《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 11


Jango spun his blades, watching Nami run towards unconscious Luffy, and tossed it at her. "Nami! Look out!!" Zoro warned, unable to save her from his spot. Nami slowly turned around, watching as the blade came closer to her face, she was so close to Luffy's body too. But, before it could even hit Nami, someone appeared in front of it, catching it with their bare hands.

Everyone stood there in shock, slowly processing what just happened. "Hiya! What I miss?" (Y/n) asked casually, as she looked around, her blindfold no longer on her face. "(Y-Y/n)?" Nami muttered out, falling to her knees due to shock and relief. "Hey there, man, you looked terrible, what happened while I was gone?" (Y/n) asked as she glanced at Nami.

"W-Who are you?! How'd you even catch that?!" Jango asked in disbelief. "Hah... Damn, do you have impeccable timing, where have you been?" Zoro asked as he leaned against his sword. "I'll answer you, once you answer me, also, you have a bit of blood" (Y/n) said while pointing to his chest.

"Another one?" One of the pirates asked in disbelief, now a bit nervous. "Five minutes is impossible now!" Another pirate exclaimed, knowing they aren't able to fight her in their state. "Ah... I really am missing something... Who are all these people?" (Y/n) asked while pointing her thumb at the pirates. "They're pirates, we're current;y fighting them" Nami explained briefly, sweatdropping at how casual (Y/n) is right now.

"But... Thank you..." Nami muttered as she fell to the ground, holding her shoulder in pain. "Just relax, I got this... So, who was the one who tossed this?" (Y/n) asked while holding up the blade. "One minute" Captain Kuro counted down, as his crewmates stared at him in horror. "You can't be serious!! Not even Captain Jango and Butchie..." A pirate exclaimed, dramatically crying. "...Can finish her in one minute!" Another pirate added in, also crying dramatically.

(Y/n) started walking towards them, casually spinning the blade on her finger. They cried in horror as they backed away from her, earning a confused look from her. "Eh? I didn't even do anything yet" (Y/n) whined, while tossing the blade behind her, it landed in the sand a bit away from her.

She then spotted Jougo holding more blades, instantly connecting the dots. But, before she could do anything, Captain Kuro started moving. "It's about time for everyone to die now," Captain Kuro said harshly, glaring down at everyone. "I'm still not sure what's happening here, but, bring it on!" (Y/n) said with a smile, a bit excited to show off.

"Hm? Oh dear..." (Y/n) muttered as she vanished from her spot. "KAYA!!!" Usopp called as he ran towards the female, hoping to save her. Instantly, both Usopp and Kaya are pushed out of the way, while (Y/n) took the hit. The two instantly sat up, looking at the female worriedly, but got confused when looking at Kuro's surprised look.

"H-How...? I was sure I cut you" Kuro muttered out, his hand still outstretched in an attack position. "You did? Where? I don't see any slashes" (Y/n) said as she checked out her bloodied jacket. "Who... Who are you?" Kaya asked, not having met her before. "Hm? Oh, me? I'm just the strongest sorcerer, (Y/n) Gojo" (Y/n) presented while pointing her thumb to her chest.


"Never mind that! Why're you here?" Usopp asked Kaya while gripping her shoulders. "Ah... I hate to interrupt... But, aren't we currently in the middle of battle?" (Y/n) asked while scratching the top of her head. "I know that! But... Don't you see? Usopp, my friend here, is fighting for his life, for me!" Kaya reasoned to her while crying in dismay.


"This is no place for a lady, Madam, please leave," Kuro said to Kaya, ignoring both Usopp and (Y/n) at the moment. "Please... Stop... Don't do this" Kaya said with a creepy glare. "STOP! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW, KLAHADORE!" Kaya exclaimed while glaring at the male. (Y/n) looked beyond confused, maybe she shouldn't have left the group, then maybe she would understand the context of what the hell is happening.

"I know what you're up to, Merry already told me about everything," Kaya said as she stood up, leaving Usopp on the ground. (Y/n) just shrugged and allowed the girl to lecture the pirate, then she will step in and save the day, yes, perfect plan. "Klahadore, please! If you want my fortune, you can have it! Take it all! And leave this village, right now! I'm begging you!" Kaya demanded confidently.

"I will gladly accept your fortune, Miss Kaya, thank you. But I want more, you see, simply acquiring wealth isn't enough" Kuro said with a smirk. "More than anything else... What I want, is peace" Kuro said as his smirk went creepy, while (Y/n) looked even more confused. "That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?" (Y/n) asked as she strapped back on her blindfold, no longer needing her eyes to fight.

