Eileen is in her office as her intercom buzzes
She answers it
Eileen - Yes?
Voice - He is here Mrs Raymond
Eileen - Send him in then
Voice - Yes Mrs Raymond
Eileen sits back in her seat and waits for the person to arrive
Exterior shot of the building in scaffolding, the builders hard at work on the extension
The women are at work in the laundry
Ros is on the press again
Abigail - How come you are always the one on the press anyway Coulson? I thought we were supposed to take it in turns
Ros - Well if you want a go you are welcome to one Freestone, but I thought you didn't care about going on the press?
Abigail - I don't, just wondered why it always you on it
Lorraine - We let Ros have the press as she is the best one on it, she does a really good job
Ros - Thank you, Lorraine
Lorraine - Only stating the truth, none of the rest of us are as good on there as you Ros!
Abigail - How sweet.....oh well, i suppose i will take the skip out now
Abigail leaves with the skip
The Restaurant
Sasha and Chef are there
Chef - After that frightful murder here I am scared to be here!
Sasha - No ones going to try and kill you, chef, they all like you
Chef - Do they?
Sasha - Of course, they do, don't worry. Anyway, Abigail isn't here anymore is she
Chef - No and thank heavens for that, she is a wicked murderer! Poor Katie, it's all so tragic!
Sasha - Yes, it is. But that feud between those two was always going to end badly
Marina arrives in the kitchen
Marina - Good morning Chef!......good morning Cartwright!
Sasha - Yes good morning Miss Donovan
Marina - I just thought I'd come and see what's going on here today, I do find this restaurant fascinating
Chef - Well it's a quiet morning so far, we are going to make some trifles soon
Marina - Oh how lovely, I love a bit of trifle!
Chef - Maybe you can sample some for us, tell us what you think of it
Marina - I'd love to, how lovely of you to offer! I can see we're all going to be great friends here!
Marina gives Chef and Sasha a sweet smile
Sasha looks deeply untrusting and suspicious of Marina
Inspector Grace is with Eileen in her office
Eileen - Can I offer you a drink inspector? Tea, coffee? Or something stronger maybe?
Grace- no thank you, Eileen, I would rather get down to it. You can guess why I am here of course?
Eileen - It's to do with Ted's death I guess?
Grace - Yes correct. We must make investigations as it's been confirmed he was murdered. His car was tampered with and fitted with a bomb
Eileen pretends to be shocked and upset
Eileen - How awful!
Grace - I must ask you if you know anything, Eileen? Maybe you are aware of any enemies Ted had?
Eileen - No I don't have a clue about it, Ted really got on with everyone
Grace - Really? I find that hard to believe
Eileen - Well he was really rather a nice man, quite different from his relations
Eileen turns on the tears
Eileen - This has all been so upsetting for me, I really loved that wonderful man and I still can't quite believe he is gone yet
Grace - Yes well if you think of anything be sure to contact me won't you. Anything we can use to help find the culprit will be gratefully received because right now we have nothing to go on at all
Eileen - Yes of course inspector, if I do think of anything I will let you know at once. I will do all I can to help
Marina is testing some trifle while Chef stands to wait for her reaction
Marina seems to be making up her mind about it
Chef - Well? Any good?
Marina - Delicious, absolutely delicious. Probably the best trifle I have ever tried!
Chef - Smashing!
Marina - Dear me I will get fat if I keep on like this!
Marina looks at her watch
Marina - I'd best get on with my shift now before I get into trouble for skiving off. Thanks for the trifle chef and I will see you later on Cartwright
Marina gives them a little wave and leaves the kitchen
Chef - What a nice lady!
Sasha (unconvinced) - Yeah lovely
Abigail is turning a corner with the skip when she bumps into Marina
Marina - Mmmm Freestone, just the person I wanted to see
Abigail - Oh yeah?
Marina - Yes, we must talk about how you let me down, and then not to mention that punch you gave me. Now that really was naughty wasn't it
Abigail - Yeah well I am in prison, we are here because we are naughty women!
