《Worlds Apart》Chapter 14


Sonakshi reached the airport, waiting for the boarding announcement of her flight. She had texted Manik that she was coming to Delhi, and he said he'll come to recieve her- just as she expected him to. She could actually hear the excitement through his texts when she told him she was flying over. She decided to take a flight three days before the actual meet, and she would leave three days after the meet was over- just to spend more time with Manik.


Manik reached the Delhi airport before time, not wanting to risk getting late to recieve his Sona.

Her flight landed, on time. And she walked out the departure gate and her eyes skimmed the crowd in front of her. And she saw him, and he saw her too.

She waved and smiled at him and quickly walked towards him. He smiled back.

He took her in his embrace and placed a peck on her forehead. Sonakshi cherished the warmth of his touch and the affection as his lips touched her forehead. She was right- the spell hadn't broken.

Manik smiled and said, "Hey, hi.. Long time." Sonakshi said, "Yes hi...a very long time." They looked at each other for a few seconds before Manik said, "Uh, the cab is ready, let's go." Sonakshi nodded and followed him as she thought, 'well the spell hasn't broken but this is awkward...'!'

They made themselves comfortable in the cab. After a moment of silence and stealing glances, Manik finally spoke, "So how's your work going?" Sonakshi smiled and said, "So you want to go back to slam book questions now?"

This was it,he thought - his failed attempt to start a conversation and her sassy remark on the same- just like old days.


He hugged her again, more tightly this time and exclaimed, "I missed this! And I missed you, I missed everything about you Sona! I'm so glad you are here!" Sonakshi smiled and slowly pulled away before saying, "I missed you too. A lot." Manik replied, "Although the first few minutes were awkward..." Sonakshi agreed, "Hm. There's a sense of familiarity and yet a sense of un-familiarity." Manik said, "Complicated, but ya aisa hi kuch."

"By the way did any one make advances at you at the previous annual meets? And did that remind of you?" Manik asked, with a hint of jealousy. "I didn't attend the previous meets, I now tend to associate them with Ashok uncle, he was always in charge." Sonakshi replied softly. "Then why did you come for this one?" He questioned again. "For you." She replied.

Sonakshi then asked him, "Oh by the way, where are we going? I didn't tell you where my hotel is?" Manik ordered, "Oh Madam! What hotel? We're going to my place and you are staying there,with me. Cancel your bookings." Sonakshi looked surprised, and just stared at him in response. Manik then added, judging by her look, "Don't look at me like that. You'll kill me with those killer eyes. I'm not asking you to move in with me, there's a guest room...unless you want it otherwise." Sonakshi gave him a light pat and said, "Ya okay fine." "And I hope you are not leaving immediately after the meet." Manik said "No I'm not... I'm staying for about a week." Sonakshi replied. "Perfect, now that's like my Sona!!"


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