It's morning time as Abigail, Katie and Lorraine are heading into the showers. Judy, Sasha, and Martha are already there getting dried off. Jess is at the end shower. Vera and Lee are on duty in the corridor.
Judy - So Sash, how about a little thank you party for Mr Moran later in the Recroom to thank him for being such a bloody great governor? I'll ask one of the screws to get the banners and streamers out
Sasha - That's a sweet idea, Jude, we should thank him for our Christmas and new year treat
Jess - I'd rather he was pissing off out of here so we could have a going away party...or should I say a good riddance party!
Judy - Hey Mr Moran is ok!
Jess - He is no better than the rest of them, no one cares that I am away from me kids!
Judy - You will get parole soon enough honey
Jess - Fifty says you get yours before I get mine!
Lorraine is getting into a Cubicle. Abigail drags her back and jumps in before her.
Lorraine(shrieks) - You Animal! Can't you show me some respect!
Vera looks in
Vera - What's going on here? Can't you lot stop behaving like a pack of animals for five seconds?
Lorraine - Don't look at me! SHE pushed in!
Abigail - It's not my fault if I didn't see her. I mean she's easy to miss, isn't she?
Katie - And you're a rotten bitch Freestone
Abigail pokes her tongue out at Katie
Abigail - You can keep out of it an all Anderton you sad bitch!
Sasha - This feud between the two of you is really too much and we all have to suffer because of it
Vera - Get the hell out of there Freestone you animal!
Abigail - I've started now. Two minutes and she can have it
Vera - Alright you animals, but behave!
Sasha - Not likely, I am planning to start a water fight today!
Vera sneers and heads back outside
Katie -(quietly): I'll do better than that.....stick around gals I've got a show for you!
Judy notices Katie fiddling around with something in her Dressing Gown.
Judy - Hey up...What's that you've got there honey?
Katie - (chuckles): Little surprise for her Ladyship over there (looks at Abigail)
Judy - If you're thinking of putting a Razor Blade in her Soap then you've left it a bit late. She's already started.
Katie - Go and distract the Screws, eh? That's a good girl Bryant
Judy - I'm not risking my upcoming Parole to help you
Katie - Just do it please cos you're a soft touch and we are mates right, do it for me Jude please! I'm flaming desperate here!
Judy (sighs) - Oh, Alright
Judy walks over to Vera and Officer Owens
Judy - I must make a phone call to Lori today
Vera (sighs) - You lot never stop do you! Honestly, I am fed up with it now
Katie approaches Abigail
Katie - The nice warm shower is it, Abigail!
Abigail - Lovely cheers, all the hot water will be gone by the time yourself and Dawson get here
Abigail looks smug
Katie (loudly for everyone's attention)- That's what bugs the bejesus out of me about her. Ask her a civil question and she delights in tormenting you and being a complete bitch
Abigail (sarcastic) - I'm sorry.
Katie - What for? Being a pompous cow, for using all our hot water...or even for infecting my poor husband with AID's!
Abigail - None of those! I am never sorry for a thing!
Judy - Leave her alone, eh Katie? You've made your point.
Katie - Like hell I have! She killed my Stanley!
Abigail - Please, give it a rest before you bore us all to death. Your husband was a useless Turnip anyway, all men are
Katie - I've heard enough now. What do you reckon girls?
A few 'Yeah's are heard from the women.
Katie - I hate you for what you did to my husband and at last I will get my revenge, Freestone!
Katie pulls a Toaster from her Dressing Gown and hurls it into Abigail's Shower.
The toaster drops to the bottom of the shower with a loud thud
Everyone stands there while nothing happens
Abigail steps out of the shower and drapes a towel around herself
Abigail - You wanted to give me a toaster as a present? Why couldn't you wait till later? It's all wet now and probably ruined
Vera looks in
Vera - What the devil's all the noise about?
Abigail - Oh it's Anderton, Miss Bennett. Don't know why but she seems to have brought me a toaster as a gift this morning. Only it got all wet in the shower so it won't work anymore now will it! Doesn't she know how silly it is to ruin a perfectly good toaster!
Abigail shoves Katie aside and leaves the shower room
Katie looks sorry for herself
Katie - I wanted to kill her!
Sasha - I know you did love, but you have to plug it in first otherwise it won't do the job!
Katie - But I couldn't plug it in could I and hide it with the lead coming out of my dressing gown! That would be impossible!