Marina - Indeed, but I do not expect such behaviour directed at me. You will pay the price for it I assure you
Abigail - I will look forward to it
Marina - Now I need to find someone else to help me with my Restaurant project
Abigail - Still planning to get it shut down then?
Marina - Yes of course. Between getting that place closed and getting my revenge on you I'd say I'll be pretty busy here for a while. Always good to have a few projects to keep me occupied. Well catch you later Freestone, make the most of still being able to walk while you can eh
Marina walks past and Abigail watches her go with a smirk. Abigail does not appear to be at all scared of Marina or her threats
Grace is with Bob and some of the other staff in the Wentworth office
Grace - So I must ask you all if anyone can help with the Ferguson investigation speak up now
Vera - Well I really didn't have much to do with the man, to be honest
Officer Owens - Nor did i
Grace looks at Janice
Grace- But you knew him quite well right? Maybe you have some information?
Janice - If you want to find who was behind it then you needn't look further than my mother, the evil bitch. I can tell you right now that she was behind it
They all look shocked
Grace puffs on a fag
Grace - Got any evidence?
Janice - No, but it was her I would bet money on it
Grace - I interviewed her earlier, she said she had no idea about it
Janice - Yes, well she is hardly going to admit it is she! If I were you I would focus on her in your investigation, see what you can come up with
Grace - Yeah, thanks...
Vern - No surely Eileen wouldn't be behind it would she?
Grace - Well to be honest I do suspect her, but I don't have much to go on yet
Janice - Keep working on it Inspector, that's my best advice to you
Grace - And no one else has anything to add?
They are all silent, a few shakes of the head
Grace- Very well, I will move on to the next thing I need to deal with today. I must interview our two young killers, Aaron and Cassie
Bob - Oh yes, someone go and fetch Cassie from H Block and Aaron from the men's block, please
Vera stands head bowed, looking upset
The others look awkward
Janice - I'll get Cassie
Officer Owens - Yes and I'll get Hamilton
They both leave the office
Bob - Take the inspector to the interview room will you Mr Schofield
Vern - Yes Mr Moran
Vern and Grace leave the office
Vera is still looking upset
Bob - Are you ok Vera?
Vera - Yes I'm perfectly fine thank you. I'll get on with some work now
Vera leaves the office
Marina is relaxing in the staff room as Vera arrives
Vera - Taking it easy I see? Alright for some isn't it
Marina - Well it is my break time Vera
Vera - Where have you been all morning? I couldn't find you anywhere?
Marina - Chef needed my help in the kitchen
Vera - Did he indeed! Well in the future don't go AWOL like that, please
Marina - Ok fair enough
Vera - Grace will probably want to speak to you about Mr. Ferguson, as you were missing from the meeting. He wants to know if anyone can help with his investigation
Marina - Well I know nothing about it, I didn't have that much to do with Ted really. If you ask me though Eileen would be the one who knows anything
Vera - Funny that's what Jan said too
Marina - Jan knows her own mother well, that's all I will say. She has the sense to realize what the woman is capable of
Grace is waiting in the interview room as Officer Owens shows Aaron in
Grace - Take a seat please Hamilton
Aaron does as he is told
Aaron - I was wondering when you'd show up
Grace - Well we have to be fair and give you a chance to tell us your side of it
Aaron - How kind of you
Grace - SO go on, I'm listening. Why did you kill that young man?
Aaron - Self-defence inspector, I really didn't have much choice in the matter. There was a gang of them surrounding us, they were going to attack us. what else was I supposed to do? I had to protect my girl, Cass!
Grace - Why were you carrying a knife on you in the first place?
Aaron - For protection! It's simple
Grace - Not in the eyes of the law it isn't, its a crime
Aaron - I make no apologies for defending myself and my girl. I'd do the same thing again every time
Grace - Well I'm afraid that your story does not match with the one the other men gave us, they say that you attacked him in a completely unprovoked attack. They were just going about their business, causing no harm to you or your girlfriend and you attacked him randomly
Aaron is furious
Aaron - That's a damn rotten, stinking lie! I never bring trouble to others unless they bring it to me first
Grace- But be honest you had a lot to drink that night right? The bouncer at the club confirms you had and that you started a fight in the club. The bouncer had to ask you to leave
Aaron - I wasn't that drunk and as for the fight, I was provoked!
