《A Girls' Night w/ BTS》28
Leah looked out in the sky. As it became more grey, she knew a storm was arriving. She blanked out thinking more about everything that has been going on. She knows she has to face Jungkook. This was finally happening and she knew it was going to alter everything. She didn't think to turn around as she felt Jungkook glaring at her soul.
She was tired emotionally, mentally, and physically. She felt her body giving to her exhaustion. As Jungkook walked near to her, she heard footsteps getting louder and louder. Her body was getting weaker with every step she heard.
She truly did not know how she was going to confront this but she knew it was best to face it. The steps stopped as she knew Jungkook was right behind her and patiently waiting for her to look at him. She started taking deep whiffs and crossed her arms.
She circled to face the man. He stared at her, with anguish. He truly wanted to comfort her but right now he knew it was best not to make a move at this moment.
"Leah I'm sorry. Part of this is my fault. I should have warned you earlier."
Leah stared at him blankly, not saying anything instantly. Jungkook stared back. He grabbed her slowly and led her into a hug, deciding that he can't hold back. She continually glares in the direction Jungkook was facing her as he hugged her tightly.
"Leah. I know this is hard. It hurts me to see you like this. This man betrayed your trust and made you look like a fool. But Leah I'm here for you. I'm here for every tear, every pain, every broken moment. I'm here for all of it. I'm here to stay."
"I love you, Leah. I want to be the man you need and deserve. The man that truly loves you and your family. It won't be easy but I'm here every step of the way. God will keep us both and we will get through it because of Him. You will know what it truly feels like to be loved. The right way. I will love you the right way."
"But only if you will let me. Only if you will let me love you the right way."
Leah stood still, feeding his words. She knew he was telling the truth. She knew by the tone of his voice that he wasn't trying to play games with her. She knew he really did love her. She believes that. And with all her heart, she knows she loves him.
But, is she ready?
Is she ready to be loved?
Is she ready to be cherished how she always wanted to be cherished?
Is she ready to trust this again?
Is she ready for a sudden change in her and her sons' life?
Can she truly do this?
Can I do this?
"Yes, Leah I'm in love with you. And I love your children. I believe that through God, I can truly love your children and you the way both of you deserve. And I will say it a thousand times so you will believe me."
"Yes, Leah I'm in love with you. And I love your children.
"I believe that through God, I can truly love your children and you the way both of you deserve."
"....the way both of you deserve."
"Both of you."
He wants to love my children and I the way we deserve. I am not the only one who deserves this but so does my children.
If I don't do something now to protect my babies, Jacob will ruin them down the line. He will hurt my children and cause them to resent us both.
I need to leave Jacob but can I do this?
Leah hugged Jungkook back. Jungkook smiles a bit and blushes by her unexpected action. He awaits her words as he strokes her back.
"Jungkook, I love you so much. I will need time in all of this but I definitely appreciate you standing by my family and I's side. I want you and I want us. I won't run from what God was trying to show me long ago. It's time to trust in Him and His plan with you in my life."
As Leah spoke, Jungkook slowly let go of the hug and stared at her. He couldn't believe what she was saying right now. However, he was genuinely glad about it. His heart wanted to burst from the feeling. He has never been so excited and joyful in his life. He grabbed her face with a widen bunny grin showering his face.
"Well, you got me, baby."
Leah laughed as he laughed back. She grabbed his hands that were holding her face, slightly rubbing it.
"I want to kiss you but I'll wait. However, my dear, I won't be able to wait for long."
"Yes, sir." Leah giggles a bit. That does something to Jungkook's needy heart. He felt it stop for a second. Hearing her say sir was not only a turn on but crucial necessity. He had to hear her say that again to him. He had to and the next time he does, he won't control what he does.
Raindrops started to fall as both stares at each other with love, admiration, and joy. The breeze blowed on their skin but neither affected by it.
Jungkook grabbed her hand, grinning, and led her back into the dining room. As they went inside, everyone greeted them with woo woo and cheers. They blushed at their crazy friends as they hugged them. The girls came in a group hug as the boys dabbed Jungkook and Jimin.
