《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 5


"Hey, Zuzu~! I'm going up ahead, you can deal with these guys~!" (Y/n) informed the swordsman. "Fine, just don't get lost" Zoro muttered, but inside, he was a bit worried for her safety. "I won't~!" (Y/n) said with a salute, and vanished from her spot, shocking the two captured Pirates. "S-She... V-V-Vanished!" One of them stuttered out while pointing to the empty spot she was at.

Meanwhile... "Well, let's celebrate with our new friend Nami!" Buggy exclaimed happily. As his crew drank their beer, they were unaware of the figure that sat on top of Luffy's cage. "Hm? Pst, hey, (Y/n), is that you? Can you possibly grab some food for me?" Luffy muttered towards the foot that sat in front of his face.

"Sure Laffy~!" (Y/n) agreed cheerfully, casually jumping off of the cage, and over to Buggy's table. "Thank you~!" (Y/n) said as she grabbed the plate from the table, and walked back over to the cage. "Hold it... I SAID HOLD IT!! WHO ARE YOU?!" Buggy exclaimed, silencing the partying pirates.

"Here you go Laffy~!" (Y/n) sang out as she handed Luffy the food, who eagerly took it from her hands. "DON'T IGNORE ME!!!" Buggy exclaimed, now annoyed with the girl. "Thanks (Y/n)! You're a real-life saver!" Luffy exclaimed while happily eating the piece of meat.

Fed up with being ignored, Buggy marched up to the woman and lifted her up from her collar. "Are you deaf?! I asked you a question!!" Buggy exclaimed angirly. "Huh? Oh, hello! I didn't see you there!" (Y/n) joked casually, causing a large tickmark to form on Buggy's head.

"ARE YOU MOCKING ME?!" Buggy asked while shaking her about. When he shook her, something fell out of her pocket, hitting the ground. "Eh?" Buggy questioned, looking at the item with a confused stare, he bends down to pick it up, only to get kicked in the face.

"AGH! MY FACE! YOU BITCH! YOU RUINED MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!" Buggy exclaimed as he held his face in pain. (Y/n) was released from his hold, and quickly picked up the item. What she held was a cube, with eyelids on all sides of the cube, she quickly stuffed it back into her pocket. "Men! Tie her up, and blast her, with the Buggy Ball!!" Buggy ordered, gaining a cheer from the crewmembers.

(Y/n) now sat in front of a building, bound in a rope that rubbed against her skin, gaining some rope burn. The crewmembers started setting up the cannon, eager to cause destruction. "W-What are you going to do with that thing?" Nami asked hesitantly, staring at (Y/n) with a guilty look.

"Just observe, this is the awesome might of the Buggy Ball, this is what she gets for kicking me, light it," Buggy said while smirking confidently. The crewmember lit the cannon, Luffy stared from his cage, unsure what will happen to his crewmember, unfortunately, he can't do anything to help.

Suddenly, the cannon shot out a loud blast, a bright flash of light temporarily blinding them. "AHH!" Nami exclaimed in shock, as the explosion destroyed multiple houses. When the light vanished, in its wake left flattened houses, and an empty spot where (Y/n) sat.

"(Y-Y/N)!!" Luffy exclaimed in shock, believing her to be dead. "Y-You killed her... Y-You actually..." Nami muttered out in disbelief. The crewmembers cheered, happy with the destruction, while Buggy stood there proud, unaffected by the death. "What a flashy way to die, don't you agree Nami?" Buggy asked, oblivious to Nami's glare.


"Now, with this Buggy Ball, and my devil fruit powers, I should have no problem concurring the Grand Line! Too bad, I didn't get to take whatever that creepy cube was" Buggy said with a shrug. "R-Right, yes, of course!" Nami agreed, trying her best to keep up appearances.

"YOU JERK!! YOU BLEW UP (Y/N)! WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, I'LL KILL YOU!" Luffy exclaimed from his cage, now eager to get out of it. "Shut up idiot!" Nami whispered yelling at Luffy, trying to keep him from getting killed as well. "So you're friend with that ruffian? Maybe you should join her" Buggy suggested, but it was basically a threat.