Grace - Maybe you mixed drink and drugs?
Aaron shakes his head
Aaron - Look they were going to attack us so I defended us and it's as simple as that
Grace - Well you will be charged with murder
Aaron - And Cass? What will happen to her?
Grace - She will be charged too
Aaron - You should let her go, she has done nothing. If you want to put me inside for life I don't care, do it, but let her go
Grace - The men say she was in on it too, egging you on, and enjoyed herself
Aaron is barely able to control his fury now
Aaron - That's another rotten stinking lie, the poor girl was scared witless by it all! Those bastards are lying their heads off and you are dumb enough to believe them!
Grace - Well you see young man the problem is that we have a couple of people who have come forward since the pair of you made the headlines. They both claim they were victims of you both
Aaron - Yeah and who are they?
Grace- A Mrs Longfield, manager of a charity shop, who says you threatened her with a gun, smashed her shop up, and stole her takings
Aaron- That bitch! She asked for it!
Grace - Then there is a Mrs Hubbard, elderly, widower, neighbour of Cassie and Miss Bennett. She claims the pair of you threatened her with a knife!
Aaron - Well I was giving her a warning that's all!
Grace - Both times Cassie was with you and both times she was going along with it, that's what they both say
Aaron shrugs
Aaron - But it was all me really, not Cass
Grace - But she is an accessory, you are both in a lot of trouble and these other crimes coming to light will only make it a whole lot worse for you both
Lorraine is alone in her cell as Marina arrives in the room
Marina - I would like a word with you, Dawson
Lorraine looks alarmed
Lorraine - Yes what is it, miss? I ain't done nothing wrong miss I swear it
Marina - Relax, no one is saying you did
Lorraine - So what do you want then?
Marina - I would like to ask you what your opinion is of the Restaurant?
Lorraine - I think it's good, a nice way to help the women train in something for when they get out. I encouraged my daughter to work there and gain a qualification
Marina - Well my view is that this place is a prison and a restaurant has no place inside a prison. I want it closed down
Lorraine - Good luck with that one, Mr. Moran gives it his full backing!
Marina - But together we can work out a plan I'm sure. Maybe you should put your name down to work there Dawson...
Lorraine - No I'll pass on that
Marina walks towards her menacingly
Marina - But I insist Dawson, for your own good health you should put your name down to work there, there are plenty of vacancies going now that Anderton and Freestone aren't there anymore
Cassie is with Grace now
Grace- So I said to your boyfriend and now I'll say to you too, it looks very bad for you both
Cassie is tearful
Cassie - It all got out of hand Inspector, I never wanted any of this to happen
Grace - So you admit you were with him when he did the crimes?
Cassie - Yes I was, but I never wanted any of it. Aaron said it would be the best thing to do so we did them. Scare them, teach them a lesson Aaron said and that's all we did do, scare them. the two ladies came out of it unharmed
Grace- But not the young man lying in the morgue! You can hardly say that about him
Cassie - That was different from the others, that was self-defense because that gang were attacking us
Grace - Yes, Hamilton says the same thing
Cassie - Because it happens to be true
Grace - That's not what the men say, and pity there are no other witnesses who can back you up
Cassie - What will happen now?
Grace - You will both appear in court, I suggest you do yourselves a favor and plead guilty. You will both be charged with murder so showing some remorse and cooperating now will do you the world of good when it comes to sentencing
Cassie - But murder means a life sentence right?
Grace- Yes but your attitude now will go a long way towards influencing how long you will serve before parole enters into it., But you will have to brace yourself for a lengthy spell in prison yes
Cassie bows her head and weeps
Exterior shot of Wentworth at night time
The Recroom
The women have gathered around as Vern arrives in the doorway and stands perving at Cassie
Cassie glances overlooking uncomfortable
Aaron is in his cell, masturbating over a porn mag, as Marina arrives suddenly and he quickly covers himself up and tries to hide the magazine
Aaron - Hi Miss, didn't hear you coming!...
Marina - And what are you up to Hamilton?
Aaron - Well not much really...
