《Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader]》Chapter 3


"You're going to be King of the Pirates? Also, a sorcerer isn't even a thing! You are both out of your minds!" Zoro exclaimed in disbelief. "It's not? Oh... Well I'm making it a thing!" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, earning a scowl from the male. "Do you even know what a Pirate King is?" Zoro asked Luffy since he kinda gave up with (Y/n)'s logic.

"King of the Pirates means King of the Pirates! How can it mean anything other than that?" Luffy asked calmy, earning confused looks from the Marines. "Yeah, when he first told me, it was quite shocking, along with witnessing (Y/n)'s abilities... But, he's completely serious! That's how he is, I suppose... Cuz, he actually has every intention of becoming King of the Pirates! Along with obtaining the ultimate treasure, the One Piece!" Koby added in happily.

"How come Luffy gets all the praise! I'm here too~!" (Y/n) complained, wanting some attention as well. "Oh right! I had no clue you could stop bullets like that! That was so cool!" Luffy praised with a proud smile. "Awe~! Thanks, Luffy, see, why can't you be like him, and compliment me?" (Y/n) said as she hugged Luffy, accidentally putting his face into her breasts, causing him to blush deeply.

When (Y/n) finally released Luffy, he tumbled about with hearts in his eyes. "Oh, Luffy, what's with the swords?" (Y/n) asked him, oblivious to his love-struck state. "H-Huh?... OH! Right! Here Zoro, just what I promised you! There's three, I couldn't tell which was yours, so I just took all of them!" Luffy exclaimed after snapping out of his daze.

"All of them belong to me" Zoro stated plainly, earning a confused look from (Y/n). "You carry around 3 swords? What for?" She asked curiously. "I use Santōryū, the Three Sword Style" Zoro answered her, as she hummed in understanding, "sounds stupid" (Y/n) casually said causing a large tickmark on Zoro's forehead.

"Hm... Take them already! Just know that if you fight with me now, you'll be a government-defying villain! So it's either that or you're left out here. Killed by the Marines execution-style" Luffy stated, giving Zoro zero ultimatum in the deal. "What are you? The son of the devil? It doesn't matter, because if I don't choose your side, I'll just end up dead on these sticks" Zoro said with a smile.

"So... Is that a yes?" (Y/n) asked, not really understanding Zoro's riddle. "OF COURSE IT'S A YES, ARE YOU DUMB?!" Zoro exclaimed with a glare, who didn't seem affected by his yelling. "HAHA!! So you're finally going to join my crew!! (Y/n), we're getting another crew member!! This is the best day ever!!!" Luffy exclaimed happily and did a little happy dance.

"WILL YOU QUIT CELEBRATING ALREADY, AND GET THESE ROPES OFF ME?!" Zoro exclaimed, quickly pushing his anger towards Luffy. In the background, the Marines are muttering about (Y/n)'s powers, frightened by her ability, despite only seeing a sliver of it.

"That woman isn't a normal human... And that straw hat seems to be different as well... They must've eaten one of those Devil Fruits that we heard all those rumors about" Captain Morgan explained, making his comrades more afraid. "The Devil Fruits, those who eat them are said to gain extraordinary otherworldly abilities. The power to breathe fire, the power to cause Tsunamis! Rumors persist that there are many times of these fruits, but next to nothing is known about them. It's said that the secrets to them lie somewhere in the Grand Line" Captain Morgan informed, while (Y/n) eavesdropped.


"There's no question about it! The woman just showed us her devil power!" Captain Morgan guessed while the said woman is watching Luffy struggle with ropes. "Come on, hurry! (Y/n), can't you help a little?" Koby asked with a distressed look. "Hm... I guess I can keep them distracted for a while ~! Is that alright... Captain?" (Y/n) asked with a teasing smirk.

"Huh? Oh, sure!! I'd love to watch you kick some butt!!" Luffy said while blushing at the fact that she called him Captain. "No time to watch! Hurry up and get these off!!" Zoro exclaimed worriedly. "It doesn't matter what abilities they have, all who oppose me are executed!" Captain Morgan exclaimed angirly.

