《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 9


(Y/n) slept soundly on Zoro's lap, or at least, that's what her crew thinks. They are unsure since she has the blindfold on, but made no attempts to wake her if she was asleep. "There is absolutely no way we'd make it to the Grand Line in this condition," Nami said gaining Luffy and Zoro's attention.

"You're right, we're gonna need a whole lot more meat," Luffy said casually and tossed the core of the apple into his mouth. "Eating fruit every day is for the birds," Luffy said with his mouth full. "We'll also need some boose-Oof!" Zoro was then hit in the face with an apple, while (Y/n) dodged out of the way.

"Shut up you bone head, also, did (Y/n) just dodge that?!" Nami exclaimed in disbelief, Zoro glanced down at (Y/n) to see her in the same spot as before. "Hm, I don't think so?" Zoro questioned, unsure if she did move out of the way. Meanwhile, Luffy snatched the apple from the air.

"I did, oh, by the way, you're very comfy Zozo" (Y/n) complemented casually, as she got more comfortable in her spot. "Gh- Get off if you're awake!" Zoro exclaimed, a blush covering his cheeks. "Hm... Don't think so" (Y/n) said playfully as she turned over to cuddle into him like a koala.

"Gah! I said get off! Not cuddle me!" Zoro exclaimed, his blush getting darker, as he tried to remove her, but ultimately failed. "Yeah, quit hugging him, and tell these morons the main issue is here!" Nami yelled out, now ready to toss an apple at (Y/n)'s head. "Hm... I don't see any issues here" (Y/n) said teasingly, earning a defeated groan from Nami.

"No! What I mean is, the Grand Line is a dangerous place! We need more than beer and meat to survive there! Not to mention the place is crawling with Pirates, who are also in search of the One Piece! While being chased by a Pirate! I bet even he has a better ship than this!" Nami explained seriously, while the three crewmembers looked unbothered.

"I suppose you're right... Maybe we can ask him to borrow his, easy peasy" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, earning her an apple to the head. "Are you insane!?" Nami yelled out, while (Y/n) rubbed her head from the hit, whining in discomfort. "We also need a crew" Luffy butted in while eating an apple.

"We don't have a crew, we don't have any equipment or even a real ship for that matter! There's no way we'll ever make it like this!" Nami reasoned to the three. "Yup, we'll need a cook, and maybe a musician to keep us entertained" Luffy added in, not seeing Nami's main point. "A musician?!" Zoro asked as he laughed at the idea, unbothered by Luffy's stupidity. "So... Stupid" Nami muttered as her shoulders slumped in defeat, officially giving up on the three.

(Y/n) had finally gotten off of Zoro, and jumped onto Nami's boat, as they both scan over the map. "A little to the south of here is an island with settlements on it. And it looks like we might be able to get our ship and some of the supplies we need there" Nami informed them. "You got all that from this thing? All I see are lines and colors" (Y/n) said as she scratched the top of her head.

"Fresh meat at last!!" Luffy cheered happily, "and lots of booze as well," Zoro said happily, but not as cheerful as Luffy. "Is that all you think about?! Urg! What am I going to do with you two?!" Nami asked in disbelief. "Oh, do you think they'll have sweets? I ran out a while ago" (Y/n) said as she patted her empty pockets, purposely avoiding patting the cube. "Not you too!" Nami groaned, once again slumping her shoulders in defeat.


(Y/n) jumped off the boat as they docked on the island, she looked around excitedly. Behind her, Zoro stretched his arms, having only been sitting around for hours. "There's a village around here somewhere, right?" Luffy asked Nami, showing that he did pay attention to her lecture earlier. "Yeah, it looks like a small one though," Nami said as she rechecked the map.

"Oh! Oh! Then there's meat! There's meat! There has to be a place to eat meat in this village!" Luffy exclaimed, mouth drooling. "Oh, possibly sweets too" (Y/n) added in, flowers surrounding her being, now excited to re-stalk her sweets supplies. "Would you two forget about food for a minute, would ya?" Nami asked, her eyebrow twitching.

"Hm?" (Y/n) questioned as she noticed another presence up above, soon a bunch of rustling is heard. "Hey guys, I think there's someone here" (Y/n) pointed out, causing Zoro to be on edge, readying his sword. "By who? Where are they?! They got meat?" Luffy asked as he searched for the stalkers.

"(Y/n)! Look out!" Zoro warned as something got shot at her, only to be bounced off of an invisible bubble. When the attack stopped, a bunch of flags rose out of the bushes, a poorly drawn skull on them. "That's so cool!!" Luffy gasps in awe while waving his arms about excitedly. "Is this supposed to be, where we're impressed?" Nami asked as she hid behind her boat.