"Would you be quiet? You don't know what I'm talking about! All you pirates are the same, it's just treasure, and fighting for you dimwits. I just want peace of mind, and after spending 3 years gaining the villager's trust, I find the peace and tranquility quite comforting. When my plan comes into tuition, I will live in this sublime peace of mind" Kuro said with a small smile.

"No... That's still hypocritical, even with that crappy reason" (Y/n) pointed out bluntly, earning a glare from Kuro. "Why don't you shut up, pirate?! I will have this peace of mind, till I'm set for life! In short, you and Miss Kaya will die right here, while I get her fortune" Kuro said while pointing his blades at the two.

"Really? Well, too bad that I'm in your way" (Y/n) said with a smirk, as she stood in front of Kaya. "N-No... You'll die!" Kaya warned with a worried look, slightly shaking in fear. (Y/n) then placed a hand on Kaya's head, snapping her out of her scared state. "Don't worry, I promise you that I won't, nor will I let you die, trust me" (Y/n) said honestly, unknowingly stopping Kaya from pulling out a gun.

"Now... I suggest you leave here, while you still can" (Y/n) said while pointing her finger at him. "What is this? Your attempt at intimidating me? What are you going to do? Pretend your hand is a gun, and shoot imaginary bullets at me?" Kuro asked mockingly. "The first part is true, but imaginary bullets? Not so likely" (Y/n) said with a confident smirk.

"Miss Kaya... Don't let this ruffian hurt me, don't you remember the things we went through? We've spent so much time together. Even before your dear sweet parents passed away, you were more than my master, you were my best friend" Kuro said while taking off a glove. "Eh? Is this your attempt to throw me off guard? Honestly, this fight is confusing me" (Y/n) said honestly, with a lopsided frown.

"Alright, enough with this, I'm bored, and I don't want to be more confused than I already am" (Y/n) said as she straightened her back. "Wait! Don't!" Kaya exclaimed, only to be ignored, as she watched Kuro get tossed into the air, sending him down the cliffside. "Whoops... forgot to say 'Bang', my bad... Hey, uh... Pirate, are you still alive? Can you come back up here so I can do a retake?" (Y/n) yelled out with a grin.


The prates down below gasped in horror, while Usopp stared at (Y/n) in shock. "What did she just do?!" One pirate asked in disbelief, looking at Kuro's body. "She just sent him flying! I didn't even see her do anything!" Another pirate pointed out. "Usopp Pirates have arrived!!" The three kids yelled out as they jumped out of the bush, and tried to hit (Y/n) in the back, not knowing if she was the enemy or not.

"What the-?!" One kid exclaimed as he tried pushing his weapon towards her, only to not be able to. "It's not going further! It's like she has some sort of barrier!" Another kid exclaimed, also trying to push his weapon towards her. "Guys stop!" Usopp called out worriedly. "She's on our side!" Kaya exclaimed, unsure what (Y/n) will do to defend herself.

"S-She is?!" The kids asked as they stopped their attack, now lowering their weapons. "Aren't you three a bundle of fun! What're you doing here, on the battlefield?" (Y/n) asked while crouching down. Sorry, Miss! We didn't know! Will you forgive us?!" The three said in unison, bowing to her as an apology.

"Forgive you? For what? Man, there's so much going on at once, I really need a recap" (Y/n) said while scratching her cheek. "You guys! What are you doing here?! Do you know how dangerous is to be here?! Run! While you still can!" Usopp ordered. "What?! Captain, why should we?! What pirates would we be if we run away in fear?" The kid asked, only to freeze in fear.

The kids and Usopp turned to see Kuro standing behind (Y/n) with a threatening gaze. "Hm? Why are you guys looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" (Y/n) asked while whipping her face, feeling a bit self-conscious. "AHH!!!" The three kids screamed while pointing at Kuro, who just stood there glaring.

Confused, she decided to turn around, to be face to face with Kuro. "Oh... You survived! Nice" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, ignoring the danger signals. "WHY ARE YOU SO CALM!?" Usopp exclaimed, a large tick mark on the side of his head. Kuro then calmly took a swipe at (Y/n), hoping to hit her with the attack.

When he saw that nothing happened, he sighed while pushing his glasses up with the palm of his hand. "I see now... So my theory is right, you can't be touched. Tell me, did you get these powers from eating the Devil Fruit?" Kuro asked while glaring at her. "Devil Fruit? Never heard of it, this is all-natural" (Y/N) said while puffing out her chest, her confidence and ego rising.