Marina grins
Marina - No need to worry about it, we all know how you men pass the hours when you're on your own. It's hardly a secret, we do see the cum stains sometimes! And a youngster like you is full of hormones of course!
Aaron - So you won't confiscate my magazine then?
Marina - No, why should i. I have far more important things to worry over
Aaron - Thanks miss, you're cool!
Marina sits beside him and touches him up, he seems shocked
Marian - And you're a very beautiful young man! Like an older woman at all do you?
Aaron - Oh yeah, suppose so...
Marina - We can have a good time together
Aaron - It wouldn't feel right to cheat on my Cass
Marina - Well what she doesn't know can't hurt her can it....anyway be my good boy and you will be rewarded, be bad and I will punish you. Cass will suffer too I promise you!
Aaron seems oddly excited by Marina and her threats
Aaron - You are so dominant, Miss!
Marina - You like that huh?
Aaron - Yeah, it's fun miss!
Marina - Well I will dominant you Aaron, fear not
Marina pounces on Aaron
The Recroom
Vern is still perving on Cassie from the doorway
Cassie talks to Sasha
Cassie - I really need the dunny Sash, any chance you can come with me?
Sasha - Why can't you go on your own?
Cassie looks over at Vern and back at Sasha
Cassie - I dunno, I just fancy the company I guess
Sasha - Are you alright Cass?
Cassie - Yeah course, why wouldn't I be?
Sasha -You seem agitated by something
Cassie is irritable
Cassie - Look will you come with me or not?
Lorraine - I need toot love, I'll come with you
Cassie - Oh thanks Lorraine
They leave together, passing Vern on the way out. Vern manages to lean across and pinch Cassie's bum while no one is looking
She jumps out of her skin
Lorraine - Are you alright love?
Cassie laughs nervously
Cassie- Yeah sorry! Just thought I saw a spider that's all, I hate them!
They walk off along the corridor and Vern watches from the rec room, grinning with amusement
Marina and Aaron are hot and steamy after clearly having had a session together
Aaron - I enjoyed that Miss!
Marina slaps him hard across the face, suddenly and for no apparent reason
Aaron protests
Aaron - Ow! what was that for?!
Marina grins
Marina - For the fun of it, because I can
Aaron rubs his cheek and grins back
Aaron - You're a mean bitch
Marina- And you love it, you horny boy!
Aaron nods his head
Marina - Because you have been so good you will be rewarded, what reward would you like?
Aaron - I'd love for you to arrange for me to spend some time alone with Cass if possible. I won't tell her anything about us I swear
Marina looks thoughtful
Marina - Well ok, I suppose I can arrange for you to have some time with her seeing as you've earnt it. We must do it discreetly though
Aaron - Yes miss I know that. thanks
Marina - I haven't finished with you yet boy!
Marina pounces on him again
Cassie and Lorraine are leaving the toilet and walking along the corridor when they run into Vera
Cassie - Mum hi...
Vera - Why are you two loitering about out here?
Lorraine - We are not loitering miss, we are making our way back to the Recroom, we were in the toot
Vera - Get moving then
Cassie - Mum wait, can't we talk first?
Vera - No we can't, I have nothing to say to you
Cassie - Look, mum, Aaron only stabbed him to defend us both...
Vera - Oh save it, Grace filled me in on what the pair of you have been up to! Now I will have to face Mrs. Hubbard every day knowing what you both did to her. And as for poor Mrs Longfield, I will have to apologize to her on your behalf. I feel so bad about it, she's a nice lady and didn't deserve it!
Cassie looks bitter
Cassie - Longfields a bitch!
Vera - Oh just get out of my sight, get back to the Recroom!
Cassie storms past looking angry and a little tearful. Lorraine gives Vera an awkward smile and then follows her
They turn a corner
Lorraine - You alright love?
Cassie - Yeah... let's just get back to the rec room!
Lorraine - Maybe in time she'll come round eh
Cassie - Maybe, let's not talk about it anymore now...