"I am Usopp! Leader of the invincible nation of pirates who reign over this island! You stand before a living legend! The most revered pirate whoever lives!! I am the great Captain Usopp!" Usopp introduced himself proudly. "Surely you know that plotting an attack on this island would mean certain death! My army of 80 million super bean pirate soldiers would squash you like bugs!!" Usopp threatened dramatically.

"AWESOME!!!" Luffy yelled out, while the rest of his crew looked annoyed, confused, or unbothered. "So... Who are you again?" (Y/n) asked casually. "Erk!" Usopp exclaimed, now shell-shocked from the casual answer to his threat. "Didn't you hear me the first time?! I'm Captain Usopp!" Usopp exclaimed, now sweating nervously.

"Really? But what crew?" (Y/n) asked while glancing around, looking for the 80 million pirates. "Gah! She knows!!" Usopp cried out in terror. "Eh? Know what? That you're lying? I mean, I was just guessing" (Y/n) said with a shrug. "Gah! How could I have been so dumb! She probably used her charms to make me say it! She's a witch!" Usopp cried out frantically.

"What?! He was lying?!" Luffy exclaimed in disbelief, as he believed every word Usopp said. "Curse you, and your good looks! 80 million may have been an exaggeration. But I have a great many men under my control!!" Usopp exclaimed, which caused the flags to start moving. "Hm... Yup, that's about right... Three kids, by the looks of it" (Y/n) said as she stared at a specific bush.

"Huh? That was so descriptive, how'd you even know that?" Zoro asked as he tried to see what she was looking at. "It's part of my charms~!" (Y/n) said teasingly, sparkles surrounded her figure, while Zoro deadpanned at her. "WAAH! HOW DID SHE KNOW?! AHHH!! SHE'S EVEN LOOKING AT US!!!" The three kids screamed out, now popping out of the bushes.

The three kids dropped the flags and ran for it, leaving Usopp to deal with the problem alone. "Hey! Where are you guys going!! COME BACK!!" Usopp called out pleadingly, no longer cocky. "Nice going (Y/n), I didn't think you'd see anything with that blindfold on" Nami praised as she walked up to (Y/n), picking up one of the balls thrown at her.


"So, a pirate using a slingshot, huh? Well now I've seen it all" Nami said as she held up the ball, blowing the sand off of it. "Hahaha! That's pretty cool!" Luffy complimented as he started laughing, while Usopp huffed in anger. "Shut your mouth! Or I'll shut it for you! I'm a proud man and I won't stand for it!" Usopp said as he prepared his slingshot at Luffy.

"This is your last warning! Or you'll get to see why they call me... Proud Usopp, and not Pushover Usopp" Usopp said while looking very nervous. "Eh? People call you that? No offense, but that's a lame name" (Y/n) said bluntly, causing Usopp to anime fall. "Gah! Quit that! Or you'll be next!" Usopp threatened while pointing at her.

"You've already seen for yourself, just how good I am with this thing! So, you know I can rival anyone carrying a pistol!" Usopp said while his arm shook in hesitance. "Now that you've drawn your pistol, are you willing... To use it?" Luffy asked with a smirk, his hat shadowing his eyes.

"Guns aren't for threats, they're for actions, are you willing to risk your life?" Luffy asked seriously, while Usopp seemed to be shaking more. "I can assure you, we're real pirates, consider your next move very carefully" Zoro warned him, now standing in front of (Y/n) protectively.

Usopp continued to shake as he stared at Luffy, and Zoro, who seem to be looking at him menacingly. While they're at a standstill, the flags all seem to have lowered. In the end, Usopp dropped the ball, allowing his slingshot to spring nothing out. He then fell to his knees in defeat, now sulking at his failure to drive them away.

"Man, real pirates have a lot more punch behind their words, cuz they can actually back them up, that's so cool..." Usopp muttered out. Suddenly, both Luffy and Zoro started laughing, while (Y/n) looked at them confused. "I stole that!" Luffy informed, now confusing Usopp.

"I stole those words from Red-Haired Shanks, a pirate I know" Luffy explained, while (Y/n) shrugged to herself, not understanding his words. "What, you know Red-Haired Shanks?! You really are a real pirate! Wait, you gotta be lying! Do you really know him?!" Usopp asked hopefully.

"Yup! I know your Dad too, his name's Yasopp, right?" Luffy asked, while (Y/n) scratched her head in confusion. 'Man... Maybe I'm not cut out for this... I have no clue what they're talking about,' (Y/n) thought with a sigh. Her thoughts were interrupted by Usopp falling and landing harshly in front of them.