"I-I think killing his comrade put him in his place!" Nami stated, once again trying her best to keep him from getting killed. "No... I think I should put him out of his misery! How about, I give you a Buggy Ball, so you can have the pleasure of reuniting him with his friend" Buggy said happily.

"It'd be a great opportunity, to prove your loyalty, to me, your new Captain, men!" Buggy said with a sadistic look. The crewmembers then pushed the cannon toward Luffy and pointed it at him. "T-That's alright Captain! We don't have to finish him off so soon! Why not after the welcoming party?" Nami suggested with a nervous look.

"Hehe, this is part of the welcoming party! Plus, this is pretty fun" Buggy said sadistically and handed Nami a pack of matches. "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" The crewmembers chanted, as Nami stared down at the box, sweating nervously. "NOW! LIGHT THE FUSE NAMI!" Buggy ordered while throwing his hands up.

Luffy glared at Buggy, gripping the bars tightly from how pissed he is. Until his eyes trailed over towards the tent, his anger quickly vanished into happiness. (Y/n) floated above the tent, going unnoticed by the multiple chanting Pirates. She puts a finger over her mouth, indicating she had a plan.

Luffy's brief moment of happiness was soon turned into seriousness and decided to act as if he has never seen her. "Hey! You're not wimping out on me, are you?" Buggy asked, indicating that no one noticed Luffy's mood change. "What's the matter? Your hands are shaking, that's what happens when you take on Pirates with half-ass resolve" Luffy said with a smirk.

"R-Resolve? To do what? To kill someone like it's nothing? Is that a Pirate's resolve?" Nami exclaimed with frustration. "No!" Luffy answered sternly, as they both ignored the chanting. "You've got to be willing to risk your own life," Luffy said confidently, knowing his life isn't at risk... Maybe.

One crew member got fed up with waiting and took the matches from Nami. "Here you chick, quick being such a tease, let me show you how to light the cannon," the crewmember said as he lit the match. Just as he was about to light the match, someone blew out the flame.

"Happy birthday~!" (Y/n) mocked as she strapped a party hat onto the Pirate's head. "What the-?! Agh!" The Pirate flopped over as (Y/n) kicked him away from the cannon, sending him to the ground. Everyone stood silent at what they saw, jaws wide from shock.

"(Y/N)!! Thanks for the save!!" Luffy exclaimed while getting close to the bars, now able to express his happiness. (Y/n) gave Luffy a thumbs up, and a wink that no one saw, due to her blindfold. "Grrr... HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!!" Buggy exclaimed, growling like a dog.


"Hi, there~! I'm back from the dead! I'm here to haunt you~!" (Y/n) mocked while saluting. "QUIT MOCKING ME!!!" Buggy yelled, more tickmarks littered across his forehead. "WAHHH!! (Y/n)! THE FUZE!" Luffy pointed out, gaining Nami and (Y/n)'s attention. "Whoopsie" (Y/n) muttered, with a hand over her mouth, unsure how to save the male.

"GET HER MEN! MAKE SURE SHE'S ACTUALLY DEAD THIS TIME!" Buggy ordered, now no longer focused on Nami or Luffy. Four Pirates jumped at (Y/n), swords ready to stab the female, eager to do their Captain's bidding. While (Y/n) dealt with the Pirates, Nami tried to figure out how to defuse the cannon.

"Woah! Watch where you swing, you might hurt someone!" (Y/n) warned as she dodged their attacks. "Stand still!" One demanded as she jumped above them, making all four of them bump into each other. She landed on their heads and skillfully jumped off of them.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Nami screamed as she held the burning rope since it was her only option. (Y/n) took a glance at Nami, then focused back on the Pirates. She quickly vanished from her spot, and when she reappeared, the four men fell to the ground unconscious. "Sorry fellas, I got more important things to do~!" (Y/n) apologized as she skipped over towards Nami.

"(Y/N)! Watch out!" Luffy warned as one of the men somehow got up, and ran to attack her. As he was about to stab her, his face ran into a sheathed sword. "Hey now, it's not very nice for you to sneak up on my friend," Zoro said while glaring at the male while standing in the way of the enemy's sword.