Sasha - Quite, well then it was a silly thing to try wasn't it, totally unrealistic. The toaster offers no threat if it's not plugged onto the mains
Katie - Well I will not let this setback stop me, I will try again and again!
Bob is in his office with some of the other staff
Bob - I thought you might all like to know that Ted Ferguson was killed last night. His car blew up with him inside
Sue looks shocked
Sue - Hell you're kidding! How did it happen?
Bob - They are investigating and its too early to tell yet, but it appears as if the car may have been tampered with in some way
Sue - How awful! First Joan, then Lucy, and now Ted
Eileen is on the phone
Eileen - Well done, you did well Fred. Ted really got fried badly!....you certainly earned your money. Well I'll be in touch next time I have a job for you, bye Fred dear
Eileen hangs up looking smug
Janice and Richard are in the reception with Sue
Sue smiles at them
Sue - Back from your honeymoon then?
Janice - Yes sadly
Sue - Did you have a good time?
Janice - We had a great time thanks, really we didn't want to come back, we wanted to stay longer
Sue - You must tell me all about it later when we go on a break
Janice -I will
Sue - So, goodbye Miss Raymond, hello Mrs. Clements eh?
Janice - Yes, Janice Clements, sounds better than Janice Raymond, don't you think?
Sue - yes I do, sounds grander
Janice - What's been going on here while we were away, did I miss much?....
.....Several minutes later
Janice and Richard stand open-mouthed
Janice - So there was an Earthquake, Blackmoor collapsed, Vern and Marina and the prisoners from Blackmoor are here, this prison will become a super-prison and Marie Winter escaped and beat poor old Tone up?
Sue - Yes that's right!
Janice- Anything else?
Sue - Hmm I don't think so...oh no wait there was one other thing I forgot. Cassie is wanted for murder too. Vera is devastated as you'd expect!...oooh and Ted Ferguson was blown up in his car last night
Janice and Richard look amazed
Katie is shown into the office, by Vera, to see a severe-looking Bob
Bob - Miss Bennett tells me you tried to electrocute Freestone with a toaster this morning, is that true?
Katie laughs
Katie - No Mr Moran it is not true at all. I threw that toaster into her shower as a harmless prank that's all. I knew that so long as it wasn't plugged into the mains it would be alright!
Bob looks unsure
Bob - Hmmm...I hope this is true Anderton, I do not tolerate murder attempts on other inmates
Katie - Course not, I quite understand that. Must be difficult dealing with criminals all the time...not to mention the types who are ''helping'' you
Katie glances at Vera
Bob - In any case, it was a foolish prank, I expect better from grown women. I will however let you off with a warning this time, but any more pranks like that and you will be paying a visit to solitary!
Joan Ferguson is walking a corridor with a big grin on her face and slipping on her leather gloves as she does so
Same shit, different episode
She arrives at Judy's cell
Joan - On your feet Bryant!
Judy looks stunned
Judy - Miss Ferguson, I thought you were dead?
Joan smirks
Joan - I came back from the dead, it happens all the time. Didn't you know that Bryant?
Judy - No it can't be so, why do you always come up smelling of roses god damn it!
Joan is incredibly smug
Joan - Oh, didn't you know Bryant, I always win! Always always always!
Judy - But...
Joan loses her temper
Judy shoots to her feet
Judy - Please Miss Ferguson, what do you want?
Joan - I have come to kill you!
Judy - But why?
Joan - I heard you are due on parole soon and that's unacceptable to me! I do not want you walking free outside, you belong in here. But if they really insist on letting you go then I will have to kill you I have no other option
Judy backs away shaking her head in fear
Judy - No Miss Ferguson please don't do it, I am begging you!
Joan creeps towards her with a smirk
Joan - Don't worry Bryant, it will be quick and painless...and you'll probably come back from the dead soon enough anyway!
Joan pulls a toaster out of her pocket
Joan - It's like Mary Poppins suitcase in there, a tiny space in which I pull out things that were far too big to really fit in it!
Judy shakes her head in terror as Joan raises the toaster high into the air ready to bring it down on Judy's head
.....Judy wakes up screaming
She is laying on her bed in her cell
Lorna is in the corridor outside and runs into the cell looking alarmed
Lorna - Jude loves, what's wrong?
Judy (tearful) - Oh Lorn love, I popped in here to take a nap, I was tired you see. I had this god damn awful dream, Ferguson had come back from the dead and was trying to kill me with a toaster!
