《Ultraman Nexus: Justice League Mightiest Hero》EPISODE 7 : FEAR(恐れ)


Somewhere at the Metropolis, a man can be seen running away, his face was seems terrifying like he was been chased by a ghost or something, the man keep run, run for his own lives. He keep run until he reach to one of the building, there was a door for entrance, he twisted the door knob, but it was stock, the door was lock. He barely react when some shooting to the door knob, it was some kind of laser.

The heat from the laser was enough to melt the steel of Doorknob, the man look back only to see someone, or something that surprise all of us. It was Supergirl herself, she hover and gently land on the ground, around 10 feet in front of him, "What's with the running doc, we both know how this is going to turn out" Supergirl said. "I didn't tell anyone, i swear" he plead to Supergirl, "Good then you're the only loose end" Supergirl said only for her eyes narrow as she heard something.

A sound of gun clicking, she can heard it clearly, on top of the building above them, there was a man, an assassin if it was, aiming his weapon to Supergirl and soon another one join, by goodness those were mercenaries. One of them open fire and it got slightly hit to Supergirl's shoulder, her clothe on shoulder was little torn and her shoulder was show a wound, possibly they used Kryptonite.

Supergirl look at her wound and girth her teeth as these mercenary guys had wounded her, she look at them with anger on her face. One of them aim towards her, but she suddenly disappear in the air, only dust of wind was left behind, and less than a second she already in front of the mercenary on the building. He was surprise and lower his weapon, Supergirl quickly grab the weapon from one of the mercenary and use it to slap him, she smile as she enjoy hurt them.

She then charge to him, the other one aim his weapon to her, but he got miss shot as the blaster shot direct to edge of building, Supergirl lift up the mercenary she beat and toss him to the other one at the other side of Building roof. He got hit by his member who was been throw to him and lay to the ground, with his member laying unconscious on him. Soon another blast shot towards her.

Supergirl look up and saw 3 more are coming to her way, this time they using a jet pack, she quickly fly and pass towards them, they quickly avoid her and chase her while keep shooting on her, feeling annoying, she flight to lower ground and look up to see a bird statue at the edge of building, her eyes went red and a laser came out from it. She shot direct towards to the statue by slice it's at the edge and the concrete statue fall.

As the three mercenary chase Supergirl, one of them at the middle got hit by the statue, and slam to the ground, he was not moving, as blood can be seen from his hand under the rock, he was dead. Two other chasing Supergirl to the road area where many vehicle use it, she shot one of the car, by surprise she just casualty to civilian!, something clearly wrong over here. The car was explode after getting shot and Supergirl quickly rise up, the car was rolling to the mercenary.

But they simply dodge it and chase Supergirl. they flight towards to Billboard and search for her only for one of the billboard was lift up and reveal to be Supergirl, she slam the billboard to two more of the mercenary, it was unknown if they survive but the looks of it they might had a chance, unlike the previous one. After dealing with the pest, she continue her chase to catch her prey. She can heard his footstep clearly, he was somewhere at the lone island beside Metropolis.


Supergirl fly towards there and spot a mansion, she land and slam the steel door, she enter inside and look everywhere to search for him until she approach another steel door and this time it was robot came out from it. The robot had four arms by it's count and his head resemble a laser gun. Supergirl fly back away from it, but the robot manage to grab her wrist, she try to release it only for her to be lift up and slam to the wall.

Another arm with chainsaw start to spinning and aim towards to her throat but she catch it and the robot throw the chainsaw arm away and this time it drive closer to her and about to inject her with kryptonite to her throat, but Supergirl manage to overpower the robot and push it away, it launch and burst through to the wall from behind it. Supergirl stood up and look at where the robot was sent, she didn't heard any sound from it.

But however she spot her prey hiding behind the table from the wall that been destroyed, he seems scare and try to run away. Smiling, her eyes went to red, "You can scream now all you want" she said, but however to her unexpected, instead of her finishing the man, someone punch him from behind and burst through out in front of him, the man gawked and his lower jaw dropped. Supergirl eyes turn back to normal as she saw someone else is killing him. Her eyes were wide in shock and surprise to see the sudden attack that kill her target.

At the hand that burst through from the man's chest, it was holding his heart, it still pumping, and the man's head soon lower down with saliva drop from his mouth, he then been lift up and throw away. Supergirl look at the dead man that been throw and then look at the killer, it then walk out from the shadow. To her surprise, the face of stranger was resemble Ultraman, but with black eye like Dark Mephisto, on top of it's head, there was three long crest, and the body was resemble a joker in card game, red and black.

"Who are you?" Supergirl said as her eye turn red, prepare to shot a Heat vision, "I am Faust, Dark Faust, i am the endless darkness swallowing the light" Dark Faust had appear, her voice was a female, and her body poster also look feminine as there was a curve.(It was confirm Dark Faust was female). "Endless darkness" Supergirl ask, " I am everyone shadow who live in the darkness, and that's why you will die" She said as she rise both of her arm and soon a dark energy surround them.

