《Midnight Lullabies》37 | Of suspicions and invisible deception


The weight of your callous words were too heavy for my cardboard spine; they crushed and ground my bones to dust. I am an open book; secrets spilling from every creased corner but there are not enough folds to conceal my shame.

The stars don't twinkle as bright as they used to when you're not there. The night asphyxiates me; I am its next victim. You bleed golden elixir and drench the flowers in its godly scent but it's not enough to wake them from their sleep.

I close my eyes. Skin on skin; mingling breath. Your lies melt behind my eyelids and they freeze to form reality. I open my eyes to new deception. You birth a whole new world tainted with your lies and I unknowingly wander amongst it.

I am blind, but I can feel.

Suspicion crawls on my skin when butter starts to feel like blades.

It dances around my ears when violins sound like scratchy nails.

It seeps into my taste buds when honey goes sour.

I'm blinded, but I know that vanilla does not smell like lavender.

Uneasiness inhabits every cell in me yet my eyes refuse to open. My skin itches, and I scrub at the suspicion until I bleed.

My mind knows, yet my heart refuses to believe. I am drenched in blood and now I see it.

The world is a fading grey, and you have already dissipated.

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