《Midnight Lullabies》I'm back! With a blog?


Hello fellow readers!

I know, I know. I've gone MIA again. I'm so sorry and I'm so grateful for your patience.

BUT! I come with great and exciting news!!!

I have officially started a blog called Bold Blood and I'm really excited about it.

Here's the description:

It is no secret that our world is home to several social, political, and economic issues that have been around for centuries. More often than not, we take the decision to stay silent because it is much easier to live with it than it is to tackle it head-on. However, this is not the case here at Bold Blood. We, as artists, bloggers, poets, photographers, fashionistas and more, strive to break cultural stereotypes ranging from sexism to racism and everything in between. We believe that change is possible, as long as we are willing to put the effort in.

How should you contribute? Submit your poetry, photography, drawings, paintings, songs, slam poems, fashion, anything you express yourself in to https://goo.gl/forms/oa2gDSkmO3oniAmp1


I have been working so hard on this and I can't wait for you guys to be a part of it, please share it on your social media and spread the word. This means so much to me.

Here's the link to the site where you can also find the form:


There's only one post on it so far and that's the poem I have posted previously on here, as you'll see. I'm working on a FAQ page because I have already been asked a few questions and hopefully, that will clear up a few misconceptions/misunderstandings.

I won't drag this any further but I urge your cooperation! Thank you for your endless support, it means the world to me.

All my love,


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