《Ultraman Nexus: Justice League Mightiest Hero》EPISODE 14 : LIVING BEINGS (生き物)


Shortly after hearing the alarm that the Ultimatum had escaped their prison, and follow their trace to the clone facility room, Hamilton, Amanda and Max had to go check on it in case their expandable product were harm, but it soon would throw away like a garbage as they had a source far more powerful that could bring benefit to them. Hamilton were write a note after he finally finish analyze the clone condition.

"The clones were unharmed" Hamilton said. "Security can't find a trace of our Ultimen" Amanda said as she turn to Max and walk towards him "But i want you to find them Mr. Lord, and bring them back" Amanda said "But they're not going to trust me or anyone, now they know-" he didn't finish his word as the Amanda words rise up. "Bring them back or i'm calling the squad to put them down!" Amanda give a death glare to the wealthy man, she then look at Hamilton. "I want this laboratory dismantle and relocated no loose ends" Amanda give her final words before leaving both Hamilton and Max.

At the parking lot, Max were walk towards to his car, great, after one encounter, he had to deal with another one. But at least the first one was a good news, but second one......he sure be dead before he could get a words. A wind suddenly stary to blow up and become a tornado, blew the working paper from Max grip. And the tornado soon absorb the man inside and soon move out from the parking lot, destroy the entrance. And start to fly up to skyscraper level. Until it reach to top one of the tallest building at the city.

The tornado start to hover, a few foot above from the ground and gently drop Max from it, Max rise up and saw Ultimatum were stare at him, in furious, sadness and mostly betrayed. They betrayed by his lied and his trust. "You lied to us Max" Wind dragon said as he stare at the man with anger and his arm cross on his chest. "I was only trying to protect you from people who don't have best interests at heart" Max plead and steer backward from them.

"I've always been on your side and i promise i won't stop until-" however, Wind Dragon won't allow Max to finish his words. "Spare us that performance" Wind Dragon said as he look at the sibling member, Downpour and Shifter. "Water" Downpour said as his body become a liquid like water, "Lion" Shifter said as she start to turn into a lion. Downpour's water start surrounded Max and trap him in bubble water. While Shifter in lion form was walk beside him like how any predator cat will stalk on their prey.

"Whatever it be Max, drowning on a rooftop or eaten by a lion" Shifter give him a choice. However Max can't answer as he was drown inside a bubble water, Downpour soon release him and let Max catch a break and cough a little. "Your, your artificial life forms.....grown in a test tube.....design to be the Ultimate superheroes" Max said. But however, Long Shadow denied such a explanation. "That's a lie, i remember my parents, how much they loved me, i was with my mother when she died i-" Long Shadow didn't finish his words as Wind Dragon spoke.

"Implanted memories" Wind dragon said, with snarl, Long Shadow look at him, "But i spent thanksgiving with my father" Long Shadow said, "Actors" Wind Dragon said, with those words, it broke down long shadow and look at Max, demand more explanation from him. "How long have we?" Wind Dragon ask. "You're, just a little over a year old" Max said as he stood up, "The purpose of Cadmus project was to create a popular group of superheroes, who were completely loyal to the government, unlike those loose cannons the Justice League" Max said.


"And the clones?" Downpour ask, "Replacement for when you.....were out......once they complete, the clones will think they are you, they'll be you and no one will be the wiser" Max reluctantly spoke, he wasn't sure if he was feel guilty or not. "How could you did this to us?" Shifter ask. "Heh, me, this is so big, even my superiors are small fish" his words, provoke the Ultimatum and now all of them approach him. "But i....i was just-" once again none of them let him finish his words.

"Following orders" Wind Dragon said, Juice then use his power and restrain Max with electric but a small power to hurt him only, but Long Shadow hold him he wasn't worth it. "No, he's nothing, we want the big fish" Long Shadow said, Juice finally stop and Wind Dragon start to create a tornado and they all fly away, leaving Max on top of building. They fly back to where they are, shortly after broke into the laboratory again, to search for the clones, only to find it all empty. "They're gone" Wind Dragon said with frown, "And we're death" Downpour said. "They got to be" Wind Dragon refuse to give up, "Rhino!" Shifter said as she transform into a rhino and start to rampage. And soon follow by others member.