- In Serial75 Chapters
A Fungal Dream
What is reality? Is there even a description of it? Is it just what we see, hear, feel, touch, taste, and smell or is there anything else? Can there be a reality behind another reality? And what lies behind that one? Follow the adventure of...some nobody, who stood at the wrong place at the wrong time, his body destroyed while his soul stretched to the edges of the universe. One wonders, what marvels and horrors he might witness.
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Using a strange, powerful mindweave, a fledgling necromancer creates a revenant deep within the Kriloris dungeon. Forged in Necronum runes and death magic, the monster is born with a mind more capable than anyone would imagine. Meet Risen. He's that monster—blessed with intelligence, strength, and unfortunately, necromantic reanimation. Risen won’t have it easy in the world of Sorcel. People don't like necromancers, and they really don't like the undead. Adventuring groups are out to murder him, trouble keeps following his master around—and the worst thing is that nobody wants to be friends.
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Bamboozling the Heavens: A LitRPG Dark Fantasy Saga
You think being a monster is easy.That inspiring fear and dread just happen overnight.Well, think again. Everyone always acknowledges the heroes and their journey, but what about us? What about the monsters and creatures that they have to defeat.We have our stories. Stories of horror and struggle that would leave your typical 'hero' cursing the heavens for its injustice.Screaming about how the heavens are unfair and cruel for bestowing them with such a fate.Hmph, only the weak and foolish would think so childishly. After all, if the heavens were kind and just, monsters like me wouldn't exist.Monsters like me that bamboozle kings and queens just for fun.When all else fails, I just bamboozle. I've decided to become a [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge].
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The Monster Within
Ever since they were kids, Odion sensed something otherworldly about his twin brother, Apollo. The night their foster parents were murdered confirmed what Odion had felt all along. Seven years have passed since that fateful night, and those paranormal events still haunt Odion. Something far beyond human comprehension lurks within Apollo, and keeping it a secret is of Odion’s utmost importance. However, his deepest fears rise to the surface when a list of grisly murders takes place the night of their high school dance, making Apollo a prime suspect. Knowing the police will be no match for him, Odion embarks on a mission to take his brother down—even if that means he dies trying. Apollo knows he’s innocent of the crimes that took place the night of the dance. But with virtually no way of clearing his name and nearly every task force unit in the province of Ontario searching for him, Apollo is forced to make a decision. Sacrifice his freedom for a heap of crimes he didn’t commit or defend his rights by unleashing the monster he had buried within, even if that means many innocent lives will be forfeited. The Monster Within is the first book in Marcel Jones’ urban fantasy series A Life of Fear. If you liked Vicious, Carrie, Akira, or Chronicle, and you want to be transported to a world where having superpowers could end up costing you your life, you will love reading this page-turning thriller.
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First Lessons (A Medieval Tale #1)
Aliya is an ambitious, hard-working medical student until she wakes up in the body of a medieval noblewoman whose well-connected husband can't stand the sight of her. To make matters worse, she realizes she isn't even in the same world anymore. She has to find a way to survive and protect her peasants in a place where women are treated like property and slave traders hunt the coast for their prey. Can she practice medicine without being accused of witchcraft? Will she discover who her enemies are before it's too late? Updated every Thursday.
8 106 - In Serial53 Chapters
Dungeon of books
Jacob when rip from his world by radiation sickness, and brought to nothingness. Finds himself wandering into a world of magic and wonders. Yet when he arrives in that world he finds himself as a book with the power to create Demi-planes. With this newfound power to create worlds inside books he gets classified as a dungeon, well he was a dungeon, but now the people recognize him as a dungeon. Plus, is there any good adventure without the chance of death? So then why would Jacob baby the experience of exploring his Demi-planes? Yeah, sure, he may be slightly insane from the nothingness, but that is for another time. Yet, If anyone wants to take away his creation and passion, he will do far worse than just killing them would. The earlier chapters in the story have yet to be rewritten, and just from this brief stunt so far I have improved by a mile and more. So don't be surprised when you see the worst grammar of your life in them. But I must say I am terrible at grammar but amazing at coming up with a story. The minimum word count is, 1250 My schedule is really all over the place, so don't expect consistency. I will at least post 2 chapters per week. Cover art brought to you by kingdedede11
8 248