"IF THE GUNS WON'T WORK, WE CHOP!!!!" Captain Morgan screamed, while his men screamed in a battle cry, and ran towards (Y/n) with their swords. "Don't worry, I got this~!" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, while Zoro and Koby watch as the Marines got closer to her.

"(Y/n)! Look out!!" Koby exclaimed, scared that his new friend won't dodge the attack. "GIVE ME ONE OF MY DAMN SWORDS NOW! BEFORE SHE GET'S HURT!!" Zoro exclaimed, now more eager to get out of his bindings. "(Y/N)! NO!! LOOK OUT!!" Koby exclaimed, quickly closing his eyes, expecting her to get chopped.

"Awh... You're no fun..." (Y/n) said with a pout as Zoro stood in front of her, protecting her from the attack. "Are you insane? You could've gotten killed!" Zoro exclaimed despite the sword in his mouth. "I appreciate the save, but I could've handled them..." (Y/n) mumbled with puffed-up cheeks, crossing her arms like a child.

"Wow!! That's so cool! Uh... You're cool as well (Y/n)!" Luffy quickly exclaimed while Koby looked on in amazement. "Make one move, then you die" Zoro threatened the Marines, then he glanced at (Y/n). "Move back towards Luffy, I'll deal with them" Zoro demanded the female, who huffed in annoyance.

"Fine... So much for showing off..." (Y/n) mumbled as she walked back over to Luffy, and leaned against the pole. "Today I officially became a criminal, having fought the Marines. So I'll become a Pirate, that I can promise you, but I want you to know one thing. When I'm with you, the only thing I dedicate myself to is fulfilling my ambition" Zoro informed Luffy.

"Which is?" Luffy asked, wanting more information from his new crew member. "To be nothing less than the Greatest Swordsman. If somewhere along the way I have to give that up, then I want you to accept responsibility. Afterward, you get to apologize to me" Zoro demanded seriously.

"Yawn... So many explanations, so many details... It's so boring!" (Y/n) exclaimed, earning a glare from the male. "Worlds Greatest Swordsman? Sounds pretty good! The King of the Pirates would have any less than the best on his crew!" Luffy exclaimed happily, despite the female's statement earlier.

"Big guts for someone who only stopped bullets... And for a Captain, you're quite the talker. From this point onward, even if I'm a criminal or not, I will spread the name Zoro throughout the world" Zoro exclaimed proudly. "WHAT ARE YOU STANDING THERE FROZEN FOR?! I WANT YOU TO KILL ALL FOUR OF THEM RIGHT NOW!!!" Captain Morgan ordered angirly.

"Alright, my turn! You might wanna duck!" Luffy warned while kicking his leg backward. "Gum... Gum... WHIP!!!" Luffy yelled out, kicking away all the Marines, while Zoro quickly ducked from the blow. "What a strange move... Very interesting" (Y/n) said with a slight nod.


"Yes! You knocked them all down!" Koby exclaimed happily, while Zoro slowly stood up. "Want to tell me what you are?" Zoro asked curiously, while (Y/n) scooted in, wanting to know as well. "I'm just a guy who ate the Gum-Gum Fruit," Luffy said casually while pouncing his rubbery leg up and down.

"What's a Gum-Gum Fruit?" (Y/n) asked with a cute tilt of her head. In the background, the Marines are confused and frightened by Luffy's unnatural ability. "Uhm... A fruit a ate that gave me powers?" Luffy sorta informed with a shrug, not really knowing the full details.

"Alright, my turn" (Y/n) said as she walked over towards Zoro, and stood in front of him. "This is a direct order! Every Marine that just spouted weakness, pull out your gun and shoot yourself! I can't do anything with weak- GEH?!" Captain Morgan exclaimed as he quickly stepped backward in shock.