Only Long Shadow were refuse as he was thinking of innocent, but Wind Dragon won't listen. "Tear this place apart!" he said as he and others leaving Long Shadow. Wind Dragon and Downpour power cause the building start to shaken. Many of the worker inside start to panic and screaming as they try to find the exist and get out from here. Long Shadow arrives as he grew up to be larger and punch through the wall, instead helping his team, tear the place down, he choose to evacuate the civilian first. Only for Justice League had arrived to help him.

Meanwhile other member of Ultimatum were still rampage, only to stop for a few moments. "What's the point of this, we never find Cadmus or a cure, it's hopeless" Shifter said, as she place her hand on her forehand while leaning to the wall, disappointed and sad. "Then what?!, we just died and let them replace us?!, no one ever knows you were here that we mattered?!" Wind Dragon said, try to knock some sense in Shifter.

"I said we just bring the whole building down right on top of us" Downpour said, as he finally give up. But however they heard a voice from someone who was really well known, a friend perhaps. "Don't give up hope yet Downpour, we've got friends in and high places" Long Shadow said. But none of Ultimatum agree, "You idiot, you really think that they could help us" Shifter said. In this moment Wonder Woman try to talk to them.

"Whatever is going on, we do everything in our power to-" however those young groups of heroes were tired listen to this crap. "Yes power, that's what if always comes down to doesn't it?" Wind Dragon said as he walk towards to Wonder Woman. "That's the only way we'll ever be remembered" Wind Dragon said. As he start to create a powerful wind. Wind Dragon then look at his remain member, "We're the ones who take down the Justice League! the world would never forget us!" Wind Dragon said.

And others agree. "Listen to yourself, you're not making any sense, you getting sicker" Batman try to spoke with his logic. But however it was to late for them to listen as their ego now got in their head. "Translation, they're afraid to face us" Wind Dragon said as he and other Ultimatum stood gathering. "No" Long Shadow said, "As a man said, you either with us or against us?" Wind Dragon give Long Shadow one last chance. Long Shadow look at his team and then Justice League.


But however Juice didn't think twice as he fire the electric towards to Long Shadow's chest, unconscious him. Downpour shot a water towards to Justice League, but of them avoid it and only Aquaman is the one who got hit. He was thrown into the office, Himeya who was alongside with them, quickly pick up his evoltruster and transform into Ultraman Nexus. At the office, it was filled with water, but Aquaman didn't seems bother with it as he was the king of the ocean. Many stuff were throw onto him but swipe it using his hook hand.

Only for Shifter who was in T-rex form was about to attack Aquaman, it open it's massive jaw and attack him but stop, both Aquaman and Shifter look back and saw Ultraman Nexus (Anphans) was grabbing the T-rex tail. Nexus then swing the white T-rex into the wall, ", the T-rex been slam to the wall, and Nexus fly towards to Shifter and two were collide on each other. The T-rex open it's jaw to bite Ultraman but Nexus simple grab both upper and lower jaw with his bare hands.

At other side, Batman was fighting with Juice, as the young man shot a laser towards to Batman but he dodge, instead hit the man it hit the metal pipe, causing the water start to flow out. Mad because he miss his target Juice walk forwards to search for Batman, he heard a sound and quickly shot towards it, only to miss again. "Where did he go?" Juice said as he look around didn't notice, Batman was on the ceiling, watching him and quickly launch towards him as he got his chance.

Juice notice it but it was to late, as Batman slam him to the ground and quickly back handspring, Juice rise one of it's arm to shot Batman, but once again the dark knight manage to avoid it and jump, he land behind Juice and kick him to the metal pipe, causing the water flow out and electrocute the Ultimatum member. Pass him out, Batman just stare at him "Lights out, old chump" he said.