: 60 ~ 125 m

: 32,000 ~ 72,000 t

: MACH 6

: 120,000 ~ 175,000 t (60 meter)

: 173,000 t (60 meter)

: 880 m

And the view from the mansion suddenly change into some kind of creepy place, it was like if the place belong to death, evil and corruption. Supergirl suddenly feel weak, really weak by sudden, she almost collapse to the ground. "Hahahahahaha" Supergirl heard a female sinister laugh, she look everywhere before seeing a shadow in front of her. It walk straight to her, "This place is endless darkness....Dark field.....the atmosphere almost resemble from the view of red sun with combination of sky, shielding you from had the power of the Earth sun" Faust said.

"Watch.......me" Supergirl said as she struggle to stood up, her leg was trembling and she try to keep her posture straight but the atmosphere, make her feel so weak. She then throw a punch as Faust was near, but the female dark warrior simply catch it. "Not impress" she said as she punch Supergirl's face and kick Supergirl's belly, using her knee.


Faust then spin and stretch her leg and kick on Supergirl's chest, sending her away. Faust then change her size to 120 meter, the height of her crest, add it to 3 meter tall. So she basically 123 meter tall. Supergirl who was laying on the ground, didn't had any strength to stood up, she can only watch Faust look at her, Faust was huge and Supergirl was small like a ant. Faust then rise her foot and slam onto Supergirl, but before it hit her, Supergirl wake up from her bed and gasp.

It was just a nightmare, she take a breathe and look at herself, the dream it feel so real, and the giant, she knew her from somewhere, she was the one that Superman mention about during the assemble. Faust, the endless darkness, the devil that hide in shadow.

On the next day, Supergirl went to watch tower and decided to had a talk with J'onn about her dream last night. J'onn's eye glow, but however reading some's dream was different than reading someone's mind. "Hmm, i've never fully understood the mechanics of dream, i don't had it myself" J'onn said. "Well this one seems really real to me, i can feel like getting punch" Supergirl said. "I will said this, what i saw was far more linear than ordinary dream logic, Himeya even once said he had a dream where he said was real" J'onn said.

"Wait, he did?" Supergirl ask. "Yes, we discuss about it, it was before the first space beast appear" J'onn said. "Maybe i should ask him" Supergirl said, "That was the best" J'onn said, just then a device ringing, it spoke about president had come here. "You may go and talk to Himeya and speak to him about this, let me know what you find" J'onn said as he walk away and leave. Supergirl watch him, before she fly towards to the cafe.

She spot Himeya was talking with Pat, Booster, Steel and Arrow. Apart of her didn't want to interrupt, but she didn't had much choice and fly towards to them. "So how was your investigation about space beast, or any other criminal or something?" Himeya ask, "Not much we got, but we receive a report several student from high school went missing, and none of them had been spot for a week, they just vanished by sudden" Pat said. "Same goes with me man, we receive a missing from local civilian at France, 23 at total" Steel said.

"Woah, that's a lot of missing people, but Gotham lost even more, they said even criminal went missing" Booster said, "probably related with the giant, what did you call them" Arrow ask, "Speaking about that, looks like the whole world know about you man, i read a newspaper of daily planet, i believe many start to know you and dark giant" Steel said. "Speaking about that, there someone coming" Pat said. They all look to Supergirl who was stood beside Himeya.

"Is there something wrong?" Himeya ask, "I need your help" Supergirl said, Himeya and others look at her. At somewhere, so they could talk in private Supergirl told Himeya every thing about her dream last night, when she spoke the name of Dark Faust, Himeya was not surprise, if Mehisto could come here and so do Faust. "I had the same nightmare either, but it was not Faust i met" Himeya said, Supergirl look at him. "Darksied" he said.

Supergirl wide eye when that name been mentioned, Darkseid the evil tyrant and the one who try to conquer planet Earth, and he's the one who manipulated her cousin Superman and cause almost everyone to turns against him and her, Lex even almost manage to kill both of them as he used this as a chance.

"He and i had a fight, and little i know, i stood very tiny chance to against him, he was so powerful, perhaps the most powerful enemy i had fought" Himeya said. "No kidding, Superman even said how Darkseid almost broke his fist just by grab it" Supergirl said, "Perhaps so, as much i can said, i think he's the one who took control the space beast now" Himeya said, "You mean he's the one who responsible of this?!" Supergirl ask in shock. "I believe so, at first i though it was just a dream, and when Galberos is appear, and when Noa said it was a warning, it was true" Himeya said.

"Who was Noa?" Supergirl ask, "Ultraman real name" Himeya said, "Oh" Supergirl said. They then look at the edge and spot Green Arrow lean to the wall, "How long had you been there?" Supergirl said, "Long enough to almost anything, well not really mostly" Arrow said, "Well nothing to hide at all, you came to help right?" Himeya said, "You know me" Arrow said. "And i think i can get someone to help either, he was interesting with this" Arrow said.

