《Midnight Lullabies》Happy International Women's Day!


"It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals."

In light of International Women's Day, this post goes out to women all around the world, and a bit more specifically, Emma Watson.

Aside from her acting career, Emma is a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador who has actively supported feminism and the HeForShe campaign. She has had a tremendous influence on how women perceived the word 'feminism' and I am proud and not ashamed to call myself a feminist.

Merriam-Webster defines feminism as 'the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes'. Before anything though, I'd like to clarify that the mere inclusion of 'fem' in the word does not necessarily prioritize women over men in any way. I've met countless people that refuse to call themselves feminists, but prefer to use the term 'humanist'.

Humanism is 'a system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion.' These two terms have been confused countless times and yet, after explaining the difference, people still remain unconvinced. In these cases, I suspect that it is not ignorance (I'd prefer to believe I still have hope in people), but rather misogyny, or the fear of being portrayed as 'weak'.

But let me remind you that supporting equality between the sexes and fighting for your own rights is in no shape or form, weak. You might as well tell me White Lives Matter, or All Lives Matter; or better yet, encourage those going to cardiologists to go to general physicians (God forbid discrimination between the organs).

Just because something isn't happening around you or isn't prevalent enough in your area, does not mean that it is not happening. Just because there are other issues to tackle, does not mean that this should be neglected. Feminism is not a religion, I'm not going to ask you to convert; nor am I going to beg you to define yourself as one, but consider this.


Women are not the only ones being affected; men are subject to gender stereotypes and are also impacted by the patriarchy. Men are also expected to live up to certain standards. We have both been chained certain activities that make us 'manly enough' or 'ladylike'.

We need feminism because 'rape culture' shouldn't even be a culture (keeping in mind both genders are subject to this).

Because women were not allowed to wear pants in the US Senate floor until 1993.

Because the Suffragists and the Suffragettes did not risk their lives fighting for women's rights, fighting for YOUR education and YOUR ability to work and receive equal pay just so that you can sit back in luxury and refuse to call yourself a feminist or even slightly acknowledge their efforts. Feminism is for everybody, and this is your invitation.

In the words of Emma Watson, "it is not the word that is important. It's the idea and the ambition behind it."

To all the women around the world, may everyday be your day ❤✨

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