Lorna - Hell love, that sounds terrifying
Judy - It was!
Lorna - Only a dream though eh Jude!
Judy - Thank god, for one awful second I really thought she had come back from the dead. Can you imagine how awful that would be?
Lorna - Jude love, it sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. I was so sick of the sight of that bitch by the end
Judy - I think we all were love. How Joan could get away with so much for so long was frankly ridiculous! It got mighty tedious after a while, that's for sure, Joan always winning over and over and over, I mean please spare me! It simply got extremely BORING more than anything else
Lorna - Too damn right, sometimes we just wanted something else for a change, something different. Wentworth became the Joan Ferguson show and it got a bit too much
Judy -Imagine if Joan was in a TV show and you were a viewer, you may enjoy it for a few seasons but eventually its gonna get awful stale and repetitive
Lorna - I agree, eventually you would just be completely bored of the same old thing over and over again
Judy - Some writers actually try and do something different and make it more interesting, while others have no imagination and just rewrite the same tired old stuff over and over
Lorna nods her head in agreement
Judy - Anyway let's move on love, I am already bored to tears with talking about Joan fucking Ferguson...she can lick dogs' turds off my shoes for all I care. The boring old bitch is dead and it was just a horrid dream
Abigail is with Bob in the office
Abigail - So I want to work in the Restaurant
Bob - I see and whats brought that on?
Abigail - I would love to train as a chef Sir!
Bob - But you did not show even the faintest interest before
Abigail - A gal can change her mind, can't she?
Bob - I suppose so...
Abigail - So can I work there or not?
Bob looks thoughtful
He eventually answers
Bob - I've decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, I can give you a trial run, see how you get on. But the first sign that you are there to cause trouble or not taking it entirely seriously and you will be out of there Freestone
Abigail - Yes Sir I understand! I will not mess up this opportunity I swear, I cannot wait to get stuck in
Bob - I hope you can work alongside Cartwright and Anderton without too much trouble?
Abigail - Yes, I can certainly give it a go
Bob - In that case, you can start tomorrow
Abigail looks smug...
.....Some moments later Abigail is on her way back to her cell as she turns a corner and finds Marina waiting
Abigail jumps with fright
Abigail - Miss, you scared me!
Marina smirks
Marina - Good! Now tell me, did you see Moran as I asked you to?
Abigail - Yes Miss I did
Marina - And?
Abigail - I will be working in the Restaurant, starting tomorrow
Marina is delighted
Marina - Excellent! We'll soon start putting some plans into action to get that place shut down!
Judy is still alone in her cell as Janice arrives in the doorway
Janice- Hello Bryant
Judy - Oh hi Miss Raymond.....
Janice - I'm not Miss Raymond anymore Bryant
Judy - Oh yeah sorry...erm sorry I mean Mrs Clements... how was your honeymoon?
Janice - It was great thanks
Judy - That's nice to hear
Janice - Look Bryant, there is something I want to tell you, but you have to promise me not to ever say anything to anyone else, you must keep it a secret ok?
Judy - Yeah sure, what is it?
Janice looks very unsure
Janice - I mean it, a total secret. You cannot say anything to Lorna or Sasha or anyone ever
Judy - Mrs Clements I swear I won't
Janice - Ok, well I saw Smith in London. She is living there with Chloe. They are happy and settled. Smith has a job and Chloe goes to school and they have their own little flat
Judy looks delighted
Janice - I wanted to tell you because I know how close you were to Smith and I thought you'd want to know
Judy - Yes thanks, Miss! It's great news, I knew they were going to make it ok
Janice- But I am sure you can see how important it is that we keep this between ourselves, Bryant?
Judy --Yes of course I do, there is no way I would share this with anyone else
Vera is in the staffroom with Janice
Janice - Sue told me about Cassie, I'm so sorry Vera
Vera - What's to be sorry about? Something like this was always bound to happen eventually
Janice- But you must be devastated?
Vera - I'll cope, I coped without a daughter for all those years, I can cope again
Janice looks shocked
Janice- No Vera, you can't mean to say that you will disown her now?
Vera - Yes I will! She is nothing to me now, just a murderer!
Janice - You have no idea where she could be now?
Vera - No none, she could be dead for all I care!
Janice - Oh come on now Vera, you really don't mean that!
Vera - Yes I damn well do mean it!
