《Midnight Lullabies》38 | Of numb hearts and final goodbyes


I'm tracing my steps back on my map,

but I cannot pinpoint where I've gone wrong.

And you stand there,

Under the star laden sky,

Moonlight on your lips,

Secrets in your hair,

Telling me you love me.

But I cannot say it back.

There's a desert in my throat,

And my tongue is tied,

Into knots I cannot unravel.

Words that once flowed effortlessly,

Rolling off my tongue,

Dribbling down my lips like honey,

Have become stuck in the crevices of my teeth.

My mind is a hurricane of memories,

Backwards, forwards,

Pause, play,

Yet I cannot find the moment I've lost my grip.

Routine loving has bored me,

And I am losing my mind.

My heart is numb to the words you throw at me.

I am begging myself to feel, feel, feel.

But I stare in blankness instead,

Into the specks of green in your eyes,


It's the cold, I tell myself.

I am not worthy of a love so pure, it burns me.

I am shaking. Perhaps it is from the knowledge that I am about to break you.

But it's time to dispose of this plastic heart and tell you:

I am sorry.

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