"No way that's natural!" A pirate exclaimed, doubting (Y/n)'s words. "Is she some kind of witch?!" Another pirate asked, slightly believing her. "Jango! I can handle the girl, you take care of Miss Kaya like we planned" Kuro said confidently while pointing his swords at (Y/n). "Have her write her butler into her will, then kill her, as for the kids, they're an eyesore, eliminate them" Kuro ordered him.

"I'm on it," Jango said as he started walking up the mounting, only to be stopped by Zoro. "Stop right there, if you want to get to them, you'll have to make it through me first. Even if you do make it through me, I doubt you can get past (Y/n)" Zoro said confidently, angering the pirate. "Butchie!" Jango called out, making the pirate attack Zoro, mostly used as a distraction.

When the male landed, Zoro quickly dodged, making the male hit the ground, causing a landslide and an earthquake. "You good, Zoro?" (Y/n) called out, making sure that her comrade doesn't need help. "Just focus on your own battle! I got this covered!" Zoro called back, slightly sweatdropping from the destruction.

Despite his reassurance, he is pushed into the cliffside, making a massive dent. When the dust cleared, Zoro held the pirate away with a foot and a sword. (Y/n) then watch as Jougo made his way towards the kids, (Y/n) goes to go after him, only to be blocked by blades. "Your fight is with me," Kuro said while glaring at her, (Y/n) glared back at him from under her blindfold.

"Sorry, but, I have morals, and standards" (Y/n) said as she pointed at Jougo, causing a glow to surround his figure. "Hm? What's this?" Jango asked as he looked at the glow on his body. Before he could question it more, he is sent flying right into Kuro, knocking them to the ground. "Kids!" (Y/n) called out, now looking at the three kids with a serious look.

"Yes, ma'am?!" the kids shouted in unison, a bit shaken up from witnessing Jougo flying into Kuro. "Listen up, and listen well, take the girl and protect her. I do not care what business you have here, you are no longer safe here. If you don't do this, I will force you to flee" (Y/n) said harshly, while lifting up her blindfold, showing off her glowing (e/c) eye to intimidate them into listening.

"Listen to her! Get out of here! Take Kaya, and run! Protect her with your lives!" Usopp ordered them, knowing they will listen to him. "Now go... This is a direct order" Usopp managed to mutter out, despite the pain he is in. "Yes, Captain!" The three kids cried out, now instantly dragging Kaya off into the woods, while Jougo and Kuro shuffled off of the ground.

"What're you standing around for? Go after them!" Kuro demanded, not bothered to lecture him about hitting him. "Right! Sorry, I was thrown off guard" Jango said as he started spinning his blades on his fingers. "Those fools, do they really think that they could escape me-" Jougo said, only to get shot in the back.

"Damn you!" Jango exclaimed, now ready to fight Usopp, only making Kuro made. "He's not the priority right now!" Kuro exclaimed while glaring at his comrade, making Jango cower in fear. "Yes, Sir!" Jango said as he quickly ran after the kids and Kaya, not wanting to anger Kuro further.

"Their attempt to escape is futile, we know too well how weak Kaya is, it doesn't matter how much time you give them to run. There is absolutely no way they could possibly escape Jango, now if you want to help her, go ahead. But first, you have to get off this hill alive, girly" Kuro said with a confident smirk, too egotistical to back down despite their vast difference in power.

"You're confident for someone who can't even touch me" (Y/n) said mockingly, only to earn a glare from Kuro. "Butchie!" Kuro called out for some random reason, while Zoro struggled against him. "Move!" Zoro exclaimed as he kicked Butchie off of him, and sliced Butchie's chest with his three swords style.

Zoro then tossed his swords into the air, and held out his sheathes, allowing his swords to land perfectly inside them. "Woah, nice going Zozo! Though, you looked a bit roughed up" (Y/n) pointed out, now going back to mispronouncing his name. A loud bang sounded within the forest, making birds fly away from it.

"Wait... What was that sound?" Usopp asked as he tried to sit up. "That, was the sound of destruction, Jango's probably tearing the place apart, go ahead, see for yourself. If you can get up" Kuro said mockingly. "You heartless bastard... (Y/n)! Take him down! I know you can! Do it, and go save Kaya!" Usopp exclaimed with a pleading look.

"A request from a stranger? That's new, though, I don't mind, I could use a little fun" (Y/n) said with a grin while stretching her fingers. "Alright, private, butler, whatever you are, be prepared! I will blow you away! Haha! Get it? No? I will show you" (Y/n) said with a grin, as she made a few hand gestures, then pointed at Kuro.

"Eh? What are you babbling on abo--" Kuro is quickly cut off as he is tossed into the forest, hitting his head against a tree. "Do you get it? You blown away! Literally!" (Y/n) joked with a large smile, while skipping over to Kuro. "Is this the time to be joking around?!" Zoro exclaimed while glaring at her.