Everything started to come together. A happily ever after was forming and the room felt festive and welcoming again. But this time, it felt different.
It was a new beginning.
Eve and Leah never felt happier. The girls were blushing at their friends who were chanting 'aye y'all better get it.' The guys laughed at the girls as Ben come into the room, requesting Esther. Esther walks towards Ben as everyone else keeps chanting and talking.
"Yes, Ben."
"Your majesty, two men are at the door. They have come to take Eve and Leah home."
Esther knew exactly who was at the door. She felt a slight irritation that they had the audacity to show their faces here and take her besties away.
Esther is at a crossroads. She is not sure if she wants to kick them out of her property or tell the girls they are here. If she tells the girls, everyone else will get involved and it could get worse. If she doesn't tell them, she knows they will tell the girls.
Ben waited for Esther's answer. Esther stood thinking. She knew she didn't have long to think until Jin asks if she's okay.
"I'll tell the girls. Let them come inside and wait at the lobby."
Ben bowed and did what he was instructed. Esther zoned out a tad, processing how to address this. She sighed and walked back into the dining room.
She looked around at all her friends, with worry. Then she gazed at Leah and Eve. "Leah and Eve?"
They glance at Esther as everyone turns to her. Now everyone is staring at Esther. "They're here and they want to take both of you home."
"Who here?!" Jungkook and Jimin immediately say in unison, with irritation in their voice.
"Their no good butthole husbands."
"You mean ex-husbands?" Jungkook confidently affirms with irritation. Everyone starts getting upset as Rahab charges Esther's direction but Esther stops her.
"Sis, I think we should let them two handle it."
"Or we can just beat them up until they can't walk." Rahab snaps.
"I agree with the second one," Tae states, annoyed. Everyone starts charging for the door until Jin comes in front of the angry mob.
"Guys, babe is right. Let's have them two deal with it. I know we are all mad and we gladly want to get a few punches in but that's not going to help at this moment."
"Who said anything about helping the moment?" Jimin counters back.
"Jimin," Jin says sternly. Jimin stares at Jin, agitated. "I know how you feel and Jungkook and everyone but let's have them deal with it. They got this."
Leah and Eve step forward from the group and follows Esther to the front door. Everyone watches until they are out of sight. Jungkook mumbles under his breath and Jimin balls his fists. Everyone else eagerly waits for them, hoping that they will come back and tell them to beat them up.
Jin asks the servants to escort them in the living room. The servants including Taylor escort everyone as Jin goes to help Esther.
Esther hugs them both and waves them to the lobby. She stays near the staircase as she sees the others being escorted to the living room and Jin walking towards her.
Leah and Eve see Jacob and Adam, who have worry on their faces.
Although it was raining, Eve guides Adam outside for a walk leading to the parking lot as Leah leads Jacob outside in the front area.
As Adam and Eve walk under his umbrella, Eve stays mute as so many emotions travel through her mind. She doesn't want to get conflicted so she knows it's best to keep it short and sweet. She doesn't want Adam to manipulate her a second time.
Adam doesn't look at Eve once they walk. He knows he was wrong and there's nothing he can do but try to keep his wife. He doesn't want to lose her.
As tensions rise and the air thickens between the two, Adam decides to speak before he throws up.
"Eve. I know I messed up and I am truly sorry. I know what I did will not change anything. But I love you, Eve. I truly do. I need you in my life. Please don't leave us. Please don't leave me. Please baby. Think about the kids, everything we built. Please."
Eve heard those words and it felt like poison. No meaning, no truth. Just vacant words. She didn't care he was tearing up, she didn't care about anything when it came to them. If he loved her, he wouldn't have done anything to intentionally hurt her. He wouldn't find pleasure anywhere else. She's done and she slashes apart everything they built. What they built was a lie. The only thing that was worth it was their children. So Eve doesn't care about anything else. Not anymore.
All she cared about was God, her kids, her friends.....and Jimin.
"We're done, Adam. I forgive you but I will not stay in this marriage that continues to break. I want you to leave the house today. We will work everything out with the kids but it's over."