Janice looks like she can't believe it
Bob and Eileen are on the grounds of the prison looking at the prison. Builders are at work
Scaffolding is covering the entire building
Bob - So its really happening then
Eileen - Yes, I told you it was no joke
Bob - I am still in shock over it all
Eileen - Things change all the time, especially in the prison system. We must all learn to adjust to change.
Bob - I realize that of course
They stand in silence to watch the builders at work for a few moments
Bob eventually speaks again
Bob - Bad business about Ted
Eileen - Oh indeed yes, they think he was murdered!
Bob - They have any clues about who did it?
Eileen - No sadly, not a single clue! It's all so rotten!
Bob - Who will replace Ted now as head of the department?
Eileen - I am really not sure yet, that will be decided in time
Bob - If you need my help in any way just say, I will be happy to help in any way I can
Eileen - Yes thank you Mr Moran...I guess Janice returned from her honeymoon today?
Bob - Yes she did
Eileen - I'd like to see her then while I am here
Bob - Are you sure that's wise?
Eileen - Yes, I have to face her sometime and we really do need to clear the air about what happened
Bob - How is Maureen recovering from losing her foot to a shark anyway?
Eileen looks bitter
Eileen - I have no idea, she refuses to see me. Gordon has been looking after her
Abigail is alone in her cell, as usual, as Lorraine arrives in the doorway
Lorraine - That was quite some stunt Anderton pulled today wasn't it. She really wanted you dead you know
Abigail chuckles
Abigail - I know, shame the silly bitch is so clueless, isn't it! Forgetting to plug her toaster in first!
Lorraine - Well she did explain to us all that even if it was plugged in there is no way she would be able to hide the fact that the lead would be coming out of her dressing gown and leading to the power socket, it would be impossible to manage it without people seeing and without the lead being in everyone's way.
Abigail - Quite, that's why it was so stupid!
Lorraine - Anyway Freestone, you will need to be so vigilant as Katie is not the only one after you, i am too
Abigail rolls her eyes
Abigail - Let me guess, this is about your daughter again?
Lorraine - Well I know you played a part in her death somehow, I can sense it
Abigail delivers a nasty smirk
Abigail - Do you know something you're right! I did play a part in her death
Lorraine is angry
Lorraine - Ooh I knew it!
Abigail - Come on in and make yourself comfortable and I'll tell you exactly what happened, I know you're dying to know so I won't keep it from you any longer
Bob and Eileen are in the office as Vera shows Janice in
Janice claps eyes on Eileen and looks angry
Janice -Vera said you wanted to see me, I can see why now
Bob - I'll leave you and your mother to it for a while
Janice - No need, I really have nothing to say to her
Eileen - Janice come on, we need to talk and you know it
Bob - let's go and have a coffee Vera
Bob and Vera leave the room, leaving Janice and Eileen alone
Lorraine is sitting on the bed with Abigail
Lorraine has a look of sheer dread on her face
Lorraine - Come on then, tell me what you did to her
Abigail - Are you sure you really want to know? Because once I tell you there is no going back
Lorraine - Yes, I need to know. I need to know what happened to my baby
Abigail - Very well....well this is what happened...
Dungeon Predator
[Class changing to the hidden class, Demonic Swordsman.][You are the first one to discover the hidden dungeon.][You are the first one to discover the hidden...][You are the first one...][You are...]I'm a gamer who uses ESP.I'll take it all!
8 909Semi-Powerful Underling
Uploads every Thursday and Sunday at 1:00 GMTSupervillain lackey Quincy Whistlewood has got two powers. One of them is his attempt at humor and charisma, and the other is to break reality itself. And yet he's still considered the weakest and wimpiest villain at Stocklord's illegal company of evil. He doesn't mind, but when his old 'friend' Sal decides to take a job at the company, he knows his life about to spiral.Join Quincy and his hopeless group of semi-powerful friends as they try not to die at the hands of the greatest (and 100% corrupt) heroes on the planet, The Ultrahuman Force, in this comedy + action + drama masterpiece of literature that you musn't miss because I say so! This is a second draft!
