as a small red ball lit up above it. "Apologize to the forest behind you... Cursed Technique Reversal... Red" (Y/n) spoke as she activated the ball. A blinding red light blinded everyone watching, only hearing a massive explosion to indicate the possible damage.

When the light died down, the rock formation beside her is destroyed, leaving skid marks. The trail followed slightly into the woods, multiple trees were knocked down due to the force. In the middle of it lay an unconscious Captain Kuro, somehow still alive despite being sent through multiple trees.

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