Back to flooding office. Ultraman and Shifter were still fight, Ultraman slam her head to the wall and he wrap both of his arm around her neck as she was in Tyrannosaurus Rex form. He release her and grab her neck and throw her away from the wall. Aquaman then quickly grab her tail and start to spin her around and throw her into the wall, but Shifter wasn't finish yet as she slam her tail to him and throw him to the pillar, Ultraman quickly fly towards her and smack her head, render her unconscious and change back into her normal form.

The water inside the office finally fade away as it transform back into Downpour, who comfort his unconscious younger sister. "Nobody does that to my sister, did you hear me nobody" Downpour said in anger as he shot a blast of water to Ultraman, but he either didn't move or shown any sign of effect. Downpour finally stop as he saw his power won't do anything to Ultraman. "Stand down" Aquaman demand.

But however the young man refuse to as he charge towards to Aquaman and punch him, which show no effect at all, Aquaman give a slap, knock him out. Aquaman look at Ultraman who was giant to him, "Good Job" he said and Ultraman nod. Meanwhile Superman had to deal with Wind Dragon, "You don't had to do this" Superman said, "It's all i know, what i was created to do" Wind Dragon said. "You're confused Dragon, it cause you a degeneration" Superman said tried to reason with him and at the same time had to fight with the wind.

"No more words, i'll suck the wind right onto you!" Wind Dragon said as he use a tornado that trap Superman from getting oxygen, causing him really hard to breathe as he holding his neck, Aquaman and Ultraman arrived, only for Aquaman was about to shoot Wind Dragon, Wonder Woman hold it. Give him a signal, that Long Shadow it's on the way. Long Shadow land in front of Superman and stood between Wind Dragon and Superman, "Look what you're doing, look" Long Shadow said as he point all the destruction that they had cause.

Wind Dragon finally stop as he look at Superman who trying to catch a breathe, "Is this what you want to be remember for, he was your hero" Long Shadow said, trying to knock some sense to Wind Dragon said. Wind Dragon finally shot another wind but this time it didn't shot direct to Long Shadow, but rather to the wall pass the big man. Wind Dragon finally knee down in defeated. "He was my hero, and the heroes all i ever wanted to be" Wind Dragon said as he was crying. Many soon gathered around him, Long Shadow place his hand on Wind Dragon shoulder.

Outside many reporter and swat team were here to restrain the captured Ultimatum, but unknown to them, they were been watch, at the top of building, two figure in the shadow were watch over them. Mephisto look at his sister and give a nod, and which Faust understood. The Justice League gather alongside with Long Shadow. "Project Cadmus?!" Superman said in shock hearing that name. "Is that all you know?" Superman ask, "Everything else is implanted memory" Long Shadow said in sad tone.

"How much time.....you had left?" Wonder Woman ask, she pity him, knowing he won't last long. "Who knows" Long Shadow said almost loose hope. Himeya who was still in Ultraman form, just look at him with pity and then the rest of the team, but before he could do something, suddenly a convoy of military truck were here. surround them all. As they park surround them, all military went out with advanced weapon and pointed at them, and so do to Ultraman. To Himeya, it remind him many times, as he once got shot by a TLT squad fighter.

Amanda and Max can be see walk towards them, "We're taking from here, the Ultimate belong to us" Amanda said, "Belong?" Wonder Woman cross her arm, didn't like how Amanda refer them as an asset rather then a living being. "A poor choice of words, we'll seek them for the last days of comfortable, we will take care of you, you had my words, for whatever it's worth" Max said as he look at Ultimatum. "Alright Max" Wind Dragon agree as they were all now being escort to the Military.

Amanda can only smirk, seeing this, as they were now target on long Shadow, Ultraman quickly stood in front of him and raise his arm to hold. Amanda watch this as she use this as a chance to subdue Ultraman, but before she could do that, Batman is the one who stood in front of her and give her a death glare. "Don't think about it, Ultraman and Long Shadow are with us" he said.

"Safety" Amanda said, causing many guns were pointed at them, but soon other member step forwards and shield them both, as Ultraman and Long Shadow were part of the team and also a part of the family. Batman and Amanda still stare at each other and this time, Batman's face lean forwards. "Mine are bigger than yours" he said with smirk. Amanda look at the dark knight and order her men to stand down.