8 417Leftover Apocalypse
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] This is a story about the newly-adult Calliope Smith having a terrible day that ends in her getting mysteriously teleported from Phoenix, Arizona to a fantasy world where her life is in constant danger. She considers this an upgrade. Someone evil is looking for her, and she doesn't know why. Someone who seems to know a lot about her has promised they'll help her, but she doesn't know who they are. All that matters to Callie is that magic is real and one way or another she's going to learn it. The end of the world is coming up, sure, but Callie won't need to worry about that. In fact, by the time she even finds out about it one of the doomsday devices will already be destroyed, and the authorities will be well on the way to dealing with the other one. It's fine. Everything will be smooth sailing. Almost certainly. Probably. Chapters are usually about 2500-3500 words, and the goal is to post 2-3 per week but I sometimes get busy or have some writers block. It's your standard portal fantasy / Isekai premise, but unlike some the main character's time on Earth and how she got pulled into another world will (eventually) be explored. Some slight GameLit-feeling stuff later, no menus or level-ups but there's something suspiciously like a skill tree when the magic system gets going. No number crunching, and while the main character will get to do some silly stuff she won't be a god like in some fics (and will in fact spend a lot of time being badly outclassed by her enemies). Some reader interaction, ranging from adding to the worldbuilding to occasionally making big important decisions about skill progression. Please note that the main character is flawed and impulsive, and will make some stupid decisions. That's part of the story, but I get that it's not for everyone. Trigger Warnings: Foster care system references, crappy parenting. Some mental health adjacent stuff, specifically the main character has some issues where she experiences varying levels of empathy and emotional vulnerability depending on the day (it's complicated and not meant to portray any real-world conditions). Occasional violence including mention of death and grievous bodily harm, but no detailed descriptions of gore.
8 61Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)
( yandere creature x Female reader) You are part of a deep-sea science team, sent down half a mile in the ocean in an underwater base to try and find out more about the local Fauna. However, when a strange creature with strange abilities that has never been seen before is brought in, things change, and not necessarily for the best.
8 209One Last Mission - The Hunt For Siregar
The Sequel to One Last Mission.Having received his assignment from the Emperor, Zack Assegaf heads off to lead his troops into battle against the pro-coup forces and their leader, the renegade Field-Marshal Dzhokhar Siregar. Meanwhile, he's also been assigned to work alongside Jude Chiang, the mysterious Biro Keamanan Negara Director, with whom he had just developed a rivalry.Yet there is more going on than meets the eye, for Assegaf and Chiang had in fact crossed paths during the Civil War, fighting side-by-side against a gauntlet of dangerous threats in what seemed like a lifetime ago. Now thrust together once more, both men will be forced to face their past, as they struggle against a formidable enemy which threatens even their combined might...
8 195The Brotherhood Archive:Crossroads(Revised)
All people great or small have a story - Patriarch Lord Theris'Heron Soletus, was on the verge of becoming a warden in the Dias Brotherhood until his father holds him back. Instead of proving his skill with culling monsters that plague the land, he is given an assignment different assignment. It isn't one that test doesn’t test his physical strength, but his strength of character. He is paired up with a shy and traumatized boy name Mien. Between Mien’s anxious behavior and the crime he committed, Soletus doesn’t know what to do or what to think. He wasn’t trained for the duty he is performing and has no idea if he is doing the right thing. However, when Soletus’s resolve to help starts to waiver, Mien does something unexpected and Soletus decides that the boy deserves a second chance not as an act of duty but as a friend. Hy'Ruh-Ha is a what I consider a chronicle fantasy. It is a fantasy drama coming of age story inspired by slice-of-life stories I've read and watched. It is heavy on the slice-of-life and does move slow. It is low-stakes fantasy. This particular story is romance free.(2 out the of 4 is re-uploaded under this title) And if you are someone who cares, the POV character is asexual. Crossroad(formally labeled as the intermission stories)- is a novella collection continuing the tale where Hy'ruh-Ha. The collection as followed: Wolf- After spending several months in the swamp post, Oeric'Sheldmartin returns to repair the chasm between him and his son, Soletus. However, a ghost from his past comes to haunt him and could ruin the life he's made completely. Note: Wolf is a bit of a character piece. POV character is Oeric. The Priest and the Priestess- A novella written in the POV of Mien and then Kiao after a series of unexpected events that change their lives. Mien's POV- Mien has spent the last couple of years working not only in the infirmary but training to become a combat chanter as part of his penitence. Then one day, a drug addled elf comes into infirmary and changes his perspective of a friend and puts his knowledge to the tests to figure out a mystery effecting children in town. *Spoiler warning* Kiao's POV- Kiao spent most of her time in the infirmary living the same daily secret filled life and until Mien changed it. Now she has to figure out her future in ways she never thought she would. I'm going for a Tues and Thurs day schedule for the re-upload. I may or may not stick in extra days.
8 164