《[One Shots] : s.sj + y.sh》Underneath the Covers


We were 9 when we met. I could still remember your eyes as we ran off, playing around, blissfully enjoying each other's company. Now, 6 years later, we still haven't changed. You're with me, I'm with you. No matter how many friends you and I make along the way, I know you will always be different.

"Hi, Soojin~ Shuhua's in her room, you can go get her now, but she's probably sleeping, you know that girl's sleeping schedule" her mom told me. Since Shuhua and I have known each other for forever, her family had warm up to me the second they noticed I was good at cooking, maybe food is the way to people's hearts.

I smiled at Shuhua's mom and nodded, softly saying 'thank you.' They knew I was a quiet kid, heck, they were surprised Shuhua had befriended me since we were so different from each other. She's loud and loves love, while I'm cold and quiet. Cold?

I mean, I hate affection— Not really hate, I just deeply despise it. I didn't really feel the need to touch people, it's just.. skin.

Running upstairs, I stood behind the door that would let me in Shuhua's room. I fixed my flannel and wiped off my jeans and knocked. "Shuhua? I'm here! Surprise!!" I yelled softly, but no answer. She must be sleeping, I guess. "Okayy! I'm just going to enter! If you're naked, cover now!!"

I counted "1, 2, and 3" but no objections were made so I wiggled the doorknob and headed inside. To my surprise, she wasn't in her bed that's covered with food. I looked around the room and noticed the bathroom door was locked, she must be taking a shower now. I smiled, wow, she actually woke up early today. I took in her soft peach scent that situated in her habitat, making me smile subconsciously.

I just sat on her bed, taking off my shoes, and scrolling through social media. After about 20 minutes, I hear the shower turn off and a certain pale girl walked out, startled.


'Fuck, have I been in the shower for that long? I didn't think Soojin would actually come this early'


I almost dropped the only cloth covering my body from jumping as I saw Soojin in my bed, the girl widened her eyes and quickly closed them.

"I..- I, s-sorry, shuhua~yah." her face quickly dove into my pillows from embarrassment, I blushed too from what happened. I sighed, "it's okay, jinjin, it's not like you haven't been my best friend for 6.5 years"

Best friend. That's it? I quickly shook my thoughts away, while getting some clothes for myself. "Just stay there while I get dressed, don't peek." I giggled while saying the last part. Jk, do it, I dare you.

I quickly got myself dressed while looking at Soojin, whom was just laying on my bed with my blanket on her face, jesus, I swear this girl. I laughed at her position, stiff, her face just pointed towards the ceiling.

"A-Are you done?" she shyly whispered. I didn't answer her, I just jumped on the bed with her. She shrieked from surprise, "a-are you?" she stuttered, and I giggled at her question. "Of course, dummy, I wouldn't jump on the bed naked wit—"

I quickly stopped myself before I said that, I stuttered a 'never mind hehe' trying to play it cool. I saw her face come out of the blanket, slowly peeking just to make sure I wasn't naked. I hit her arm, 'ouch' she quietly let out. Her face reddened as she just realized what I was about to say.

To save myself from embarrassment, I quickly cuddled onto her body to hide my blushing face. I'm sure my body felt hot, too, I just hope she hadn't noticed. Her body relaxed under me. I sighed in contentment, is this what i wanted? The unsaid feelings of erupting butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I feel them so deeply, but how can I ever voice out something so complex to the both of us?

"Are you okay? You seem to be zoning out, shushu" she asked, worry laced in her voice. I nodded my head so she could feel it. "You like someone right now?" I asked, straightforwardly. I wanted to know, if I had a chance or what. "I-.. Uhm, i d—"


"So you do?"

"I what?"

"Like someone?"

She just laughed nervously at my interrogation, but I was serious. "You can tell meeee~" I told her, using my high pitched cute voice on her. Plus, some puppy eyes. I know she's weak for that. Her eyes felt like they were burning me, I was hot under her gaze.

"Shuhua~ let's just cuddle. I don't want to answer that right now," she smiled and faced herself to me, opening her arms for me to dive into her hug. I excitedly got in a hug with her, her soft scent engulfing my thoughts. Her hands laced with my torso. How beautiful would it be.. if only.


Soojin and Shuhua laid there in comfortable silence, both deeply thinking about the situation they've gotten themselves into. Both felt the same warmth, the same thing. The only question is when.

Shuhua, snuggled up in the crook of Soojin's neck, laying there with Soojin feels like a dream come true. It's normal for them to do these though, so it's not unusual but there was something different now.

Soojin's hands remained locked on Shuhua's torso. She suddenly motioned circles at the smaller girl's back, causing a shiver. Both of their eyes widened at the unexpected reaction, "S-Sorry, must be sensitive, haha" she tried to laugh it off but quietly wishing soojin would do it again.

She sat up while Soojin's eyes trailed on her, "hmm? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry for making you s—-"

'It was now or never' Shuhua thought. Her hands went where they were always destined to go, in Soojin's hair. She locked lips with the red-haired girl, surprised at her own actions. Her eyes immediately closed as their lips made contact. It was soft— and Soojin was actually responding.

Her body felt heated, she didn't know kissing Soojin would feel this good. She came to a decision and told herself that since Soojin hasn't pushed her off, she must feel a little bit of something. Her body reacted on it's own, she started straddling the latter. Hands still interlocked with the girl's red locks. While Soojin, not realizing how much she had anticipated for this for a long time, felt herself blush at the action from the girl.

Their tongues battled for dominance and Shuhua felt herself moan, that made Soojin hold onto Shuhua's waist tighter. Her hands made her way to the girl's back, softly tracing with her fingertips. The two felt breathless from the small make out session, shocked and confused, they both stared at each other.

'What have I done?'

'She just kissed me, I kissed back.'

As if a ding went inside their minds, clarifying the feelings they were having. But then, Shuhua heard footsteps going up the stairs. She quickly laid beside Soojin, pretending she was using her phone. Soojin was still, her heart beating loudly in her heart. Oh god.

knock knock. Door opens.

"Hi girls, I was just wondering if you wanted some snacks?" said Shuhua's mom.

"We're good, mom. Thank you for asking" she smiled at her mom's hospitality and just nodded. A few seconds, her mom left. She stood up from the bed and locked the door, she didn't want her mother invading her privacy at this moment.

Soojin exhaled a breath she didn't know she was keeping. Her eyes stared at Shuhua, 'What?' the smaller girl asked.

Soojin's jaw drops, making Shuhua's laughter erupt. "W-What just happened?" Soojin's voice filled with confusion. The latter ran back to where they were before, cuddling tighter onto Soojin's side. She hummed, "You liked that?"

"More than I thought I could ever imagine" whispered Soojin. Shuhua didn't expect that kind of answer from Soojin, her lips broke into a smile. She sat up, cupping Soojin's cheeks and locking their lips once more. The kiss was slower than before, not rushing, just them on Shuhua's bed. Soojin's hands went to grab the back of the girl's neck to deepen the kiss. After a few moments of making out, they were both giggling while their legs intertwined in the jungle of crumpled bed sheets.

"6 years of friendship and now this?" Shuhua laughed, while hugging Soojin tighter. "Mhm, I guess I was always meant to be yours."

And there they lay, hearts connected, underneath the covers.

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