(Y/n) had just appeared in front of him, shocking everyone within the area. "Now... That's no way to talk to your comrades~" (Y/n) sang out, while the Marines snapped out of their shock and pointed their guns at her. "(Y-Y/N)!" Koby exclaimed in worry, "damn woman! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Zoro also exclaimed out in worry, while Luffy sat back to watch, confident in her abilities.

Koby noticed Luffy's confident look, reminding him that he needs to trust (Y/n). "(Y/n)! BRING THOSE MARINES CRUMBLING TO THEIR KNEES!!" Koby yelled out. "My pleasure..." (Y/n) cracked her knuckled as swung her fist at Captain Morgan, who quickly blocked the punch. But, despite the block, his ax started to crack, and he was sent back a few feet, the harsh winds delaying the Marines from shooting her.

"You... You scum! You cracked my ax! You have no right to defy my superiority!! I AM MARINE CAPTAIN AX-HANd MORGAN!" Morgan exclaimed loudly as he got ready to fight (Y/n). "Hm... Loud, and obnoxious, you sound just like those old-hags" (Y/n) mocked with a teasing grin while keeping her hands within her pockets.

"Agh!!" Morgan exclaimed angirly, as he swung at (Y/n), only to see that she vanished. "Right behind you~!" (Y/n) sang out, gaining Morgan's attention. He swung again, only to miss, accidentally hitting the ground, causing it to split. "Now I'm right beside you~" (Y/n) sang out playfully, earning a death glare from Morgan.

"Done playing wack-a-mole? How about we play wack-a-captain?" (Y/n) asked with a large grin, as she then kicked his side. This sent him flying towards his comrades and landing harshly on the ground, causing large skid marks from the harsh hit. "Ara~ Ara~ I didn't even hit you that hard... How weak..." (Y/n) muttered as she balanced on one leg, while her other stayed in the air.

"What did you call me?! You will regret hitting me!" Morgan exclaimed as he got back up, preparing to attack her again. "DIE!!!" Morgan exclaimed as he swung at her, only for her to sidestep out of the way, and kicked him in the stomach. But, since she was light on him, it didn't send him too far. The Marines that watched mumbled about how the Captain is getting beat up by a teen.

"Finished already? You have no right calling yourself a Marine, plus you destroyed my friend's dream" (Y/n) said as she placed her foot on Morgan's stomach, keeping him to the ground. "YOU THERE!! STOP RIGHT THERE!! LOOK AT WHAT I GOT!!" Helmeppo exclaimed, only to be ignored.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?! I SAID STOP!! IF YOU WOULD PAY ATTENTION TO ME, I HAVE A HOSTAGE THAT YOU MIGHT WANT TO LOOK AT!" Helmeppo screamed, earning a confused hum from (Y/n). "Look at what? I thought we established that I can't really see" (Y/n) said as she pointed to her blindfold while giving Helmeppo a side glance.

"THEN TAKE THE DAMN THING OFF!! IF YOU VALUE YOUR SQUATTY LITTLE FRIEND'S LIFE, YOU WON'T MOVE A MUSCLE! I'M SERIOUS! ONE MOVE AND I'LL SHOOT HIM, I SWEAR!!" Helmeppo exclaimed while obviously shaking in his spot. "Uh-huh... Right..." (Y/n) mumbled with a blank look, knowing that Koby is in zero danger.

"(Y/n) listen! Whatever happens to me, don't let it stop you, no matter what!! Even if I die!" Koby exclaimed boldly, earning a snicker from (Y/n). "I was already planning on that, but thanks for the vote of confidence" (Y/n) said with a thumbs up, earning a wilted look from Koby, who didn't need that information.

"Yeah, you hear that, you big idiot? Koby is ready to die by your hand" Luffy said while walking towards Helmeppo. "DON'T YOU MOVE EITHER!! I SAID DON'T MOVE AROUND, I'LL SHOOT, I SWEAR!!!" Helmeppo exclaimed, only for Luffy to approach closer. During the commotion, (Y/n) had taken her foot off of Morgan's body, and turned her back towards the male.