"Eve I thought-"
"Don't you dare say I thought you loved me. I don't want to hear it. I wondered that every day but what you did countless times clearly showed your answer. So leave and I want your stuff out of my house today." Eve sternly stares at him as she hands him her ring. Adam stares back with puppy eyes hoping she would budge but Eve was not backing down. Adam peeped at the ring and grabbed it from her hand.
Adam knew he lost this time. He left not looking at her any longer and headed to Esau's car. Adam didn't care it was raining anymore. He didn't care about his umbrella. He walked back in the rain, getting wet every second as his umbrella dangles from his hand. Adam made it to Esau's car, staring at the ring. Esau stares at Adam with possibility but saw the ring and knew what happened.
Eve quickly turned away and cried while walking back to the house. As she opens the front door, she sees the gang standing near the door.
Everyone rapidly turned to the door as they see Eve walking in, wiping her eyes. Jimin ran and hugged her tightly. Eve hugged him back. He let her go smiling then peers down, seeing she no longer has her ring. Jimin smiles wide as Eve hid her blush.
Eve turned to the others, smiling at them.
"Let's wait for Leah." No one speaks but just nods or gaze at her. Ben directly gives Eve a towel. Eve thank him and hands it to Jimin first to dry himself. Jimin takes it and wraps it around Eve as Eve snickers and blushes a bit. Everyone stands near the door waiting for Leah.
Leah is glad she wore a jacket. Cause man, it is raining out here! She had her hood on as she takes a sudden stop to face Jacob. Jacob, with his hood on, stared at her, hoping she will forgive him and keep him in her life. However, the way Leah is looking at him, he is not sure that she will this time.
"Babe, I-"
Jacob looks down, knowing he was wrong. He did the ultimate betrayal. Not only did he cheated on his wife but cheated on her with her sister. Leah stares at him, with anger and embarrassment. Jacob looks up at her.
"Babe, I'm so sorry. I love you and I was stupid. I know there's nothing I can say that can make this better. You are worth so much more and I treated you like dirt. I'm so sorry. But baby I want to-"
"Jacob. You not only treated me like dirt. You abandon our sons and me to play with my sister?!" Jacob stares at her.
"You had the audacity to say you love me and she meant nothing to you. But it shows by your actions that you lied to me. You love my sister so stop trying to deceive me any longer."
"Also, you are right there is nothing you can SAY that will change anything or make this better. NOTHING!" Leah clenches her jaw as she crosses her arm, looking away from her 'husband'.
"I know God will help me to heal from this. I forgive you for myself not for your gratification. Howeverrrr, I'm done with you. Tell my sister that I do not want to see her until I'm ready to. To be honest, I don't know when that will be because I want to punch her. But tell her that and leave my house. I'll let you take the boys out Monday. But after that, I don't want to see you at my house unless it's about the children. They deserve the truth from their father so you need to tell them if they ask. I will if need be." Leah takes off her ring and throws it on the ground.
"Goodbye Jacob. I hope for you nothing but the best."
She leaves Jacob by himself and heads back to the house.
Jacob kicks the floor, grabs the ring, and walks back to Esau's car. As Esau drives off, he gapes at his brother and friend in despair. He knew he was a part of all this and it's his fault too. Now both of them lost their wives today.
Leah opens the door and walks inside. She is wet and just wants to dry off. Immediately after she closes the door, she was picked up off the ground.
"Kookie! I'm wet!"
"I don't care! Are you okay?!"
"I was this close of whopping Jacob but they wouldn't let me leave."
"I'm fine. Put me down." Leah chuckles at him.
Jungkook laughs and puts her down. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I did the right thing."
Jungkook smirks at her. Leah smiles a bit and grabs the towel Ben was holding out to her. She thanks him as Jungkook takes it from her, flicks it and wraps it around her.
The others started talking and encouraging Eve and Leah.
The gang laughs and decides its time to relax.
Strolling behind the group, Leah grinned at them as they go to the back of the house to see the huge custom made jacuzzi.
She truly thank God for all of them. And now that everything is changing, she knows that everything will truly be fine. She has all she ever needed.
And one night had opened her eyes to finally realize that.
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