"I see and you came to right person to investigate about this" Question said, "It was more than just investigate Question, this was more related to psychology and mental" Himeya said, "So both Faust and Mephisto are like to playing with illusion, clever" Question said, "And why is that" Supergirl ask.

"Because illusion was also can be part to test our mental, illusion can appear and form in many shape, like our fear, anger, hate and suffering, i think my theory about them playing Illusion so their prey can't determine which one is reality or which one is illusion so they can control their prey easier, is that correct" Question said.

"I think that was correct and logical, Faust also use an illusion to one of my friend to manipulated him, by rise up his hatred and anger" Himeya said. "What else Faust could do?" Supergirl ask, "Aside from your feeling, both Mephisto and her with make broke your will, like creating a simulation and make your mind believe you're doing it and cause it, does it broke you" Himeya said.

"And how do i had to face it?" Supergirl ask, "You need to face your fear, and you need to accept everything around you was all lie, all the thing you see from her are illusion, but sometimes you need to be careful, Faust was smarter then what you though, instead of manipulating you, she can do more, i can't speak about it, but yes it was" Himeya said.

"Woah, guess i was lucky not to born in your world" Arrow said while cross his arm. "Better you than me" Supergirl said, "What was that mean?" Arrow ask, Supergirl just shrug her shoulder. "Now back in our situation, let's start with your dream first? where and when does it happen" Question said. Supergirl then inhale a deep breathe and exhale it, "The time when i was dreaming, i was at the Metropolis, some kind of man or something, we ended up in mansion at Hamilton's lab. And that's where she appear and kill that guy".

"She brought me to Darkfield, and for sudden i become really weak, Faust said the atmosphere was similar under the red son and some dark energy, like it was drain my power, before she finish me off with stomp, but i can feel pain, like it so real, like some kind of memory or something" Supergirl said.

"I see" Question said "But if it was memory, and you can tell it was real....no,no,no, maybe i was thinking so much" Question said. "What is it?" Supergirl ask. "In your dream, had it happen many times?" Question ask, "Yes, but this one is different, and when she stomp on me i can feel it a little before it gone for few minutes" Supergirl said.

"So we got a clue about another dark warrior and her vision was a memory....had to said so" Arrow said. "Maybe but part of Dark field was not a joke" they all look to Himeya, "Faust even said that, even light warrior like Ultraman won't had chance at there, like it drain my energy either" Himeya said. "Perhaps at least we got little information, now all we need to find where it leaded" Question said as he stood up from the seat at his work desk.

"We are going to the last place where this all started" Question said as he walk away while place both of his hand inside his pocket coat.

"This is where we treated you when you're in your coma, you're on life support the whole time I promise you weren't running around on violent nation" Emil Hamilton or professor Hamilton, he was once Superman most trustful ally before turns against him after Superman was manipulated. "Well then professor Hamilton maybe you can explain why her memories led her here" Question ask.

"I think I can explain it you mentioned some sort of torture device yes with robotic arms and a long probe in the center" Hamilton said. "Cut to the chase you say you've seen something like it?" Arrow ask "In fact I have" Hamilton then show them the robot that he mentioned, "That's it" Supergirl pointed, only for the robot to move forwards and appear to be smaller than in her dream. "It's not a torture device it's a surgical robot that's a kryptonite, tipped Lance it was the only way to operate on you Supergirl that robot, saved your life" Hamilton said.

"As for the rest of your dream we humans are used to being vulnerable, i mean we already deal with many alien, and now we had to deal with some giant which many claim that it was from hell, though i might not surprise at all" Hamilton said. "What are your though about the giants?" Himeya ask, "My personal opinion, they're dangerous and possibly be a potential threat to us human" Hamilton said. "Very well" Himeya said.

"And to your surgery, it must have seemed terribly invasive and powerless to defend yourself it's possible your mind constructed a scenario of fighting back" Hamilton said.

Shortly after receive Hamilton answer they all went out from the mansion, Supergirl was the most disappointment. "So I think that answered everything" Arrow said, "little too well" Question said, "Does everything have a sinister motive in your world" Arrow ask, "Yours too you just don't know it" Question finish answer it just in time the two helicopter just arrived. Himeya pick up his evoltrsuter.

A robot can be seen was hanging under the helicopter and it quickly lunch towards to Supergirl, but Himeya quickly create a shield from Evoltruster and cause the robot crush to it, and cause it to static.

Soon the helicopter shoot and many stay behind Himeya's shield, Green Arrown and Question quickly took cover behind the rock beside them as many soldier went out from the helicopter and shoot towards them. Supergirl fly up and shot her heat vision but not towards to soldier but to make them pause for a moment.

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