《Midnight Lullabies》47 | Galactic Daydreams


Her love asphyxiated him

Nebulas bursting within every cell;

It was not what she had anticipated.

She had visioned clouds of glitter

Magic fogging her sight;

He was an empty bookshelf, laden with dust.

She tore his pages and creased his corners

His spine could no longer support their tragic tale;

Whose chapters and memories had started to fall out.

It's there, in the train tracks

The filled journals, the airplane tickets;

Every emotion trapped in a memory.

Rushed endings and slow beginnings

Have never gone hand in hand;

But neither have the stars ever seen the sun.

It was not what she had anticipated,

Nebulas bursting within every cell;

Until the night asphyxiated her.

Hey guys! How is everyone?

I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages; I've had a hectic few weeks. I'm feeling more inspired to write now, so hopefully the updates will be more frequent.

Oh, and if anyone has some good book recommendation, please leave some in the comments. I miss reading and I would love to try something new. I can read pretty much anything, if it's good I guess? I'm more into thrillers and mysteries (like Gone Girl omg!). So if you know anything similar to that, that'd be lovely. If not, feel free to pick any other good book you've read, it doesn't really matter.

Take care of yourselves and thank you for all your support!

All my love,


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