"(Y/N)!!!! BEHIND YOU!!" Koby exclaimed in worry, as he noticed the massive figure behind (Y/n). This got Zoro and Luffy's attention as Mogan raised his ax over (Y/n)'s head. "Time's up! For I am fearless, Marine Captain Ax-Hand Morgan!!" Morgan exclaimed, prompting Zoro and Luffy to get ready to protect her.

"DADDY, HURRY UP AND KILL HER ALREADY!!" Helmeppo exclaimed as he brought Koby closer to him, ready to shoot him. (Y/n) kept her body in its exact position, making it seem like she's oblivious to Morgan's actions. Morgan then swung down on (Y/n)'s head, while Helmeppo scream in dread.

His dread was due to Zoro and Luffy blocking the ax from hitting (Y/n), causing Luffy's hand to somewhat bleed. "Are you alright (Y/n)?" Luffy asked worriedly, despite his bleeding hands. "You really are insane, you know!" Zoro managed to say while holding a sword in his mouth.

They look over, only to see her missing from her spot, they then spotted her over by an unconscious Helmeppo. "Damn woman..." Zoro muttered as he quickly sliced Morgan, sending the large man to the ground. "My heroes~! But, I can handle myself you know" (Y/n) said as she walked back over to them.

"We know! We just wanted to help you out a little!" Luffy exclaimed with a blush, happy he got to try and protect her. "I'm just making sure you don't kill yourself, you're lucky I'm here, be glad Captain got me on this crew sooner than later" Zoro exclaimed stubbornly, while a light blush covered his cheeks.

"Captain Morgan's been beaten!" a Marine exclaimed, while they all stood there in shell shock. "Unbelievable!" Another Marine muttered, "those guys are unreal!" Another added, only to go silent. "If there's anyone who wants to step forward to fight us, then do it now" Zoro ordered the shocked Marines.

"YAY!!!! WE'RE FREE!!" The Marines cried out as they tossed their weapons and hats into the air, despite it being a safety hazard. "Huh... I guess they really didn't like that big guy" (Y/n) said while pointing to the unconscious ex-captain. "They must've been afraid of him for a long time before we showed up!" Koby exclaimed happily.

Zoro then tensed up, and slowly fall over, only to be caught by gentle arms. "Your heroism really did a number on you" (Y/n) said, while supporting Zoro's body. "Zoro! Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" Koby exclaimed frantically as the other two noticed Zoro had fallen over. "I'm just... Hungry..." Zoro muttered, too hungry to be embarrassed by (Y/n).

"I am stuffed!" Zoro exclaimed with a chuckle, ignoring the large crowd outside the house. "Having not eaten for three weeks, I was ready to gnaw through my bootstrap!" Zoro joked as he rubbed his full stomach. Rika, her mother, and Koby laughed at the male's joke.

"I can't believe you've finished already, also (Y/n), how come you haven't eaten anything?" Luffy asked with a mouth full of food. "How the hell can you have a bigger appetite than a guy who hasn't eaten in weeks, also (Y/n) don't make me forcefully feed you" Zoro threatened.

"I'm wounded that you need to threaten me! Fine I guess I'll eat" (Y/n) said with a sigh, as she forcefully stuffed some food into her mouth. "This food tastes good, I guess, right (Y/n)?" Luffy asked as he watched her shovel some food down. "Mh-hm... Thank you for making this food" (Y/n) muttered with a sad smile, which didn't go unnoticed.

Suddenly, she smiled widely, and stood up from her seat "I'm so stuffed! I'll be at the boat if you need me~!" (Y/n) said happily. "(Y/n)" Zoro muttered worriedly, as they watched her match towards the door, "you can have the rest of my food Laffy~!" (Y/n) said with a cheerful wave, and left the house.