"Zuzu~! Thanks buddy~! You're a lifesaver!" (Y/n) complemented while swinging an arm around Zoro's neck. "Get your arm off of me" Zoro muttered, lightly blushing at the contact. "Aw, don't be like that, you know you love me~!" (Y/n) teased, oblivious to the growing blush on Zoro's face.

"Shut up, and tell me if you're hurt!" Zoro exclaimed, trying his best to change the subject. "Hm... Nope!" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, as she debated telling him about the Buggy Ball incident. "Phew! What a relief! I'm glad you found us, Zoro! Now can you help me get out of here?" Luffy asked impatiently.

"How do you keep getting yourself into these situations? First, a bird flies off with you, now I find you trapped in a cage?! Also, are those rope burns?" Zoro asked while quickly grabbing (Y/n)'s wrists. "Rope burns? Never heard of him!" (Y/n) playfully said, earning a glare from the male.

"Oh! She got those from being tied up! It's an interesting story! Lemme tell yeah! First, she appeared on top of my cage! Then, she got tied up, and BOOM!! We thought she was dead!" Luffy said briefly, Zoro's eye twitched from the lack of description. "You're both so bothersome..." Zoro muttered, letting go of (Y/n)'s wrists to put his fingers against his forehead.

"So, you're Zoro," Buggy said while looking towards the ground, gaining their attention. "If you're here for my head, you've got quite the struggle before you" Buggy warned. "No, not interested, I'm only here for these two dimwits," Zoro said while pointing to the two.

"So mean!" (Y/n) exclaimed while dramatically putting her hand to her heart, earning an eye-roll from Zoro. "But I'm interested though, killing you will bolster my reputation!" Buggy said confidently. "If you try, you'll die, by either me or her" Zoro said with a scowl, while pointing to himself and then to (Y/n).

"Oh~! Is that so? I'm not interested in the girl, so I'll go for you first!" Buggy informed while spinning two swords in his hands. "I tried to warn you, but oh well..." Zoro muttered to himself, then he turned towards (Y/n). "Stay out of this, I don't want you to get hurt," Zoro said to her seriously.

"Fine, fine" (Y/n) agreed with a lazy wave of her hand and skipped over to Luffy's cage. As she settled herself on top of Luffy's cage, the crewmembers cheered on their Captain. "BUGGY! BUGGY! BUGGY!" The crewmembers chanted, as the two got ready to battle.

Buggy was the first to make his move, running at Zoro with a creepy laugh. "DIE FLASHILY!!" Buggy yelled out as he jumped into the air. Zoro jumped into the air, and did a quick swipe, landing behind the Pirate's floating body. But, instead of falling, the body continued to float in the air, chopped into different sections.

When Zoro flipped his sword into the sheathed, the body finally fell to the ground, seemingly dead. "That wasn't much of a fight... Now was it?" Zoro muttered, glaring down at the body. "Oh wow! Did you see that (Y/n)?! He's so weak! Way to go Zoro" Luffy complemented, but his amazement turned into confusion when (Y/n) didn't respond.

Soon, the crew members started giggling, adding more to the confusion. "Hey... Why are they laughing? (Y/n), do you know what's happening?" Luffy questioned, once again receiving silence. "Their Captain is lying dead on the ground, and yet, they're still laughing? What's going on?" Nami asked in disbelief.

"Fellas, what do you find so damn funny?" Zoro asked, unaware of the floating Captain behind him. He was then pushed out of the way, causing him to stumble a bit. When he stood back up, his eyes widen in shock, seeing (Y/n) standing in his spot, with a sword through her stomach.

"Hah... That hurts..." (Y/n) muttered, as her knees gave out on her, causing her to crouch down. "(Y/N)!" Zoro and Luffy exclaimed in worry. "Huh?! Buggy's still alive?!" Nami exclaimed, pointing out the obvious. The sword was drawn out of (Y/n)'s stomach and floated in the sky by a chopped-off hand. (Y/n) was in a state of shock, although she had her infinity up, the sword still stabbed her. This was not the outcome she had anticipated when saving Zoro.