"You're right, my old man's name is Yasopp," Usopp said in disbelief, when suddenly (Y/n) perked up. 'I sense curse energy... Is it a curse? No... To small... Curse Object? No... I'll check it out,' (Y/n) internally debated as she started walking in a random direction. "Hey, (Y/n), where are you going?!" Luffy asked curiously but made no attempts to stop her. "Don't worry Laffy, I'll be back" (Y/n) reassured with a wave of her hand.

Once she lost sight of the group she teleported to the cursed energy. When she appeared she found herself floating in front of a mountain overlooking the small village. What threw her off was how strong the cursed energy is compared to when she was at the beach. Taking her blindfold off she searched for the source of the problem, but the energy it too massive to pinpoint.

"Man... I thought I found something to release you... Brother" (Y/n) muttered as she took out a small cube. Suddenly, the sun's rays were blocked by a massive shadow, looming over her figure. Quickly stuffing the cube into her jacket, she spun around to be met with... Nothing? "Huh?" (Y/n) muttered in disbelief. Suddenly, she is sent flying into a mountain, destroying the whole side of it, and causing a small cave to form from her body. "Gah!" (Y/n) spat out blood, she was sure she had her infinity up, but somehow, she still got hit.

When she looked up, her eyes widen in shock from what she saw. What stood in front of her, is the exact same curse that killed Yuji. The difference is, that its body is completely pitch black, except for its eyes and teeth, it grinned at her in child-like glee. On one of its hands, blood dripped off its fingers, but it was not because it was wounded, this is from hitting her stomach.

"Shit... A Special Grade" (Y/n) muttered through her pain, now quickly getting up to face it. 'That thing got through my infinity and took me by surprise... This thing is deadly...' (Y/n) thought as she analyzed the curse. Then, she spotted his other hand, delicately holding the box her brother is housed in.

The curse noticed her attention on the item it stole and waved it around mockingly. "You... Give it back!" (Y/n) demanded as she positioned her hands in a fight position. Then she swung her hand upwards, sending her Curse Technique at it. This destroyed the side of the mountain, sending debris to the curse.

In an instant, her reflexes made her drop to the ground, when she peered beside her, she spotted the curse. "Give it back!!" (Y/n) demanded as she swiped her hand out towards the box, only for her hand to get blown off. She instantly jumped back, now holding her bleeding arm, hissing in pain.

'Damn! It's smart! It's also fast! Damn...' (Y/n) thought as she scowled at the curse, who tossed the box up and down. "Curse Technique! Lapse Blue!" (Y/n) called out as she made another hand gesture. A flash of bright light caught the attention of the villagers as they watched the top of the mountain crumble.

Instantly, the rubble around them sucked in on the Cursed Spirit, crushing it into a big ball. But, in an instant, the Cursed Spirit burst out of the ball, sending a wave of curse energy, pushing her to the ground from the force. Then, with one hand, it started to make a massive red ball and shot it straight at her. "Shit! Cursed Technique Reversal: Blue!" (Y/n) called out quickly, sending her own red ball at it.

The two balls of energy clashed together turning into a massive bomb. This sent both (Y/n) and the curse into mountains beside the one they stood on. Due to the force, their bodies made a massive cave in the two mountains. Thankfully her infinity protected her from any damage. She started walking out of the cave she made, only to have the back of her head slammed into the wall.

The curse growled as his attack didn't seem to work on her. She gripped its arm and she started twisting it. She dug her nails into its arm, making it screech in pain. It quickly sent its foot upwards and started kicking her stomach, most likely breaking some ribs. Instead of releasing her grip, she dug her nails deeper, now sending her cursed energy through its arm.

"I will not die here!" (Y/n) yelled out stubbornly, watching as the curse tried tugging its arm away, while its leg continued to kick in her ribs. Despite its attempts the curse energy traveled up to its neck and blew off its head, causing it to go limp. (Y/n) finally released her hold and watched it fall to the ground, its body now vanishing slowly.

"Gah... Damn curse..." (Y/n) muttered as she clutched her stomach, blood leaked out of her mouth. She quickly stumbled over towards the vanishing curse, leaning down to pick up the box it stole. Getting back up took a bit of a struggle, but she managed as she held the box close to her. Instead of going out of the cave, she went to a wall and sat down in front of it.

Due to the blood loss and lack of energy she slowly started to close her eyes. 'They wouldn't mind if I take a quick nap, right? They'll be fine...' (Y/n) thought tiredly. Even as she goes unconscious her hand continues to clutch the box tightly, not allowing anyone to take it from her again.

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