"Oh! Right, I almost forgot! Hey, Usopp, was it? Why don't you go after that girl, and those kids? I'll be sure to take care of things here and meet up with you" (Y/n) said while pointing both her fingers at Usopp. A bit motivated, Usopp struggled to stand up, determined to save Kaya, and the three kids. It was a bit impressive, but a bit painful to watch him struggle.

"Ah... Maybe, don't move, you might fall" (Y/n) said worriedly, slightly sweatdropping at Usopp. "No way! I can do it! I just..." Usopp trailed off as he fell backward, face planting into rocks. "Man, I don't get paid to do this... Yet I'm doing it anyway..." (Y/n) muttered to herself, while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Pfth! Hahaha! What a riot! He can't even stand up to save his precious friends" Kuro said as he walked back over to her. Blood dripped from his forehead, due to hitting the tree harshly, it's uncertain if he has brain damage or a concussion from the attack. "I don't care... I don't care if I'm weak... I'll protect them! I'm Captain of the Usopp pirates!" Usopp manages to say, despite the pain he is in.

"A brave warrior of the sea, who fights for what he holds dear. I will protect everyone in the village if it kills me! On my word, you will never set foot in that village!!" Usopp yelled out, allowing everyone to hear his promise. (Y/n) then started to hear laughter from below the mountain, she was a bit tempted to hit them with her Cursed Technique, but someone beat her to it.

A massive rock is tossed at the pirates, causing them to get tossed about, fortunately dodging the random attack. Luffy stood on top of the boulder with a glare, how he got there, no one knows. "What's so funny?!" Luffy exclaimed angirly, while the pirates shook in fear. "Laffy! There you are! I was wondering when you'd show up!" (Y/n) said with a wave of her hand, unbothered by his sudden arrival.

"Luffy, (Y/n), Usopp, and I are going to chase down that Hypno-freak, is that a problem?" Zoro asked as he carried Usopp like a sack of potatoes. "I'm not against it" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, "no, hurry!" Luffy demanded, still keeping his back to them. "Hold it you two, where do you think you're going? Who gave you permission to go anywhere?" Kuro asked, making Zoro stop in his tracks.

"Did you forget about me? I think we have a score to settle" (Y/n) said as punched Kuro in the face, sending him to the ground. "Zoro, get going, now" (Y/n) demanded as she stood in between Kuro and Zoro, making sure that they aren't attacked. As she predicted, Kuro swung his blades at her, hoping to catch her off guard or figure out her power.

She quickly sidestepped the attack and swung her elbow into his face, making him turn around due to the force. "You're a difficult one, but I have to ask. What is an outsider like you, butting into this business for?" Kuro asked while holding his injured cheek. "My reason? No reason, if you want a reason, ask Laffy" (Y/n) said while pointing her thumb at Luffy.

The said person ran up towards them, now standing next to (Y/n) confidently. "Do you need help (Y/n)? If not, mind if I take over?" Luffy asked with a smile. "I got this one boss, why don't you check on Nami, and her injuries? Or follow Zoro and Usopp, and help them?" (Y/n) suggested, like it was a normal occurrence.

"Quit pretending like this is your everyday thing! You ruffian!" Kuro exclaimed as he appeared in front of them, swiping his claws at them. The two quickly dodged the attack, Luffy counterattacked, by swinging his rubber arm at Kuro, while (Y/n) just dodged. Kuro quickly evaded the attack, and quickly runs at (Y/n), attempting to take her out first.

But, his attack is prevented, by a stretched-out arm that is headed for his face. He quickly jumped up, and landed on Luffy's arm, giving Luffy a glare to back off. "This is quite boring, at least the girl gives up more of a fight," Kuro said confidently. "You cocky jerk!" Luffy exclaimed angirly, as Kuro ran across his arm, now attempting to attack him first since he's an easy target.

(Y/n) took the opportunity to swing her arm downwards, sending a massive airwave at Kuro, and sending him off of Luffy's arm. He is tossed off of the arm, and lands harshly on the ground, freeing up Luffy's arm, and allowing Luffy to retract his arm. "Woah! He went flying! That's so cool!" Luffy complimented with stars in his eyes.

"You can do it, Captain Kuro! Beat them to a pulp!" The pirates cheered, despite Kuro losing. Kuro slowly stood up from the ground, dusting some of the dirt off of his clothes. "Don't call me that!" Kuro called out, silencing the crew's cheers, now facing his back towards Luffy and (Y/n).

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