"Well, I didn't anticipate her to jump in, but it's better now than never. The Chop-Chop fruit, that's the name of the devil fruit that's given me my powers" Buggy informed as his body reattached itself. "I'm a Chop-Chop person, and now I can never be defeated by the sword!!" Buggy exclaimed while laughing creepily.

"Man... Your laugh is creepy as hell" (Y/n) muttered as she slowly stood up, her hand against her bleeding wound. "His limbs... Reattach? And I always thought that the Devil Fruit was just a story that Pirates told!" Nami exclaimed in disbelief. "So he's a Chop-Chop man? Looks pretty freaky" Luffy muttered, despite being a rubber man.

"Now, I was kind enough to not hit any vital organs, but that's a serious wound you have there! So I'm guessing... That I am the winner!" Buggy exclaimed, while his crewmembers kept cheering him on. "Won? Heh, buddy, you're in for a world of pain" (Y/n) muttered lowly, which went unheard.

"(Y/n)... You big idiot, I let my guard down, and you get hurt for it..." Zoro muttered with a guilty look. "Oh, don't think I forgot about you, now that she's down, now it's your turn," Buggy said while pointing a sword at Zoro. "STABBING HIM IN THE BACK WAS A COWARDLY MOVE! THE ONLY REASON HE'S FINE IS THAT SHE JUMPED IN!! YOU BIG NOSE!" Luffy exclaimed angirly.

Everyone went silent, as their mouths dropped low, sweat dripping down their face. "What's that... Did you say? WHO'S GOT A BIG NOSE?!" Buggy exclaimed as he tossed a sword at Luffy. When Buggy glanced up, he saw that Luffy caught the sword between his teeth.

"Buggy! I'm going to kick your ass, as soon as I get out of this cage!" Luffy promised, glaring at the clown. He then clamped down, breaking the sword with his teeth. "You? Kick my ass? You've got a lot of nerve, kid! No, I'm afraid all four of you are going to die today! By my own hand!" Buggy promised.

While Buggy spoke, (Y/n) fell over again, due to her pain, only to get caught by Zoro. "Don't move so much, just stay down" Zoro demanded while lowering her towards the ground. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to avenge you" Zoro promised as he got prepared to fight again.

"So, if you're going to do any ass-kicking, you better do it soon!" Buggy said while laughing, his crewmembers laughing with him. But, what caught them off guard was Luffy laughing along with him, "I REFUSE TO DIE! I ALSO REFUSE TO LET YOU GET AWAY WITH HURTING (Y/N)!" Luffy announced angirly.

"What?! You better have a plan, before we're all dead! So what are you guys gonna do?!" Nami asked in disbelief. Luffy looked towards Zoro and gave him a smile, somehow communicating without words. "I get it..." Zoro muttered, already ready to fight Buggy again.

"IMPUDENT FOOL! DIE! DIE! DIE!!" Buggy yelled out as he swung at Zoro, only to be blocked. As Zoro sliced at Buggy's torso, he jumped behind him. "Your three-swords style has no effect on me, I already told you, I need-?!" Buggy cut himself off, as massive amounts of blood lust leaked from behind him.

He slowly turned around, expecting to see Zoro emitting the blood lust, but Zoro wasn't in sight. Instead, what stood before him was a tall buff shadow, looming over his figure, and glaring down at him. Zoro looked back, noticing the Pirate's frozen state, and quickly picked up (Y/n), and Luffy's cage, and booked it.

"Captain Buggy? Captain Buggy! Snap out of it!" One of the crewmembers shook their Captain. When they did, the Captain no longer saw the massive shadow. He then noticed that the captives were getting farther away from him, "what the... AFTER THEM!!" Buggy demanded, snapping out of his shock.

"Captain..." A crewmember muttered, "WHAT?!" Buggy asked impatiently. The crewmember pointed in front of them, and Buggy's eyes almost popped out of their skull. The cannon was turned around, now pointing at them, the fuze already lit up.

"AH! IT'S POINTING AT US!!" Buggy pointed out the obvious, not bothered to figure out how it rotated a full 180 without him noticing. The Zoro and Nami stopped running, now curious about what he was talking about, only to be blinded by a bright flash of light.

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