"He's free to go with you, for however long he got" Amanda said, Long Shadow was sad to hear that, and Wonder Woman can only pity him. "Who are you people?" Batman ask, but however as the dark knight was talking to Amanda, Ultraman suddenly pick a sense. from the underground. He quicky look back, causing everyone nearby him notice. "What's wrong?" Superman ask. However no respond, Ultraman try to sense it again and this time it was getting stronger, it was nearby. The ground suddenly start shaken. And everyone try to keep their balance. Many citizen were try to run away from the area. And suddenly a large tentacle start to emerge from the ground and Swing Ultraman, and other member with him away and throw to the building.

Batman, Amanda and other soldier was surprise for sudden appearance and attack, the soldier start to launch a fire to the tentacle only for more to appear, and this time it was smaller one emerge from the ground and many of it wrap around the soldier's waist and pull them all to the ground. Batman throw a batarang, and manage to save only few. But many of them been drag to the ground screaming for help. Batman quickly escort Amanda away. The Ultimatum watch the sudden attack with surprise.

Many more tentacle start to appear and attack the soldier as it drag them into the ground, many of them scream in terror and some of them tried to shot the tentacle only for it to drag them quicker into the ground, and that's where their scream stop. Ultraman and other member, finally woke up after got swing by the large tentacle. They tried to keep their posture, "Is anyone alright?" Superman ask, they all give the sign that they were fine.

They quickly run out as they heard, a scream of help, Superman and Wonder Woman is the first one to fly out and spot, the soldier were under attack and quickly help them all, as one of the soldier almost been drag into the ground, Superman shot a laser eye to the tentacle that drag the soldier, causing it broke and grab the solider, he shot another one and catch them.

Wonder Woman grab her crown on top of her head and throw it like a shuriken to the tentacle, saving those soldier, the crown then return back to her and she wear it back, then she spot Batman throwing a batarang to the tentacle that try to grab him. Quickly she fly towards him and grab him. "I didn't late didn't i?" she ask, "About time" Batman said while keep his facial. "The Ultimatum" Batman said as he remember that they were still chained. The Ultimatum were trying to break the chain that tied their hand. But before they could the large tentacle emerge from the ground and was about to slam to them.

But before it could, they close their eye and accept theit fate to be crush, only for nothing happen, they all open their eyes and saw Long Shadow who was now become massive are holding the large tentacle. Ultraman flight towards them and open the handcuff using his blade cutter on his forearm. After release them all, the Ultimatum now took this opportunity as their second chance to redeem themselves. Max was hiding behind one of the car, after he saw many soldier were get drag inside the ground and God knows, what would happen to them.

He then stood up in shaken and peer through car hood and spot the Justice League and Ultimatum were fighting with those tentacle that rampaging. He took this a chance to escape, but long before he could escape, a small tentacle emerge from the ground and wrap around his ankle, he was fall roughly to the ground. And screaming in horror. Superman heard it and quickly fly towards to Max and shot the laser eye to the tentacle, causing it to broke. Superman quickly grab Max and fly him to safety.

Just then the tentacle drag themselves back to the ground, leaving all the damage it had cause. "Is that all?" Downpour ask, but then the ground suddenly start to shaken and this time they heard a roar, a beast roar. But Himeya recognize the roar, although not really well, but he sure somehow the roar sounds familiar. The beast finally emerge from the ground, "Skreeeooohhhhhh!!!" a loud roar can be heard and they saw the beast. It was huge, really huge. The beast resemble a bug like, with three sharpen claw, a beak, eyeless face, an insect wing on it's back. Bugbuzun.

: 127 m

: 101,000 t

: 878 mph

"Skkreeeooooohhhh!!!" Bugbuzun roar in anger as it use it's claw and destroyed the building, the beast was massive, it stood over 127 meter tall. "What in the world is that?" Shifter ask in shock, but without question, Ultraman quickly change his size up to 125 meter tall. "Woah" Long Shadow was amaze to see the size of Ultraman, even himself can't grew that huge.

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