"Huh... Weird... More food for me!" Luffy exclaimed happily as he ate the rest of (Y/n)'s food. "You and that pretty lady are both so amazing!" Rika exclaimed happily towards Luffy. "I know! You should've seen her, she fits perfectly into my crew! I'm going to get even cooler when I become King of the Pirates and I have the One Piece. Along with my best crew members" Luffy said proudly while glancing towards Zoro's way.

"So, how many others have you gathered for your crew, besides (Y/n) and I?" Zoro asked with a smug smirk. All he received was a confused look from Luffy, so he decided to elaborate a bit more. "You told me you've been gathering the crew for your ship, and if you're going to be King of the Pirates, I gotta assume you already have some waiting in the wings" Zoro assumed somewhat hopefully.

"Nope, just you and (Y/n)" Luffy said casually earning a shocked look from Zoro. "J-Just..." Zoro hesitantly said as he pointed at Luffy, the door (Y/n) left through, and then lastly himself. "Yup, it's just us!" Luffy confirmed, "so, you, her, and I are what amounts to an entire Pirate Crew?" Zoro asked in disbelief.

"What's wrong with that? We're a couple of strong guys, and a strong girl" Luffy reassured the male. "Okay... Please tell me you have a ship! I heard (Y/n) talking about it before she left" Zoro said with a raised eyebrow, now losing confidence in his Captain. "Yup, she just left towards it, I see her in it now, right there," Luffy said as he pointed his fork towards the window.

Zoro peaked out, only to see a small boat, with (Y/n) leaning against the sail, seemingly asleep. "You're kidding..." Zoro muttered in disbelief, a sweat drop running down his face from the rising annoyance. "Nope! But, we'll have an enormous one before long! Just you wait and see!" Luffy exclaimed happily, only to earn a demeaning laugh from the male.

"And how's that?!" Zoro asked sarcastically, now believing Luffy's goal is to fail. "With a great big pirate flag on top!" Luffy exclaimed as he stuffed some food into his mouth. He imagined himself on a large ship, the sails presenting a skull with a straw hat on it, along with the flag. He laughed as he held up a sword, with (Y/n) smiling by his side, her blindfold seemingly nonexistent as her dazzling bright (e/c) eyes made the scene more beautiful.

"Mmm... I can't wait!" Luffy exclaimed happily, now eager to see her eyes again. "I think Luffy was born without that part of the brain, that allows the rest of us to plan out what we have to do," Koby said with a regretful smile. Zoro sat back down, holding his fingers to his forehead, quite annoyed with Luffy's lack of a brain.

"I can't believe I let myself get suckered into having him as my Captain... I bet she got suckered too, now I have to deal with two idiots..." Zoro muttered with a large tick mark on his forehead. "Hey, we'll have a ton more crewmembers in no time!" Luffy exclaimed reassuringly, but it didn't seem to deter Zoro's attitude.

"Luffy, where are you and your crew planning on traveling, when you leave here?" Rika asked the male happily. "You mean it's not obvious? We're heading straight for the Grand Line" Luffy exclaimed happily, while Koby spat out his drink, in a not-so-graceful way.

"No! Have you completely lost your mind?! You have three crew members! There's no way you're equipped to handle the Grand Line, Luffy!" Koby exclaimed earning Luffy and Rika's attention. "I've heard about it, but I never knew it was such an awful place," Rika said with a disturbed look.

While Koby explained the map to Rika, (Y/n) had slipped off her blindfold, gazing at the ocean with her dazzling bright (e/c) eyes. "This place is so strange... I wish you were here to see it..." (Y/n) muttered as she brought out a cube, holding it gently within her palm. "I... I bought you some Kikufuku... Well... It tasted similar..." (Y/n) mumbled as she placed the treat on top of the box, smiling bitterly.

"Damn prison cube... I can't even teleport it inside the cube..." (Y/n) muttered with a dejected sigh, and gently tapped the box. "We can start a new life here... No curses... No executions... No old-hags... No laws... Too bad our world relies on you to save them..." (Y/n) said with a low chuckle, already knowing what her brother would do once he was free.

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